PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

clearml 1.15.1 ClearML - Auto-Magical Experiment Manager, Version Control, and MLOps for AI 2024-04-09 16:23:34
tensorrt-cu11-libs 10.0.0b6 TensorRT Libraries 2024-03-26 22:53:37
tensorrt-dispatch-cu11-libs 10.0.0b6 TensorRT Libraries 2024-03-26 22:51:36
tensorrt-cu11 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:49:21
tensorrt-dispatch-cu11-bindings 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:46:54
tensorrt-dispatch-cu11 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:44:04
tensorrt-lean-cu12-libs 10.0.0b6 TensorRT Libraries 2024-03-26 22:43:50
tensorrt-lean-cu12-bindings 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:43:28
tensorrt-cu12-bindings 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:37:39
tensorrt-dispatch-cu12-bindings 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:29:00
tensorrt-lean-cu11-bindings 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:25:16
tensorrt-cu11-bindings 10.0.0b6 A high performance deep learning inference library 2024-03-26 22:19:39
dipy 1.9.0 Diffusion MRI Imaging in Python 2024-03-08 22:14:36
clearml-session 0.13.0 clearml-session - CLI for launching JupyterLab / VSCode on a remote machine 2024-03-07 09:33:16
deepsurfer 0.1.1a4 Learning-Based Utilities for Neuroimage Analysis 2024-03-02 00:51:09
ArtificialVision 0.1.2 Artificial Vision Library 2024-02-25 08:28:08
torch-geometric-signed-directed 0.23.0 An Extension Library for PyTorch Geometric on signed and directed networks. 2024-02-06 16:37:13
apk 0.0.6 awesome perception kit 2024-01-19 10:50:34
mirdeepsquared 0.6.0 Filters out false positives from the novel section of the output from miRDeep2 2023-12-20 18:39:11
artnex 1.0.5 ArtNex is a deep learning framework exploring the innovative fusion of art and technology. 2023-12-18 13:24:41
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