PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

openflex 0.1.4 Framework for Logic Synthesis and EXploration 2024-03-24 05:02:05
slvcodec 0.4.18 Utilities for generating VHDL to convert to and from std_logic_vector, as well as utilties to create testbenches described by python. 2024-02-27 18:25:50
magia-hdl 0.5.0 Magia generates Synthesizable SystemVerilog in pythonic syntax 2024-02-20 20:35:45
magia-ip 0.0.1 IP libraries designed with Magia 2024-02-18 21:21:15
rtlpy 1.0.3 A Library of Python Utilities for RTL Design 2024-02-15 18:19:25
cocotb-vivado 0.0.3 Limited cocotb/Python interface for Xilinx Vivado Simulator 2024-02-12 10:28:27
wal-lang 0.8.0 Wal - Wavefile Analysis Language 2024-01-29 17:06:21
syn-magia 0.3.0 Magia generates Synthesizable SystemVerilog in pythonic syntax 2024-01-06 20:57:03
edalize 0.5.4 Library for interfacing EDA tools such as simulators, linters or synthesis tools, using a common interface 2023-12-11 11:49:52
pyucis PyUCIS provides a Python API for manipulating UCIS coverage data. 2023-12-11 02:43:32
zuspec Co-specification of hardware, software, design, and test behavior 2023-11-16 01:40:00
zuspec-dataclasses Front-end for capturing Action Relation Level models using dataclasses 2023-11-03 03:50:05
risktools Python implementation of the R package RTL 2023-10-23 03:35:05
zuspec-be-sw Backend library to generate software output 2023-10-13 03:38:09
dovado-rtl 0.10.11 RTL Design Space Exploration on top of Vivado 2023-04-28 08:23:25
fusesoc 2.2.1 FuseSoC is a package manager and a set of build tools for HDL (Hardware Description Language) code. 2023-04-24 13:27:02
uvm-python 0.3.0 uvm-python UVM implementation in Python on top of cocotb 2023-03-29 17:07:48
physical2logical 2.3.1 Convert CSS physical properties to logical 2023-01-21 11:39:49
libarl Core ARL model evaluator library 2022-12-06 02:24:00
libvsc Core Verification Stimulus and Coverage library 2022-12-04 21:50:55
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