PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

bert-score-flex-plot-example 0.3.16 An unofficial fork of PyTorch implementation of BERT score 2024-03-08 23:26:56
dfcx-scrapi 1.10.5 A high level scripting API for bot builders, developers, and maintainers. 2024-03-06 02:37:11
google-spacy-wrapper 0.0.3 Google Natural Language API Wrapper for Spacy 2024-03-05 21:38:50
python-snappy 0.7.1 Python library for the snappy compression library from Google 2024-02-28 18:32:20
pullkin 0.14.0 Subscribe to GCM/FCM and receive notifications like an android app 2024-02-26 15:50:42
tc-gcs 0.1.1 A simple Thumbor custom storage for Google Cloud Storage 2024-02-24 17:50:56
googleapiutils2 0.13.9 Wrapper for Google's Python API. 2024-02-24 04:16:57
cloud-storage-mocker 0.3.4 Mocker library of Google Cloud Storage with local filesystem mounting. 2024-02-21 09:13:06
Moogle 1.0.1 📦 Google Search API - Simple Python Package 2024-02-18 19:03:27
gspread-pandas 3.3.0 A package to easily open an instance of a Google spreadsheet and interact with worksheets through Pandas DataFrames. 2024-02-13 17:02:55
google-takeout-parser 0.1.9 Parses data out of your Google Takeout (History, Activity, Youtube, Locations, etc...) 2024-02-11 02:00:59
outscraper 5.1.0 Python bindings for the Outscraper API 2024-02-08 22:22:33
searchbible 0.0.94 Search Bible AI - Integrate Unique Bible App resources with AI tools 2024-02-05 12:30:15
fast-bert 2.0.24 AI Library using BERT 2024-01-30 11:19:09
syncall 1.8.5 Versatile bi-directional synchronization tool 2024-01-30 09:31:10
tsd2gspread 0.2.0 Time Series Data to Google Sheets 2024-01-28 05:15:49
garmin-daily 1.3.4 Aggregate data from Garmin Connect daily. 2024-01-25 05:33:49
glinkfix 1.2.1 Google Drive Link Fixer 2024-01-24 11:27:01
taiga-contrib-google-sso 1.0.2 The Taiga plugin for google authentication 2024-01-24 09:06:04
bard-webapi 0.2.4 Reverse-engineered async API for Google Bard inspired by Gemini 2024-01-21 11:24:02
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