
Namecs.ebooks JSON
Version 20240316 PyPI version JSON
SummaryUtilities and command line for working with EBooks. Basic support for talking to Apple Books, Calibre, CBZ, Kindle, Kobo, Mobi, PDF. These form the basis of my personal Kindle/Kobo/Calibre workflow.
upload_time2024-03-16 05:53:40
licenseGNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
keywords python3
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            Utilities and command line for working with EBooks.
Basic support for talking to Apple Books, Calibre, CBZ, Kindle, Kobo, Mobi, PDF.
These form the basis of my personal Kindle/Kobo/Calibre workflow.

*Latest release 20240316*:
Fixed release upload artifacts.

The command `python -m cs.ebooks help -l` gives the basic usage information:

      apple subcommand [...]
              Start an interactive database shell.
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
              List books in the library.
              List metadata.
              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
      calibre [-C calibre_library] [-K kindle-library-path] subcommand [...]
          -C calibre_library
            Specify calibre library location.
          -K kindle_library
            Specify kindle library location.
          -O other_calibre_library
            Specify alternate calibre library location, the default library
            for pull etc. The default comes from $CALIBRE_LIBRARY_OTHER.
            add [-nqv] bookpaths...
              Add the specified ebook bookpaths to the library.
              --cbz Also make a CBZ.
              -n    No action: recite planned actions.
              -q    Quiet: only emit warnings.
              -v    Verbose: report all actions and decisions.
            convert [-fnqv] formatkey dbids...
              Convert books to the format `formatkey`.
              -f    Force: convert even if the format is already present.
              -n    No action: recite planned actions.
              -q    Quiet: only emit warnings.
              -v    Verbose: report all actions and decisions.
              Start an interactive database prompt.
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
              Report basic information.
            linkto [-1fnqv] [-d linkto-dir] [-F fmt,...] [-o link-format] [dbids...]
              Export books to linkto-dir by hard linking.
              -1              Link only the first format found.
              -d linkto-dir   Specify the target directory, default from $MEDIA_BOOKSPATH
                              or ~/media/books.
              -F fmt,...      Source formats, default: ['CBZ', 'EPUB']
              -f              Force. Replace existing links.
              -n              No action. Report planned actions.
              -o link-format  Link name format.
              -q              Quiet.
              -v              Verbose.
            ls [-l] [-o ls-format] [book_specs...]
              List the contents of the Calibre library.
              -l            Long mode, listing book details over several lines.
              -o ls_format  Output format for use in a single line book listing.
              -r            Reverse the listing order.
              -t            Order listing by timestamp.
            make_cbz book_specs...
              Add the CBZ format to the designated Calibre books.
              List the library preferences.
            pull [-fnqv] [/path/to/other-library] [identifiers...]
              Import formats from another Calibre library.
              -f    Force. Overwrite existing formats with formats from other-library.
              -n    No action: recite planned actions.
              -q    Quiet. Only issue warnings and errors.
              -v    Verbose. Print more information.
              /path/to/other-library: optional path to another Calibre library tree
              identifier-name: the key on which to link matching books;
                the default is mobi-asin
                If the identifier '?' is specified the available
                identifiers in use in other-library are listed.
              identifier-values: specific book identifiers to import
                If no identifiers are provided, all books which have
                the specified identifier will be pulled.
              Run an interactive Python prompt with some predefined names:
              calibre: the CalibreTree
              options: self.options
            tag [-n] [--] [-]tag[,tag...] book_specs...
      dedrm [-D dedrm_package_path] subcommand [args...]
            -D  Specify the filesystem path to the DeDRM/noDRM plugin top level.
                For example, if you had a checkout of git@github.com:noDRM/DeDRM_tools.git
                at /path/to/DeDRM_tools--noDRM you could supply:
                -D /path/to/DeDRM_tools--noDRM/DeDRM_plugin
                or place that value in the $DEDRM_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
            import module_name...
              Exercise the DeDRM python import mechanism for each module_name.
            kindlekeys [import]
              import    Read a JSON list of key dicts and update the cached keys.
            remove filenames...
              Remove DRM from the specified filenames.
              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
      help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
        Print the full help for the named subcommands,
        or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
        -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
      kindle [-C calibre_library] [-K kindle-library-path] [subcommand [...]]
          -C calibre_library
            Specify calibre library location.
          -K kindle_library
            Specify kindle library location.
            app_path [content-path]
              Report or set the content path for the Kindle application.
              Start an interactive database prompt.
            export [-fnqv] [ASINs...]
              Export AZW files to Calibre library.
              -f    Force: replace the AZW3 format if already present.
              -n    No action, recite planned actions.
              -q    Quiet: report only warnings.
              -v    Verbose: report more information about actions and inaction.
              ASINs Optional ASIN identifiers to export.
                    The default is to export all books with no "calibre.dbid" fstag.
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
            import_tags [-nqv] [ASINs...]
              Import Calibre book information into the fstags for a Kindle book.
              This will support doing searches based on stuff like
              titles which are, naturally, not presented in the Kindle
              metadata db.
              Report basic information.
            ls [-l]
              List the contents of the library.
              -l  Long mode.
              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
      kobo subcommand [...]
            export [-fnqv] [volumeids...]
              Export Kobo books to Calibre library.
              -f    Force: replace the EPUB format if already present.
              -n    No action, recite planned actions.
              -q    Quiet: report only warnings.
              -v    Verbose: report more information about actions and inaction.
                    Optional Kobo volumeid identifiers to export.
                    The default is to export all books.
                    (TODO: just those with no "calibre.dbid" fstag.)
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
              Report basic information.
            ls [volumeids...]
              List the contents of the library.
              (TODO: -l  Long mode.)
                    Optional Kobo volumeid identifiers to list.
              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
      mobi subcommand [...]
            extract mobipath [outdir]
              Extract the contents of the MOBI file mobipath
              into the directory outdir, default based on the mobipath basename.
              Prints the outdir and the name of the top file.
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
            make_cbz mobipath [cbzpath]
              Unpack a MOBI file and construct a CBZ file.
              Prints the path of the CBZ file to the output.
              The default cbzpath is mobibase.cbz where mobibase is the
              basename of mobipath with its extension removed.
              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
      pdf subcommand [...]
            extract_images pdf-files...
              Extract the images from the named page files.
            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
              Print the full help for the named subcommands,
              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.
              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
            make_cbz pdf-files...
              Extract the images from the named page files.
            scan pdf-files...
              Scan the PDF-data in pdf-files and report.
              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
            xi pdf-files...
              Extract the images from the named page files.
        Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.

# Release Log

*Release 20240316*:
Fixed release upload artifacts.

*Release 20240305*:
Minor changes.

*Release 20240201.4*:
* CBZ support.
* Kobo support.
* PDF support.
* Assorted new things and doubtless new bugs.

*Release 20240201.3*:
* CBZ support.
* Kobo support.
* PDF support.
* Assorted new things and doubtless new bugs.

*Release 20240201.2*:
* CBZ support.
* Kobo support.
* PDF support.
* Assorted new things and doubtless new bugs.

*Release 20240201.1*:
* Kobo support.
* CBZ support.
* PDF support.
* Several new features and doubtless bugs.

*Release 20240201*:
* Kobo support.
* PDF support.
* CBZ support.
* Many new things and fixes.

*Release 20230704*:
* CalibreCommand.cmd_linkto: link series members to a subdirectory unless a specific link_format is supplied.
* CalibreTree: do not make a db session for startup_shutdown, instead offer a separate db_session context manager because we need the db released to run any Calibre executable.
* CalibreCommand.cmd_ls: hold a db session during the listing.
* Assorted internal changes.

*Release 20230110*:
* cs.ebooks.dedrm: new experimental module to use DeDRM/noDRM outside the Calibre plugin environment.
* Use the dedrm stuff in "kindle export" and "calibre add".
* Set $DEDRM_PACKAGE_PATH to the path to the DeDRM_plugin subdirectory of a checkout of git@github.com:noDRM/DeDRM_tools.git.

*Release 20221228*:
* CalibreCommand.popbooks: do not require argv to be empty at the end.
* KindleBook: new amazon_url property returning an Amazon web page URL based on the ASIN.
* New default_kindle_library() function consulting the envvar and app defaults; adjust KindleTree to use this.
* New kindle_content_path_default() and kindle_content_path() functions; use these in default_kindle_library().
* KindleCommand: new "app-path" subcommand to report or set the Kindle application content path.
* CalibreCommand.cmd_ls: new -r (reverse) and -t (timestamp) sorting options.
* Assorted minor updates.

*Release 20220805*:
* CalibreCommand.books_from_spec: UPPERCASE matches a format.
* CalibreCommand: new cmd_linkto to link book files into an external directory with nice names.
* CalibreTree: fix .fspath and the associated .pathto and format paths.

*Release 20220626*:
* CalibreBook: new setter mode for .tags, CalibreCommand: new cmd_tags to update tags.
* CalibreBook.pull_format: AZW formats: also check for AZW4.
* CalibreCommand.books_from_spec: /regexp: search the tags as well.
* CalibreBook: subclass FormatableMixin; CalibreCommand.cmd_ls: new "-o ls_format" option for the top line format.

*Release 20220606*:
Initial PyPI release.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "cs.ebooks",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python3",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e9/36/66081962e9222e69f6c9a662e6b9851bb5f010d91e53ac4de8c60cb6d329/cs.ebooks-20240316.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Utilities and command line for working with EBooks.\nBasic support for talking to Apple Books, Calibre, CBZ, Kindle, Kobo, Mobi, PDF.\nThese form the basis of my personal Kindle/Kobo/Calibre workflow.\n\n*Latest release 20240316*:\nFixed release upload artifacts.\n\nThe command `python -m cs.ebooks help -l` gives the basic usage information:\n\n    help:\n      apple subcommand [...]\n          Subcommands:\n            dbshell\n              Start an interactive database shell.\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            ls\n              List books in the library.\n            md\n              List metadata.\n            shell\n              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n      calibre [-C calibre_library] [-K kindle-library-path] subcommand [...]\n          -C calibre_library\n            Specify calibre library location.\n          -K kindle_library\n            Specify kindle library location.\n          -O other_calibre_library\n            Specify alternate calibre library location, the default library\n            for pull etc. The default comes from $CALIBRE_LIBRARY_OTHER.\n          Subcommands:\n            add [-nqv] bookpaths...\n              Add the specified ebook bookpaths to the library.\n              --cbz Also make a CBZ.\n              -n    No action: recite planned actions.\n              -q    Quiet: only emit warnings.\n              -v    Verbose: report all actions and decisions.\n            convert [-fnqv] formatkey dbids...\n              Convert books to the format `formatkey`.\n              -f    Force: convert even if the format is already present.\n              -n    No action: recite planned actions.\n              -q    Quiet: only emit warnings.\n              -v    Verbose: report all actions and decisions.\n            dbshell\n              Start an interactive database prompt.\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            info\n              Report basic information.\n            linkto [-1fnqv] [-d linkto-dir] [-F fmt,...] [-o link-format] [dbids...]\n              Export books to linkto-dir by hard linking.\n              -1              Link only the first format found.\n              -d linkto-dir   Specify the target directory, default from $MEDIA_BOOKSPATH\n                              or ~/media/books.\n              -F fmt,...      Source formats, default: ['CBZ', 'EPUB']\n              -f              Force. Replace existing links.\n              -n              No action. Report planned actions.\n              -o link-format  Link name format.\n              -q              Quiet.\n              -v              Verbose.\n            ls [-l] [-o ls-format] [book_specs...]\n              List the contents of the Calibre library.\n              -l            Long mode, listing book details over several lines.\n              -o ls_format  Output format for use in a single line book listing.\n              -r            Reverse the listing order.\n              -t            Order listing by timestamp.\n            make_cbz book_specs...\n              Add the CBZ format to the designated Calibre books.\n            prefs\n              List the library preferences.\n            pull [-fnqv] [/path/to/other-library] [identifiers...]\n              Import formats from another Calibre library.\n              -f    Force. Overwrite existing formats with formats from other-library.\n              -n    No action: recite planned actions.\n              -q    Quiet. Only issue warnings and errors.\n              -v    Verbose. Print more information.\n              /path/to/other-library: optional path to another Calibre library tree\n              identifier-name: the key on which to link matching books;\n                the default is mobi-asin\n                If the identifier '?' is specified the available\n                identifiers in use in other-library are listed.\n              identifier-values: specific book identifiers to import\n                If no identifiers are provided, all books which have\n                the specified identifier will be pulled.\n            shell\n              Run an interactive Python prompt with some predefined names:\n              calibre: the CalibreTree\n              options: self.options\n            tag [-n] [--] [-]tag[,tag...] book_specs...\n      dedrm [-D dedrm_package_path] subcommand [args...]\n            -D  Specify the filesystem path to the DeDRM/noDRM plugin top level.\n                For example, if you had a checkout of git@github.com:noDRM/DeDRM_tools.git\n                at /path/to/DeDRM_tools--noDRM you could supply:\n                -D /path/to/DeDRM_tools--noDRM/DeDRM_plugin\n                or place that value in the $DEDRM_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.\n          Subcommands:\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            import module_name...\n              Exercise the DeDRM python import mechanism for each module_name.\n            kindlekeys [import]\n              import    Read a JSON list of key dicts and update the cached keys.\n            remove filenames...\n              Remove DRM from the specified filenames.\n            shell\n              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n      help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n        Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n        or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n        -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n      kindle [-C calibre_library] [-K kindle-library-path] [subcommand [...]]\n          -C calibre_library\n            Specify calibre library location.\n          -K kindle_library\n            Specify kindle library location.\n          Subcommands:\n            app_path [content-path]\n              Report or set the content path for the Kindle application.\n            dbshell\n              Start an interactive database prompt.\n            export [-fnqv] [ASINs...]\n              Export AZW files to Calibre library.\n              -f    Force: replace the AZW3 format if already present.\n              -n    No action, recite planned actions.\n              -q    Quiet: report only warnings.\n              -v    Verbose: report more information about actions and inaction.\n              ASINs Optional ASIN identifiers to export.\n                    The default is to export all books with no \"calibre.dbid\" fstag.\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            import_tags [-nqv] [ASINs...]\n              Import Calibre book information into the fstags for a Kindle book.\n              This will support doing searches based on stuff like\n              titles which are, naturally, not presented in the Kindle\n              metadata db.\n            info\n              Report basic information.\n            ls [-l]\n              List the contents of the library.\n              -l  Long mode.\n            shell\n              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n      kobo subcommand [...]\n          Subcommands:\n            export [-fnqv] [volumeids...]\n              Export Kobo books to Calibre library.\n              -f    Force: replace the EPUB format if already present.\n              -n    No action, recite planned actions.\n              -q    Quiet: report only warnings.\n              -v    Verbose: report more information about actions and inaction.\n              volumeids\n                    Optional Kobo volumeid identifiers to export.\n                    The default is to export all books.\n                    (TODO: just those with no \"calibre.dbid\" fstag.)\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            info\n              Report basic information.\n            ls [volumeids...]\n              List the contents of the library.\n              (TODO: -l  Long mode.)\n              volumeids\n                    Optional Kobo volumeid identifiers to list.\n            shell\n              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n      mobi subcommand [...]\n          Subcommands:\n            extract mobipath [outdir]\n              Extract the contents of the MOBI file mobipath\n              into the directory outdir, default based on the mobipath basename.\n              Prints the outdir and the name of the top file.\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            make_cbz mobipath [cbzpath]\n              Unpack a MOBI file and construct a CBZ file.\n              Prints the path of the CBZ file to the output.\n              The default cbzpath is mobibase.cbz where mobibase is the\n              basename of mobipath with its extension removed.\n            shell\n              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n      pdf subcommand [...]\n          Subcommands:\n            extract_images pdf-files...\n              Extract the images from the named page files.\n            help [-l] [subcommand-names...]\n              Print the full help for the named subcommands,\n              or for all subcommands if no names are specified.\n              -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.\n            make_cbz pdf-files...\n              Extract the images from the named page files.\n            scan pdf-files...\n              Scan the PDF-data in pdf-files and report.\n            shell\n              Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n            xi pdf-files...\n              Extract the images from the named page files.\n      shell\n        Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.\n\n# Release Log\n\n\n\n*Release 20240316*:\nFixed release upload artifacts.\n\n*Release 20240305*:\nMinor changes.\n\n*Release 20240201.4*:\n* CBZ support.\n* Kobo support.\n* PDF support.\n* Assorted new things and doubtless new bugs.\n\n*Release 20240201.3*:\n* CBZ support.\n* Kobo support.\n* PDF support.\n* Assorted new things and doubtless new bugs.\n\n*Release 20240201.2*:\n* CBZ support.\n* Kobo support.\n* PDF support.\n* Assorted new things and doubtless new bugs.\n\n*Release 20240201.1*:\n* Kobo support.\n* CBZ support.\n* PDF support.\n* Several new features and doubtless bugs.\n\n*Release 20240201*:\n* Kobo support.\n* PDF support.\n* CBZ support.\n* Many new things and fixes.\n\n*Release 20230704*:\n* CalibreCommand.cmd_linkto: link series members to a subdirectory unless a specific link_format is supplied.\n* CalibreTree: do not make a db session for startup_shutdown, instead offer a separate db_session context manager because we need the db released to run any Calibre executable.\n* CalibreCommand.cmd_ls: hold a db session during the listing.\n* Assorted internal changes.\n\n*Release 20230110*:\n* cs.ebooks.dedrm: new experimental module to use DeDRM/noDRM outside the Calibre plugin environment.\n* Use the dedrm stuff in \"kindle export\" and \"calibre add\".\n* Set $DEDRM_PACKAGE_PATH to the path to the DeDRM_plugin subdirectory of a checkout of git@github.com:noDRM/DeDRM_tools.git.\n\n*Release 20221228*:\n* CalibreCommand.popbooks: do not require argv to be empty at the end.\n* KindleBook: new amazon_url property returning an Amazon web page URL based on the ASIN.\n* New default_kindle_library() function consulting the envvar and app defaults; adjust KindleTree to use this.\n* New kindle_content_path_default() and kindle_content_path() functions; use these in default_kindle_library().\n* KindleCommand: new \"app-path\" subcommand to report or set the Kindle application content path.\n* CalibreCommand.cmd_ls: new -r (reverse) and -t (timestamp) sorting options.\n* Assorted minor updates.\n\n*Release 20220805*:\n* CalibreCommand.books_from_spec: UPPERCASE matches a format.\n* CalibreCommand: new cmd_linkto to link book files into an external directory with nice names.\n* CalibreTree: fix .fspath and the associated .pathto and format paths.\n\n*Release 20220626*:\n* CalibreBook: new setter mode for .tags, CalibreCommand: new cmd_tags to update tags.\n* CalibreBook.pull_format: AZW formats: also check for AZW4.\n* CalibreCommand.books_from_spec: /regexp: search the tags as well.\n* CalibreBook: subclass FormatableMixin; CalibreCommand.cmd_ls: new \"-o ls_format\" option for the top line format.\n\n*Release 20220606*:\nInitial PyPI release.\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)",
    "summary": "Utilities and command line for working with EBooks. Basic support for talking to Apple Books, Calibre, CBZ, Kindle, Kobo, Mobi, PDF. These form the basis of my personal Kindle/Kobo/Calibre workflow.",
    "version": "20240316",
    "project_urls": {
        "URL": "https://bitbucket.org/cameron_simpson/css/commits/all"
    "split_keywords": [
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