PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

invenio-remote-user-data-kcworks 0.5.4b0 An extension to draw user data from remote sources into the Knowledge Commons Works InvenioRDM instance 2024-09-23 21:51:40
immunity-users 1.1.0 Provides basic multi-tenancy features for OpenWISP (using the Django web-framework) 2024-09-12 19:11:16
gdmty-django-users 24.5.5 Extension of Django's AbstractBaseUser for user management, using email as user. 2024-06-02 03:58:06
python-adjutant 8.0.0 An admin task workflow service for openstack. 2024-04-03 11:09:03
rest-framework-roles 1.0.5 Role-based permissions for Django REST Framework and vanilla Django. 2024-03-22 10:49:38
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