PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

py-crypto-hd-wallet 1.3.3 HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) wallet for cryptocurrencies based on bip_utils library 2024-03-06 23:01:20
securesystemslib 0.31.0 A library that provides cryptographic and general-purpose routines for Secure Systems Lab projects at NYU 2023-12-04 09:11:12
libecc 1.1.0 elliptic curves crypto functions 2023-10-08 21:59:43
crypto-licensing 3.3.2 The crypto-licensing module implements Ed25519-signed license checking and automatic issuance after cryptocurrency payment 2023-08-12 21:29:15
open-aea-bip-utils 2.7.2 Generation of mnemonics, seeds, private/public keys and addresses for different types of cryptocurrencies 2023-07-28 07:34:52
planetmint-cryptoconditions 1.2.1 Multi-algorithm, multi-level, multi-signature format for expressing conditions and fulfillments according to the Interledger Protocol (ILP). 2023-04-06 09:52:06
aiootp 0.22.0 aiootp - an asynchronous pseudo one-time pad based crypto and anonymity library. 2023-02-07 16:39:03
toyecc 0.0.8 Elliptic Curve Cryptography playground/toolkit written in pure Python 2022-12-05 08:21:23
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