PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

tropycal 1.2.1 Package for retrieving and analyzing tropical cyclone data 2023-09-07 21:01:59
MetObs-GUI 0.0.1a0 A GUI for the MetObs-toolkit 2023-09-06 11:43:38
MetObs-toolkit 0.1.2 A Meteorological observations toolkit for scientists 2023-09-05 11:46:33
climetlab-wekeo-source 0.0.1 WEkEO external source plugin 2023-08-24 12:33:01
goes2go 2023.8.0 Retrieve GOES-16/17 data from AWS. Also proves some RGB recipes. 2023-08-23 05:22:31
pandas-rose 2023.8.0 A simple Pandas accessor to make windrose plots. 2023-08-03 14:22:40
hurdat2parser Interpret Hurricane Data contained in HURDAT2 2023-07-22 15:14:36
wam2layers 3.0.0b5 Atmospheric moisture tracking model 2023-07-21 14:40:30
skinnywms 0.10.0 A light WMS server to visualise your NetCDf and Grib data 2023-06-29 12:59:53
miranda 0.5.0 Python utilities for climate data collection, conversion, and management 2023-06-19 15:19:48
qgs 0.2.8 A 2-layer quasi-geostrophic atmospheric model in Python. Can be coupled to a simple land or shallow-water ocean component. 2023-06-17 10:26:32
tephi 0.3.0 Tephigram plotting in Python 2023-06-15 14:55:27
fypy 1.0.0 fypy Library for FENGYUN Satellite 2023-06-01 01:38:47
pyaemet 1.1.0 Python module to interact with the AEMET API to download meteorological data 2023-04-27 20:11:55
cf-units 3.2.0 Units of measure as required by the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions 2023-04-17 15:23:23
himawari-api 0.0.2 Python API for downloading and searching Himawari satellite data on local and cloud storage. 2023-03-31 08:07:35
goes-api 0.1.3 Python API for downloading and searching GOES-16/17 satellite data on local and cloud storage. 2023-03-31 07:46:42
SynopticPy 2023.3.0 Load mesonet weather and environmental data from the Synoptic API into a Pandas Dataframe. 2023-03-29 15:33:13
metyanc 0.1.4 Yet another NetCDF checker 2023-02-08 11:14:19
climetlab-google-drive-source 0.1.5 A source plugin for climetlab for the source google-drive 2023-01-23 15:14:28
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