PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pokemon-stats 0.1 Librería para proyecto final sobre stats de Pokémon 2023-09-15 18:14:28
nba-apiv3 0.1.1 An API Client package to access the APIs version 3 for 2023-09-15 14:22:17
supapi 0.1.7 The supapi Python module is a versatile and powerful tool designed to simplify the process of retrieving comprehensive data about players, clans, cards, tournaments, clubs, and brawlers from three popular mobile games: Clash of Clans (CoC), Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars. This module is your all-in-one solution for accessing and analyzing game-related information, making it an invaluable resource for developers, gamers, and data enthusiasts alike. 2023-09-15 12:48:04
pypistats 1.5.0 Python interface to PyPI Stats API 2023-08-23 18:39:12
itscalledsoccer 1.1.0 Programmatically interact with the American Soccer Analysis API 2023-08-22 02:41:09
pw-stats 2.0.1 validation of passwords and their statistics in python, modern, async and cached rewrite of 2023-08-16 16:44:32
procstat 0.0.8 Tool to count runtime metrics 2023-08-11 07:24:35
scrapypi 0.0.8 Get PyPi Package information. 2023-07-24 01:22:59
czapi 0.2.0 CurlingZone scraper API. 2023-06-23 03:57:43
youtbe 1.0.1 Package to Scrap Stats from Youtube Video 2023-06-20 18:44:05
nba-api 1.2.1 An API Client package to access the APIs for 2023-06-13 13:58:21
pro-sports-transactions 1.0.0 A Python Library for Consuming Transactions from Pro Sports Transactions ( 2023-05-22 13:50:59
torchinfo 1.8.0 Model summary in PyTorch, based off of the original torchsummary. 2023-05-14 19:23:26
pipuserstats 0.10 PyPi download statistics for several packages or for all packages from a user 2023-04-21 04:20:09
circuitpython-uhistogram 0.1.1 CircuitPython library to calculate and graph histograms 2023-03-10 13:32:37
fast-stats 1.3.2 A fast and simple library for calculating basic statistics 2023-01-28 16:34:50
csgotracker 0.0.3 A basic tracker for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive stats 2023-01-18 21:27:54
conjugate-prior 0.71 Bayesian Statistics conjugate prior distributions 2023-01-16 12:08:48
datanerd 0.5 Contains multiple functions, stats() and iv_woe(), stats() function takes the dataframe and returns statistics i.e count, percentiles, unique_values etc and iv_woe() function is used to calculate the Weight of Evidence (woe) and Information Value (iv) for a dataframe 2023-01-08 03:52:28
pr-stats 0.0.3 This module brings different stats about pull requests using GitHub API. 2023-01-06 09:55:15
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