PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

qsofinstr 0.0.1 The test version of the quantum circuit transpiler for QSoF 2024-03-05 12:29:33
hissp 0.4.0 It's Python with a Lissp. 2023-06-26 03:51:49
Transcrypt 3.9.1 Python to JavaScript transpiler, supporting multiple inheritance and generating lean, highly readable code 2023-04-23 05:37:55
tagstr 0.2.1 Tagged template literals for Python 2023-04-22 23:02:38
rbql 0.27.0 Rainbow Query Language 2022-12-03 00:42:23
pscript 0.7.7 Python to JavaScript compiler. 2022-01-10 10:55:02
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