PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pyhaversion 23.1.0 Get the latest Home Assistant version from various sources. 2023-01-28 16:30:43
lastfmtagupdater 3.1.0 Update your music files with tags from Last.FM 2022-12-21 14:03:31
csvplus 0.0.2 Create, Read, Update, Delete, and Move Rows in a CSV File 2022-12-19 03:53:49
uapp 1.2.3 This program tries to update all installed packages through pip. 2022-12-01 22:01:30
pipupgrade 1.12.0 UPGRADE ALL THE PIP PACKAGES! 2022-02-16 20:49:22
PyUpdater 4.0 Python Auto Update Library for Pyinstaller 2021-04-19 01:57:11
dirsync 2.2.5 Advanced directory tree synchronisation tool 2020-07-31 23:21:46
update 0.0.1 2017-11-13 21:12:53
Elapsed time: 3.37374s