
Namechrov JSON
Version 0.0.2 PyPI version JSON
upload_time2024-02-12 00:25:11
authorRohan Dandage
requires_python>=3.7, <4
licenseGeneral Public License v. 3
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <!-- PROJECT SHIELDS -->
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  <h1 align="center">chrov</h1>
  <p align="center">
    Chromosome Visualization library in python.
    <br />
    <a href="">Examples</a>
    <a href="">Explore the API</a>


# Examples  

[🏷️Annotations on chromosomes](  
[🧬Visualization of genome, set of chromosomes, a chromosome and an arm](  
[🔥🗺️Visualization of heatmaps along chromosome arm](  
[🔌Integration of custom plots e.g. made using seaborn](  
[📈🍭Integration of basic plots e.g. stem/lollipop plot ](  
[↔️↔️Visualization of intervals/ranges/segments along a chromosome arm](  
# Installation
pip install chrov              # with basic dependencies  
With additional dependencies as required:
pip install chrov[dev]         # for local testing

# How to cite?  
1. Using BibTeX:   
  title   = {chrov: Chromosome Visualization library in python},
  author  = {Dandage, Rohan},
  year    = {2023},
  url     = {},
  version = {v0.0.1},
  note    = {The URL is a DOI link to the permanent archive of the software.},
2. DOI link: [![DOI](](, or  

3. Using citation information from [CITATION.CFF file](  

# Future directions, for which contributions are welcome:  
- [ ] Set subplot sizes by default: automate setting off and offy.
- [ ] Compatibility of seaborn plots with polar layout.
- [ ] Layering the interval vizualizations on the polar layout.
- [ ] Connection styles.
- [ ] Other features and improvements.

# Similar projects:

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<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.annot`


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `annot_labels`

    ax_chrom: Axes,
    data: DataFrame,
    colx: str,
    chrom_y: float,
    col_label: str,
    loc: str = 'out',
    col_start: str = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    coly: str = None,
    col_labelx: str = 'label x',
    color: str = 'darkgray',
    yoff_scales: float = None,
    off_labels_segments: float = 20,
    scale_polar: float = 1.5,
    fig: Figure = None,
    test: bool = False
) → Axes

Annot labels e.g. gene names 

 - <b>`ax_chrom`</b> (plt.Axes):  subplot with the chromosome plot 
 - <b>`col_label`</b> (str):  column with the labels 
 - <b>`loc`</b> (str, optional):  locations. Defaults to 'out'. 
 - <b>`color`</b> (str, optional):  color. Defaults to 'darkgray'. 
 - <b>`yoff_scales`</b> (float, optional):  y offset. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`off_labels_segments`</b> (float, optional):  offset for the label segments. Defaults to 20. 
 - <b>`scale_polar`</b> (float, optional):  scale for the polar plot. Defaults to 1.5. 
 - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. 

 - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `show_segments`

    ax: Axes,
    y: float,
    offy: float,
    kind: str = 'arrows',
    segments: dict = None,
    segments_kws: dict = {},
    offytext: float = 0.2,
    arrow_kws: dict = {'color': 'k', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 1, 'arrowstyle': '<->'},
    test: bool = False,
) → Axes

Show segments aligned to chromosome arm. 

 - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes):  subplot 
 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data 
 - <b>`size`</b> (int):  size of the segments 

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<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.chrom`
Chromosome plots 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `to_polar`

    a: list,
    range1: list = None,
    range2: list = None,
    interval: int = None
) → list

To polar coordinates 

 - <b>`a`</b> (list):  Coordinates 
 - <b>`range1`</b> (list, optional):  range1. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`range2`</b> (list, optional):  range2. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`interval`</b> (int, optional):  interval size. Defaults to None. 

 - <b>`ValueError`</b>:  Coordinates format 

 - <b>`list`</b>:  rescaled coordinates 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_arm`

    data: DataFrame,
    arc: bool = False,
    col_start: str = 'start',
    col_end: str = 'end',
    y: float = 0,
    lw: float = 10,
    ec: str = 'k',
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    polar_smoothness_scale: float = 1,
    kws_pre_xys: dict = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    test: bool = False,
) → Axes

Plot chromosome arm. 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input table. 
 - <b>`y`</b> (float, optional):  y position. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`lw`</b> (float, optional):  line width. Defaults to 20. 
 - <b>`ec`</b> (str, optional):  edge color. Defaults to 'k'. 
 - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. 

 - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_chrom`

    data: DataFrame,
    arc: bool = False,
    col_start: str = 'start',
    col_end: str = 'end',
    col_arm: str = 'arm',
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    figsize: list = None,
) → Axes

Plot a chromosome 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  cytobands 
 - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar mode. Defaults to False. 
 - <b>`col_start`</b> (str, optional):  column with start positions. Defaults to 'start'. 
 - <b>`col_end`</b> (str, optional):  column with end positions. Defaults to 'end'. 
 - <b>`col_arm`</b> (str, optional):  column with arm names. Defaults to 'arm'. 
 - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. 
 - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  sigure size. Defaults to None. 

 - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_chroms`

    data: DataFrame,
    chromosomes: list = None,
    span_color: str = '#dcdcdc',
    span_color_alpha_scale: float = 1,
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    show_labels: bool = True,
    show_vline: bool = True,
    label_y: str = None,
    test: bool = False,
    ax: Axes = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    out_data: bool = False,

Plot chromosomes joined. 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  cytonbands 
 - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar mode. Defaults to True. 
 - <b>`chromosomes`</b> (list, optional):  chromosomes. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`col_start`</b> (str, optional):  column with start position. Defaults to 'start'. 
 - <b>`col_end`</b> (str, optional):  column with end position. Defaults to 'end'. 
 - <b>`col_arm`</b> (str, optional):  column with chromosome arm names. Defaults to 'arm'. 
 - <b>`span_color`</b> (str, optional):  span color. Defaults to 'whitesmoke'. 
 - <b>`span_color_alpha_scale`</b> (float, optional):  span color transparency scale. Defaults to 1. 
 - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. 
 - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start angle. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end angle. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`show_labels`</b> (bool, optional):  show labels. Defaults to True. 
 - <b>`show_vline`</b> (bool, optional):  show vertical line. Defaults to True. 
 - <b>`label_y`</b> (str, optional):  label y. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. 
 - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  figure size. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`out_data`</b> (bool, optional):  output data. Defaults to False. 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `annot_chroms`

    data: DataFrame,
    chromosomes: list,
    ax_chrom: Axes = None,
    chrom_y: float = 0,
    kws_add_ax: dict = {},
    test: bool = False,
) → Axes

Add a subplot with the chromosome. 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  table with cytobands 
 - <b>`chromosomes`</b> (list):  chromosomes 
 - <b>`ax_chrom`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot with chromosome plot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`chrom_y`</b> (float, optional):  chromosome y-position. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`kws_add_ax`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters provided to `_add_ax`. Defaults to {}. 
 - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test mode. Defaults to False. 

 - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot 

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<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.figure`


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_with_chroms`

    data: DataFrame,
    cytobands: DataFrame,
    kind: str,
    colx: str,
    coly: str,
    col_label: str,
    va: str,
    col_start: str = None,
    xkind: str = 'loci',
    coffy: str = None,
    off: float = None,
    offy: float = None,
    chrom_y: float = 0,
    arc: bool = True,
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    fig: Figure = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    ax_data: Axes = None,
    kws_seaborn: dict = {},
    kws_annot_chroms: dict = {},
    kws_annot_labels: dict = {},
    test: bool = False
) → Figure

Plot with chromosomes. 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input table 
 - <b>`cytobands`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  cytobands 
 - <b>`kind`</b> (str):  kind of plot 
 - <b>`colx`</b> (str):  column with x values 
 - <b>`coly`</b> (str):  column with y values 
 - <b>`col_label`</b> (str):  column with labels 
 - <b>`va`</b> (str):  vertical alignment 
 - <b>`col_start`</b> (str, optional):  column with start positions. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`xkind`</b> (str, optional):  kind of x values. Defaults to 'loci'. 
 - <b>`off`</b> (float, optional):  offset scale of the chromosome plot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`offy`</b> (float, optional):  offset y of the chromosome plot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`chrom_y`</b> (float, optional):  chromosome y-position. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar plot or linear/rectangular one. Defaults to True. 
 - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. 
 - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  figure size. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`ax_data`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot with the data plot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`kws_seaborn`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters to seaborn plot. Defaults to {}. 
 - <b>`kws_annot_chroms`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters to the chromosome plot. Defaults to {}. 
 - <b>`kws_annot_labels`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters to the annotations of the labels. Defaults to {}. 
 - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test mode. Defaults to False. 

 - <b>`plt.Figure`</b>:  figure 

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<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz`

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<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.plot`


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_seaborn`

    data: DataFrame,
    kind: str,
    colx: str,
    coly: str,
    range1_chroms: list,
    arc: bool = True,
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    fig: Figure = None,
) → tuple

plot_seaborn _summary_ 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data 
 - <b>`kind`</b> (str):  kind of plot, seaborn function name 
 - <b>`coly`</b> (str):  column with y values 
 - <b>`range1_chroms`</b> (list):  input range of chromosomes 
 - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar or linear/rectangular plots. Defaults to True. 
 - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. 
 - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start position. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end position. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  figure size. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. 

 - <b>`tuple`</b>:  subplot and data 

TODOs: 1. set rlabel position. 


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `heatmaps_strips`

    data: DataFrame,
    strips_kws: dict,
    fig: Figure = None,
    axs: list = None,
    kws_subplots: list = {}
) → tuple

Plot heatmap strips 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data 
 - <b>`strips_kws`</b> (dict):  keyword arguments provided to strips 
 - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`axs`</b> (list, optional):  subplots. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`kws_subplots`</b> (list, optional):  keyword arguments provided to subplots. Defaults to {}. 

 - <b>`tuple`</b>:  figure and subplots 

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<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.ranges`


<a href=""><img align="right" style="float:right;" src=""></a>

### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_ranges`

    data: DataFrame,
    col_id: str,
    col_start: str,
    col_end: str,
    end: int,
    start: int = 0,
    hue: str = None,
    cytobands: dict = None,
    cytobands_y: float = None,
    col_groupby: str = None,
    col_sortby: str = None,
    col_label: str = None,
    colors: dict = None,
    lw: int = 10,
    zorders: dict = None,
    show_segments: bool = False,
    xtick_interval: float = None,
    test: bool = False,
    ax: Axes = None
) → Axes

Plot ranges. 

 - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data. 
 - <b>`col_id`</b> (str):  column with ids. 
 - <b>`col_start`</b> (str):  column with start co-ordinates. 
 - <b>`col_end`</b> (str):  column with end co-ordinates. 
 - <b>`end`</b> (int):  end position for the plot 
 - <b>`start`</b> (int, optional):  start position for the plot. Defaults to 0. 
 - <b>`hue`</b> (str, optional):  column with color. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`y`</b> (_type_, optional):  column with y positions. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`cytobands`</b> (dict, optional):  cytobands to plot the chromosomes. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`cytobands_y`</b> (float, optional):  cytobands y-position. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`col_groupby`</b> (str, optional):  column to group by. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`col_sortby`</b> (str, optional):  column to sort by. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`col_label`</b> (str, optional):  column with labels. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`colors`</b> (dict, optional):  colors. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`lw`</b> (int, optional):  line width. Defaults to 10. 
 - <b>`zorders`</b> (dict, optional):  z-orders. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`show_segments`</b> (bool, optional):  show segments. Defaults to False. 
 - <b>`xtick_interval`</b> (float, optional):  x tick intervals. Defaults to None. 
 - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. 
 - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. 

 - <b>`ValueError`</b>:  if kind is not 'split','separate' or 'joined' 

 - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot 


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "chrov",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7, <4",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Rohan Dandage",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<!-- PROJECT SHIELDS -->\n<div align=\"center\">\n  \n<!-- [![Contributors][contributors-shield]][contributors-url]\n[![Forks][forks-shield]][forks-url]\n[![Stargazers][stars-shield]][stars-url] -->\n<a href=\"\">[![PyPI](![Python](](</a>\n<a href=\"\">[![build](](</a>\n<a href=\"\">[![Issues](](</a>\n<br />\n<a href=\"\">[![Downloads](](</a>\n<a href=\"\">[![GNU License](](</a>\n</div>\n  \n<!-- PROJECT LOGO -->\n<div align=\"center\">\n  <img src=\"\" alt=\"logo\" />\n  <h1 align=\"center\">chrov</h1>\n  <p align=\"center\">\n    Chromosome Visualization library in python.\n    <br />\n    <a href=\"\">Examples</a>\n    \u00b7\n    <a href=\"\">Explore the API</a>\n  </p>\n</div>  \n\n![image](./examples/image.png)   \n\n# Examples  \n\n[\ud83c\udff7\ufe0fAnnotations on chromosomes](  \n[\ud83e\uddecVisualization of genome, set of chromosomes, a chromosome and an arm](  \n[\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\uddfa\ufe0fVisualization of heatmaps along chromosome arm](  \n[\ud83d\udd0cIntegration of custom plots e.g. made using seaborn](  \n[\ud83d\udcc8\ud83c\udf6dIntegration of basic plots e.g. stem/lollipop plot ](  \n[\u2194\ufe0f\u2194\ufe0fVisualization of intervals/ranges/segments along a chromosome arm](  \n  \n# Installation\n    \n```\npip install chrov              # with basic dependencies  \n```\nWith additional dependencies as required:\n```\npip install chrov[dev]         # for local testing\n```\n\n# How to cite?  \n1. Using BibTeX:   \n```\n@software{Dandage_chrov,\n  title   = {chrov: Chromosome Visualization library in python},\n  author  = {Dandage, Rohan},\n  year    = {2023},\n  url     = {},\n  version = {v0.0.1},\n  note    = {The URL is a DOI link to the permanent archive of the software.},\n}\n```\n2. DOI link: [![DOI](](, or  \n\n3. Using citation information from [CITATION.CFF file](  \n\n# Future directions, for which contributions are welcome:  \n- [ ] Set subplot sizes by default: automate setting off and offy.\n- [ ] Compatibility of seaborn plots with polar layout.\n- [ ] Layering the interval vizualizations on the polar layout.\n- [ ] Connection styles.\n- [ ] Other features and improvements.\n\n# Similar projects:\n-\n-\n\n# API\n<!-- markdownlint-disable -->\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.annot`\nAnnotations. \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `annot_labels`\n\n```python\nannot_labels(\n    ax_chrom: Axes,\n    data: DataFrame,\n    colx: str,\n    chrom_y: float,\n    col_label: str,\n    loc: str = 'out',\n    col_start: str = None,\n    ax: Axes = None,\n    coly: str = None,\n    col_labelx: str = 'label x',\n    color: str = 'darkgray',\n    yoff_scales: float = None,\n    off_labels_segments: float = 20,\n    scale_polar: float = 1.5,\n    fig: Figure = None,\n    test: bool = False\n) \u2192 Axes\n```\n\nAnnot labels e.g. gene names \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`ax_chrom`</b> (plt.Axes):  subplot with the chromosome plot \n - <b>`col_label`</b> (str):  column with the labels \n - <b>`loc`</b> (str, optional):  locations. Defaults to 'out'. \n - <b>`color`</b> (str, optional):  color. Defaults to 'darkgray'. \n - <b>`yoff_scales`</b> (float, optional):  y offset. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`off_labels_segments`</b> (float, optional):  offset for the label segments. Defaults to 20. \n - <b>`scale_polar`</b> (float, optional):  scale for the polar plot. Defaults to 1.5. \n - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `show_segments`\n\n```python\nshow_segments(\n    ax: Axes,\n    y: float,\n    offy: float,\n    kind: str = 'arrows',\n    segments: dict = None,\n    segments_kws: dict = {},\n    offytext: float = 0.2,\n    arrow_kws: dict = {'color': 'k', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 1, 'arrowstyle': '<->'},\n    test: bool = False,\n    **kws_annotate\n) \u2192 Axes\n```\n\nShow segments aligned to chromosome arm. \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes):  subplot \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data \n - <b>`size`</b> (int):  size of the segments \n\n\n<!-- markdownlint-disable -->\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.chrom`\nChromosome plots \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `to_polar`\n\n```python\nto_polar(\n    a: list,\n    range1: list = None,\n    range2: list = None,\n    interval: int = None\n) \u2192 list\n```\n\nTo polar coordinates \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`a`</b> (list):  Coordinates \n - <b>`range1`</b> (list, optional):  range1. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`range2`</b> (list, optional):  range2. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`interval`</b> (int, optional):  interval size. Defaults to None. \n\n\n\n**Raises:**\n \n - <b>`ValueError`</b>:  Coordinates format \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`list`</b>:  rescaled coordinates \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_arm`\n\n```python\nplot_arm(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    arc: bool = False,\n    col_start: str = 'start',\n    col_end: str = 'end',\n    y: float = 0,\n    lw: float = 10,\n    ec: str = 'k',\n    pi_span: float = 1,\n    pi_start: int = 0,\n    pi_end: int = None,\n    polar_smoothness_scale: float = 1,\n    kws_pre_xys: dict = None,\n    figsize: list = None,\n    ax: Axes = None,\n    test: bool = False,\n    solid_capstyle='round'\n) \u2192 Axes\n```\n\nPlot chromosome arm. \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input table. \n - <b>`y`</b> (float, optional):  y position. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`lw`</b> (float, optional):  line width. Defaults to 20. \n - <b>`ec`</b> (str, optional):  edge color. Defaults to 'k'. \n - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_chrom`\n\n```python\nplot_chrom(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    arc: bool = False,\n    col_start: str = 'start',\n    col_end: str = 'end',\n    col_arm: str = 'arm',\n    pi_span: float = 1,\n    pi_start: int = 0,\n    pi_end: int = None,\n    ax: Axes = None,\n    figsize: list = None,\n    **kws_plot_arm\n) \u2192 Axes\n```\n\nPlot a chromosome \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  cytobands \n - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar mode. Defaults to False. \n - <b>`col_start`</b> (str, optional):  column with start positions. Defaults to 'start'. \n - <b>`col_end`</b> (str, optional):  column with end positions. Defaults to 'end'. \n - <b>`col_arm`</b> (str, optional):  column with arm names. Defaults to 'arm'. \n - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. \n - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  sigure size. Defaults to None. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_chroms`\n\n```python\nplot_chroms(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    arc=True,\n    chromosomes: list = None,\n    col_start='start',\n    col_end='end',\n    col_arm='arm',\n    span_color: str = '#dcdcdc',\n    span_color_alpha_scale: float = 1,\n    pi_span: float = 1,\n    pi_start: int = 0,\n    pi_end: int = None,\n    show_labels: bool = True,\n    show_vline: bool = True,\n    label_y: str = None,\n    test: bool = False,\n    ax: Axes = None,\n    figsize: list = None,\n    out_data: bool = False,\n    **kws_plot_arm\n)\n```\n\nPlot chromosomes joined. \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  cytonbands \n - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar mode. Defaults to True. \n - <b>`chromosomes`</b> (list, optional):  chromosomes. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`col_start`</b> (str, optional):  column with start position. Defaults to 'start'. \n - <b>`col_end`</b> (str, optional):  column with end position. Defaults to 'end'. \n - <b>`col_arm`</b> (str, optional):  column with chromosome arm names. Defaults to 'arm'. \n - <b>`span_color`</b> (str, optional):  span color. Defaults to 'whitesmoke'. \n - <b>`span_color_alpha_scale`</b> (float, optional):  span color transparency scale. Defaults to 1. \n - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. \n - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start angle. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end angle. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`show_labels`</b> (bool, optional):  show labels. Defaults to True. \n - <b>`show_vline`</b> (bool, optional):  show vertical line. Defaults to True. \n - <b>`label_y`</b> (str, optional):  label y. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. \n - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  figure size. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`out_data`</b> (bool, optional):  output data. Defaults to False. \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `annot_chroms`\n\n```python\nannot_chroms(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    chromosomes: list,\n    ax_chrom: Axes = None,\n    chrom_y: float = 0,\n    kws_add_ax: dict = {},\n    test: bool = False,\n    **kws_plot\n) \u2192 Axes\n```\n\nAdd a subplot with the chromosome. \n\n\n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  table with cytobands \n - <b>`chromosomes`</b> (list):  chromosomes \n - <b>`ax_chrom`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot with chromosome plot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`chrom_y`</b> (float, optional):  chromosome y-position. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`kws_add_ax`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters provided to `_add_ax`. Defaults to {}. \n - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test mode. Defaults to False. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot \n\n\n<!-- markdownlint-disable -->\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.figure`\n\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_with_chroms`\n\n```python\nplot_with_chroms(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    cytobands: DataFrame,\n    kind: str,\n    colx: str,\n    coly: str,\n    col_label: str,\n    va: str,\n    col_start: str = None,\n    xkind: str = 'loci',\n    coffy: str = None,\n    off: float = None,\n    offy: float = None,\n    chrom_y: float = 0,\n    arc: bool = True,\n    pi_span: float = 1,\n    pi_start: int = 0,\n    pi_end: int = None,\n    fig: Figure = None,\n    figsize: list = None,\n    ax_data: Axes = None,\n    kws_seaborn: dict = {},\n    kws_annot_chroms: dict = {},\n    kws_annot_labels: dict = {},\n    test: bool = False\n) \u2192 Figure\n```\n\nPlot with chromosomes. \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input table \n - <b>`cytobands`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  cytobands \n - <b>`kind`</b> (str):  kind of plot \n - <b>`colx`</b> (str):  column with x values \n - <b>`coly`</b> (str):  column with y values \n - <b>`col_label`</b> (str):  column with labels \n - <b>`va`</b> (str):  vertical alignment \n - <b>`col_start`</b> (str, optional):  column with start positions. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`xkind`</b> (str, optional):  kind of x values. Defaults to 'loci'. \n - <b>`off`</b> (float, optional):  offset scale of the chromosome plot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`offy`</b> (float, optional):  offset y of the chromosome plot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`chrom_y`</b> (float, optional):  chromosome y-position. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar plot or linear/rectangular one. Defaults to True. \n - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. \n - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  figure size. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`ax_data`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot with the data plot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`kws_seaborn`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters to seaborn plot. Defaults to {}. \n - <b>`kws_annot_chroms`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters to the chromosome plot. Defaults to {}. \n - <b>`kws_annot_labels`</b> (dict, optional):  keyword parameters to the annotations of the labels. Defaults to {}. \n - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test mode. Defaults to False. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`plt.Figure`</b>:  figure \n\n\n<!-- markdownlint-disable -->\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz`\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<!-- markdownlint-disable -->\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.plot`\n\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_seaborn`\n\n```python\nplot_seaborn(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    kind: str,\n    colx: str,\n    coly: str,\n    range1_chroms: list,\n    arc: bool = True,\n    pi_span: float = 1,\n    pi_start: int = 0,\n    pi_end: int = None,\n    figsize: list = None,\n    ax: Axes = None,\n    fig: Figure = None,\n    **kws_plot\n) \u2192 tuple\n```\n\nplot_seaborn _summary_ \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data \n - <b>`kind`</b> (str):  kind of plot, seaborn function name \n - <b>`coly`</b> (str):  column with y values \n - <b>`range1_chroms`</b> (list):  input range of chromosomes \n - <b>`arc`</b> (bool, optional):  arc/polar or linear/rectangular plots. Defaults to True. \n - <b>`pi_span`</b> (float, optional):  pi span. Defaults to 1. \n - <b>`pi_start`</b> (int, optional):  pi start position. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`pi_end`</b> (int, optional):  pi end position. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`figsize`</b> (list, optional):  figure size. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`tuple`</b>:  subplot and data \n\nTODOs: 1. set rlabel position. \n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `heatmaps_strips`\n\n```python\nheatmaps_strips(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    strips_kws: dict,\n    fig: Figure = None,\n    axs: list = None,\n    kws_subplots: list = {}\n) \u2192 tuple\n```\n\nPlot heatmap strips \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data \n - <b>`strips_kws`</b> (dict):  keyword arguments provided to strips \n - <b>`fig`</b> (plt.Figure, optional):  figure. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`axs`</b> (list, optional):  subplots. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`kws_subplots`</b> (list, optional):  keyword arguments provided to subplots. Defaults to {}. \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`tuple`</b>:  figure and subplots \n\n\n<!-- markdownlint-disable -->\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n## <kbd>module</kbd> `chrov.viz.ranges`\n\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n<a href=\"\"><img align=\"right\" style=\"float:right;\" src=\"\"></a>\n\n### <kbd>function</kbd> `plot_ranges`\n\n```python\nplot_ranges(\n    data: DataFrame,\n    col_id: str,\n    col_start: str,\n    col_end: str,\n    end: int,\n    start: int = 0,\n    hue: str = None,\n    y=None,\n    kind=None,\n    cytobands: dict = None,\n    cytobands_y: float = None,\n    col_groupby: str = None,\n    col_sortby: str = None,\n    col_label: str = None,\n    colors: dict = None,\n    lw: int = 10,\n    zorders: dict = None,\n    show_segments: bool = False,\n    xtick_interval: float = None,\n    test: bool = False,\n    ax: Axes = None\n) \u2192 Axes\n```\n\nPlot ranges. \n\n\n\n**Args:**\n \n - <b>`data`</b> (pd.DataFrame):  input data. \n - <b>`col_id`</b> (str):  column with ids. \n - <b>`col_start`</b> (str):  column with start co-ordinates. \n - <b>`col_end`</b> (str):  column with end co-ordinates. \n - <b>`end`</b> (int):  end position for the plot \n - <b>`start`</b> (int, optional):  start position for the plot. Defaults to 0. \n - <b>`hue`</b> (str, optional):  column with color. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`y`</b> (_type_, optional):  column with y positions. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`cytobands`</b> (dict, optional):  cytobands to plot the chromosomes. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`cytobands_y`</b> (float, optional):  cytobands y-position. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`col_groupby`</b> (str, optional):  column to group by. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`col_sortby`</b> (str, optional):  column to sort by. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`col_label`</b> (str, optional):  column with labels. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`colors`</b> (dict, optional):  colors. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`lw`</b> (int, optional):  line width. Defaults to 10. \n - <b>`zorders`</b> (dict, optional):  z-orders. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`show_segments`</b> (bool, optional):  show segments. Defaults to False. \n - <b>`xtick_interval`</b> (float, optional):  x tick intervals. Defaults to None. \n - <b>`test`</b> (bool, optional):  test-mode. Defaults to False. \n - <b>`ax`</b> (plt.Axes, optional):  subplot. Defaults to None. \n\n\n\n**Raises:**\n \n - <b>`ValueError`</b>:  if kind is not 'split','separate' or 'joined' \n\n\n\n**Returns:**\n \n - <b>`plt.Axes`</b>:  subplot \n\n\n",
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