PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

game-bot-helper 0.0.1 A Helper, that accelerates the process of creating a bot for a game 2024-01-03 11:25:49
lets-go 0.3.11 A simple Go game in terminal environment 2024-01-03 10:21:40
PyGine 0.0.20 A simple 2D game engine 2024-01-03 09:20:44
termtris 0.10.4 A Tetris game in character terminal environment 2024-01-02 12:31:34
wordle-pycli 0.0.3 Play Wordle Anywhere, Anytime - Unleash Your Vocabulary Adventure! 2023-12-31 21:51:40
rlay 0.0.1 A new Farama library 2023-12-30 17:25:03
save-scummer 0.1.0 A simple CLI utility to backup and restore game saves 2023-12-29 17:38:42
TermTetris 0.9.9 A Tetris game in character terminal environment 2023-12-22 02:03:41
UnityQuaternionPy 0.1.2 Immitation of UnityEngine.Quaternion in Python 2023-12-19 08:47:52
bionicblue 0.10.0 A bionic boy fights robots to protect humanity in this action platformer game 2023-12-11 19:53:31
tiny-tetris 0.0.0 Tiny tetris in the console 2023-12-11 13:50:04
boomgame 0.4.6 BOOM (MacOs shareware) remake with pygame 2023-12-10 21:01:28
chess-insight 0.3.4 Modern package for analyzing chess games. 2023-12-09 11:47:29
nicetictactoe 1.0.0 2023-12-05 11:39:31
sltools 0.2.2 S.T.A.L.K.E.R Localization Toolbox 2023-12-01 09:48:27
CharObj 0.2.1 A package for creating objects for a text-based RPG 2023-11-25 19:24:35
CharCore 0.0.4 A game engine. 2023-11-24 08:51:28
galsen-game-of-life 1.1 Game of life version galsen 2023-11-16 16:57:32
sprites 1.722 Python Sprites Module for make introductory animations and games and educational purpose。It mainly provides Sprite class inherited from Turtle class。Can be applied to the teaching of elementary mathematics。Pyhton的精灵模块,为教育目的而制作启蒙动画与游戏。主要提供继承自Turtle类的Sprite类,Key类,Mouse类等及一些工具函数,如洪水填充命令,几何相关命令。它支持像素级碰撞检测命令及增强的图章命令等等,也可应用于初等数学几何的教学。作者:李兴球。微信:scratch8,专业编程私教。网址: 2023-11-15 11:31:00
gsnake 0.0.1 Nokia 3310 snake game with colours 2023-11-13 18:53:35
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