PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

aiokeitaro 0.0.3 Unofficial Asynchronous Keitaro Admin API client 2024-04-23 10:38:34
bark-detection 0.1.2 Package for bark detection in audio file 2024-04-23 09:24:44
bribrain 1.0.4 Standard code for Dept BRIBrain 2024-04-23 09:00:39
memento-scorecard 2.0.3 Scorecard development with Python 2024-04-23 07:53:24
illuminatapp 1.5.0 Illuminat: Revolutionizing Education through Personalization 2024-04-23 06:10:45
tradingview-indicators An accurate calculation of technical analysis indicators with values aligning with those in TradingView. 2024-04-23 02:49:32
domolibrary 4.0.30 None 2024-04-22 23:50:50
brightspacepyclient 0.0.1 Python API Client for BrightSpace 2024-04-22 23:36:28
passwork 0.0.2 Passwork connector 2024-04-22 23:19:22
domolibrary-execution 0.0.5 None 2024-04-22 23:17:20
domolibrary-extensions 0.0.35 integrate google docs with github 2024-04-22 21:45:43
collective.listmonk 1.0.0a6 A Listmonk newsletter integration for Plone. 2024-04-22 20:49:59
atai 0.0.3 Atomic AI – An attempt at a minimalist, flexible deep learning framework for diverse models. 2024-04-22 20:22:28
so-ml-tools 0.1.211 Utilities library for TensorFlow 2024-04-22 19:50:19
minebannerlib 0.0.3 Lib for create minecraft banner image 2024-04-22 18:54:50
wipac-rest-tools 1.7.2 REST tools in python - common code for client and server 2024-04-22 18:29:53
g4f The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models 2024-04-22 18:09:14
wraps 0.10.0 Meaningful and safe wrapping types. 2024-04-22 17:47:45
vjer 34.2.0 Vjer CI/CD module. 2024-04-22 17:36:27
skleanr 1.1.1 Helps users code efficently 2024-04-22 16:24:44
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