PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

aksharamukha 2.2.2 Provides script conversion (a.k.a transliteration) between various scripts 2024-05-12 16:33:36
unicodecheck 1.2.1 Check if Unicode text files are Unicode-normalized 2024-04-27 17:41:27
unidata-blocks 0.0.10 A library that helps query unicode blocks by Blocks.txt. 2024-04-17 07:45:10
decancer-py 0.4.0 Python bindings for decancer. 2024-03-13 00:30:15
python-fontbro 0.21.0 friendly font operations on top of fontTools. 2024-03-07 00:52:07
coconut 3.1.0 Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming. 2024-03-02 09:18:28
jinja2utils 0.1.1 Collection of utils for jinja2 2024-02-26 12:56:25
periodic-table-cli 2.1.1 An interactive Periodic Table of Elements app for the console! 2024-02-25 17:29:15
holms 1.4.2 Text to Unicode code points breakdown 2024-02-23 16:47:05
print-cuneiform 0.5.0 A small package for printing numbers as cuneiform 2024-02-14 17:40:19
uniseg 0.8.0 Determine Unicode text segmentations. 2024-02-10 08:31:20
fpdf2 2.7.8 Simple & fast PDF generation for Python 2024-02-10 04:30:47
uc-micro-py 1.0.3 Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py projects. 2024-02-09 16:52:01
unicode-rbnf 1.1.0 Rule-based number formatting using Unicode CLDR data 2024-02-06 16:36:47
pudzu 0.9.4 Various dataviz-oriented utilities 2024-02-06 13:10:55
confusable-homoglyphs 3.3.1 Detect confusable usage of unicode homoglyphs, prevent homograph attacks. 2024-01-30 10:10:27
tcod 16.2.2 The official Python port of libtcod. 2024-01-16 07:10:12
demicode 1.3.0 Fixed-width display of Unicode is deeply broken 2024-01-07 22:27:00
ucs-detect 1.0.7 Detects Unicode support of an interactive terminal 2024-01-06 21:22:45
qrstu 0.3.1 Q – Rainer Schwarzbach’s Text Utilities 2023-11-27 08:19:19
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