PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pyzelda 1.3 Zernike wavefront sensor analysis and simulation tools 2024-11-19 20:56:16
sentenai Client library for Sentenai 2024-10-01 02:34:30
mh-z19 3.1.6 mh-z19 CO2 concentration sensor library for All models of Raspberry Pi 2024-08-29 09:48:29
apicast 0.9.0 Python client and HTTP service to access bee flight forecast information published by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the federal meteorological service in Germany. 2024-03-31 16:03:25
netipmi 0.2.1 IPMI energy measuments tool 2024-03-14 05:36:46
adafruit-circuitpython-veml7700 2.0.0 CircuitPython driver for VEML7700 high precision I2C ambient light sensor. 2024-02-26 20:48:13
ConsentiumThings 0.2 Python API for uploading data to Consentium IoT cloud 2024-02-25 07:30:11
adafruit-circuitpython-us100 1.1.17 CircuitPython library for reading distance and temperature via US-100 ultra-sonic sensor. 2024-02-08 22:58:37
prtg-sensor 1.0.1 Simple data generator for advanced PRTG sensors 2024-01-30 21:48:36
hx711-rpi-py 1.65.0 Python bindings for Raspberry Pi HX711 C++ Library 2024-01-21 12:31:25
epion 0.0.2 A python API wrapper for Epion Air senor data 2024-01-09 10:24:15
adafruit-circuitpython-veml6070 3.1.19 CircuitPython library for VEML6070 UV Index Sensor Breakout. 2023-12-09 17:36:47
adafruit-circuitpython-veml6075 1.1.17 CircuitPython library for interfacing with VEML6075 UV sensor 2023-12-09 17:36:43
adafruit-circuitpython-vcnl4010 0.11.10 CircuitPython library for VCNL4010 proximity and light sensor. 2023-12-09 17:36:34
adafruit-circuitpython-tsl2591 1.3.12 CircuitPython library for TSL2591 high precision light sensor. 2023-12-09 17:36:24
adafruit-circuitpython-tsl2561 3.3.18 CircuitPython library for TSL2561 Light Sensor. 2023-12-09 17:36:15
adafruit-circuitpython-tlv493d 2.0.4 CircuitPython helper library for the TLV493D 3-axis magnetometer 2023-12-09 17:35:46
adafruit-circuitpython-tfmini 1.2.18 A CircuitPython/Python library for Benewake`s TF mini distance sensor 2023-12-09 17:35:30
adafruit-circuitpython-tcs34725 3.3.20 CircuitPython library for TCS34725 color sensor. 2023-12-09 17:35:27
adafruit-circuitpython-sht31d 2.3.24 CircuitPython library for SHT31-D temperature and humidity sensor. 2023-12-09 17:34:05
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