PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

Strings-OC 1.0.1 Generic functions for dealing with and generating strings 2023-07-16 11:52:52
string-py 0.1.3 Utils for strings in python 2023-06-03 22:53:47
strings2df 0.10 Results of strings.exe to pandas DataFrame 2023-05-18 01:24:24
sqlstrings 0.1.4 Generates SQL query strings in multiple dialects. 2023-04-20 11:41:04
mobile-strings-converter 0.1.1 A Python package that converts Android & iOS strings files to any supported file type. 2023-03-19 12:35:35
xcodelocalize 1.0.1 Tool for automatic search and localization of .strings files 2023-02-04 04:50:27
dynabyte 2.2.1 Byte manipulation module for files and arrays 2023-01-20 01:46:47
flake8-rst-docstrings 0.3.0 Python docstring reStructuredText (RST) validator for flake8 2022-11-16 10:34:01
unify 0.5 Modifies strings to all use the same (single/double) quote where possible. 2019-08-07 13:46:09
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