PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

volcengine 1.0.137 The Volcengine SDK for Python 2024-04-18 12:16:01
hectiq-console 1.2.1 Python client to use the Hectiq Console 2024-04-17 13:24:47
simplebox 0.0.1a195 简易工具箱。 2024-04-16 16:23:32
pip-check-updates 0.27.0 A tool to upgrade dependencies to the latest versions 2024-04-16 15:43:32
lddya 4.1.1 修复map的随机地图数据类型为float,应当为int。 2024-04-16 13:28:28
garbevents 2.1.7 grabbing buried points tools. 2024-04-16 09:48:07
torchfunction 0.0.77 This package is based on pytorch and try to provide a more user-friendly interface for pytorch. 2024-04-16 02:09:25
tailer-sdk 1.3.18 Tailer SDK Python Package 2024-04-15 06:43:11
TDhelper 2.7.6 reconsitution web.permissionHelper cls. 2024-04-05 17:01:05
requirements-parser 0.9.0 This is a small Python module for parsing Pip requirement files. 2024-04-03 10:27:52
pipkin 2.1b1 Tool for installing packages for MicroPython and CircuitPython 2024-03-31 15:35:36
xpip.mirror 0.2.1 pip mirror management 2024-03-31 06:18:55
pycamia 1.0.39 The main package and a background support of project PyCAMIA. 2024-03-31 02:00:19
pyoverload 2.0.1 'pyoverload' overloads the functions by simply using typehints and adding decorator '@overload'. 2024-03-31 02:00:17
batorch 1.0.53 'batorch' is an extension of package torch, for tensors with batch dimensions. 2024-03-31 02:00:15
micomputing 1.1.47 'micomputing' is a package for medical image computing. 2024-03-31 02:00:14
pipxx 1.10 Wrapper for pipx to add some minor functionality 2024-03-29 05:48:02
pip-licenses 4.4.0 Dump the software license list of Python packages installed with pip. 2024-03-28 15:21:44
pkgbox 0.4.5 Frequently Used Packages for Analytics 2024-03-20 13:09:54
orch-serv 0.1.7 Library for fast build service and interaction management 2024-03-19 09:54:25
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