PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

svgelements 1.9.6 Svg Elements Parsing 2023-08-17 02:01:51
cfgparser 1.0.8 Python package that allows to parse typed configs defined by python dataclasses 2023-08-15 03:01:44
query-strings-parser 0.1.4 2023-08-11 19:57:26
parse-ebnf 1.0.2 A parse tree generator for extended Backus-Naur form. 2023-08-11 17:43:58
whatstk 0.6.2 Parser and analytics tools for WhatsApp group chats 2023-08-10 10:49:17
jsonomy 0.0.3 Basic JSON parser, that converts APIs JSON output to be more pythonic, including camel case to snake case conversion, and converting timestamps to datetime objects. 2023-08-10 08:59:57
TelegramContract2vCard 1.0.0 make telegram contacts.html or result.json to vCard automatically 2023-08-07 12:01:21
markdown-it-pyrs 0.3.0 A Python interface for, using Rust for blazingly fast Markdown parsing ⚡️ 2023-08-04 12:48:08
rdfreader 1.0.2 Read the full contents of CTAB .rdf files in python. Captures RXN and MOL record using RDKit and reads additional data fields (including solvents/catalysts/agents). 2023-08-03 09:13:46
construct-typing 0.6.2 Extension for the python package 'construct' that adds typing features 2023-08-03 07:31:06
commandparse 1.1.2 CLI application commands parser 2023-07-30 18:17:30
fastgedcom 1.0.0 A lightweight tool to parse, browse and edit gedcom files. 2023-07-28 18:57:19
sxpyr 0.0.4 A flexible Lisp reader. 2023-07-27 23:29:19
markdown-worker 0.0.2 A simple markdown parsing package. 2023-07-27 06:11:00
sportgems 0.8.0 Find valuable gems 💎 in your tracked sport 🚴 activity! 2023-07-26 20:22:57
keyvalues3 0.1 Read and write Valve's KeyValues3 format 2023-07-26 07:49:39
yargy 0.16.0 Rule-based facts extraction for Russian language 2023-07-24 09:57:23
construct-editor 0.1.5 GUI (based on wxPython) for 'construct', which is a powerful declarative and symmetrical parser and builder for binary data. 2023-07-24 09:22:56
lark-cython 0.0.15 A Lark plugin that optimizes LALR parsing using Cython 2023-07-21 16:40:41
spacy-token-parser 0.1.16 Use spaCy to Parse Input Tokens 2023-07-15 05:37:42
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