PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

primitiveDB 0.0.2 An easy-to-use databasing library 2023-01-03 23:16:41
saga-api 0.0.1 2023-01-02 17:34:00
alcherializer 0.5.0 Django like model serializer 2022-12-20 15:32:00
dependency-injector 4.41.0 Dependency injection framework for Python 2022-12-19 06:54:18
Flask-Lan 0.1.12 Modernized Flask API builder with schema validator and OpenAPI 2022-12-16 15:13:26
settings-collector 1.2.1 Package for collecting settings from various sources 2022-12-15 20:45:29
flask-github-signature 0.1.1 A Flask view decorator to verify Github's webhook signatures 2022-12-14 10:51:35
types-smorest 1.1.2 Type Stubs for flask-smorest 2022-12-13 11:42:31
flask-fs-router 1.1.3 Straightforward file-based routing extension for Flask. Introduces the concepts of pages to Flask. 2022-12-12 13:32:55
flask-dingding 0.0.1 An Util for python packaging. 2022-12-12 10:25:37
flaskapi-prisma 0.0.1 A self documented, schema driven Flask Rest Framework 2022-12-11 06:25:17
eve-sqlalchemy-3.10 0.7.2.dev0 REST API framework powered by Eve, SQLAlchemy and good intentions. 2022-12-07 15:59:01
gcm-common 0.2.0 GCM common package 2022-12-05 09:28:56
flask-filealchemy 0.8.0 YAML-formatted plain-text file based models for Flask backed by Flask-SQLAlchemy 2022-12-04 09:39:27
sqlalchemy-filters-plus 1.1.5 SQLAlchemy filters made easy 2022-12-03 15:45:54
baitoolkit 0.6.1 Core development tools for web & AI application. 2022-12-03 09:19:02
flaskez 0.2.0 Flaskez is a multipurpose flask extension. It exists both to make creating websites easier, but also to add extra functionality to flask. 2022-12-01 16:00:53
PyLTI1p3 2.0.0 LTI 1.3 Advantage Tool implementation in Python 2022-11-20 23:53:22
flask-apispec 0.11.4 Build and document REST APIs with Flask and apispec 2022-08-11 23:31:48
flask-gae-static 1.0 Flask extension that serves static file handlers in Google App Engine app.yaml files 2022-08-09 15:11:35
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