PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

magnetocaloric 1.7.1 Effective Approach To Calculate Magnetocaloric Effect Of Any Magnetic Material Using Python 2024-02-21 03:30:11
aliyun-python-sdk-das 2.0.36 The das module of Aliyun Python sdk. 2023-10-12 08:16:57
dastools 0.9 dastools: Tools to work with data generated by DAS systems 2023-09-28 12:21:03
antchain-das 1.1.58 Ant Chain DAS SDK Library for Python 2023-07-12 02:55:43
lightguide 0.4.0 Tools for distributed acoustic sensing and modelling. 2023-04-14 11:47:45
linmapper 0.0.9 linmapper is a Python package that allows users to transform vertices of complex numbers from one plane (Z) to another plane (f(Z)). 2023-03-10 15:58:51
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