PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

django-diary 4.2.11 A pluggable diary app for use in the Django framework. 2024-04-07 13:25:23
dob-viewer 1.2.8 journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal 2023-12-29 00:49:04
dob-prompt 1.1.10 journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal 2023-12-29 00:41:07
dob-bright 1.2.11 journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal 2023-12-29 00:30:04
nark 3.2.8 Back end framework for journaling and time tracking apps (like `dob`!) 2023-12-29 00:17:55
RighiDiary 1.0 Obtaining data from the electronic diary of the lyceum "Liceo Scientifico A. Righi" 2023-12-08 18:44:00
kaydet 0.8.6 Simple and terminal-based personal diary app designed to help you preserve your daily thoughts, experiences, and memories. 2023-08-15 10:38:10
diarycli 0.2.0 A CLI program that help creates diary and organize them 2023-01-30 05:02:35
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