PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

ProgramExecutableAnalyzer 1.1.0 This script analyzes MZ-PE (MS-DOS) executable. 2024-05-23 14:31:52
lief 0.14.1 Library to instrument executable formats 2024-02-11 20:01:43
bintropy 1.5.7 Analysis tool for estimating the likelihood that a binary contains compressed or encrypted bytes 2024-02-05 08:48:04
pypackerdetect 1.1.2 Re-implementation and packaging of PyPackerDetect 2024-01-20 20:31:25
asimov 0.5.6 A Python package for managing and interacting with data analysis jobs. 2024-01-19 14:21:08
pycoff 1.0.1 COFF(ELF on Linux, PE on Windows) parser 2023-09-20 04:54:16
pefile 2023.2.7 Python PE parsing module 2023-02-07 12:23:55
SignFinder 2.0.2 Antivirus evasion toolkit 2023-01-10 19:44:44
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