
Nameedc-pdf-reports JSON
Version 0.3.20 PyPI version JSON
SummaryReport classes using reportlab/pdf for clinicedc/edc projects
upload_time2024-01-29 05:52:06
authorErik van Widenfelt
licenseGPL license, see LICENSE
keywords django edc pdf reportlab clinicedc clinical trials
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            |pypi| |actions| |codecov| |downloads|


Reportlab/PDF classes for clinicedc/edc projects


This module offers functionality to link a PDF report to a model registered with ModelAdmin.

The ``CrfPdfReport`` class links a PDF report to a model registered with ModelAdmin. A link as is added
to the changelist that opens an intermediate page to ask for a password. From the intermediate page
a secure file is downloaded into the browser. See also ``PdfIntermediateView`` and ``PrintPdfReportView``.

For this to work, you need to:

* create a pdf report class;
* declare the model with the ``PdfReportModelMixin`` and set the ``pdf_report_cls`` attr on the model;
* declare the model's ModelAdmin class with ``PdfButtonModelAdminMixin``;
* add ``print_to_pdf_action`` to Modeladmin.actions (required to print one or more pdfs using actions);
* add "pdf_button" to the list_display (required for pdf button to appear on each row);
* update your app's urls;
* add edc_pdf_reports to INSTALLED_APPS.

Your changelist will include options for printing one or many PDF reports into a
password protected and secure PDF file.

DeathReport as an example

``edc_adverse_event`` has this configured for its ``DeathReport`` model. Let's use this as an example.

Create the ``DeathReport`` model:

.. code-block:: python

    # models.py

    class DeathReport(PdfReportModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):

        pdf_report_cls = DeathPdfReport

Create the ``DeathPdfReport`` class. ``DeathPdfReport`` inherits from  ``CrfPdfReport``. Link the ``model`` and
`changelist_url`` to this PDF report class.

.. code-block:: python

    # death_pdf_report.py

    class DeathPdfReport(CrfPdfReport):
        model = f"{get_adverse_event_app_label()}.deathreport"
        changelist_url = (

        def get_report_story(self, **kwargs):

Declare the ModelAdmin class with ``PdfButtonModelAdminMixin``:

.. code-block:: python

    # admin.py

    class DeathReportModelAdmin(PdfButtonModelAdminMixin, DeathReportModelAdminMixin):
        actions = [print_to_pdf_action]
        list_display = ["subject_identifier", "pdf_button", ...]

Update your url patterns:

.. code-block:: python

    # urls.py
    url_patterns = [

Add to ``settings``:

.. code-block:: python

    # settings.py

Your changelist will have the new column "PDF" and the print as pdf action will be available.


The intermediate page, linked from the changelist, will look like this:


Note the passphrase and click "Create File". The file will be created in the view and downloaded by the browser.

Creating a PDF file outside of the view

The view ``PrintPdfReportView`` uses function ``write_queryset_to_secure_pdf`` to create a PDF.
You can access this function directly.

For example:

.. code-block:: python

    import mempass
    import tempfile
    from pathlib import Path
    from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    from edc_pdf_reports.utils import write_queryset_to_secure_pdf, write_model_to_insecure_pdf
    from effect_ae.models import DeathReport

    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    p = Path(dir)
    qs = DeathReport.objects.all()
    user = User.objects.get(username="erikvw")

    # create a secure PDF file for the queryset
    q = p / "death_reports_secure.pdf"
    password = mempass.mkpassword(2)
    buffer = write_queryset_to_secure_pdf(queryset=qs, password=password, user=user)

    # create an insecure PDF file for one model instance
    q = p / "death_reports_insecure.pdf"
    model_obj = qs[0]
    buffer = write_model_to_insecure_pdf(model_obj, user=user)

.. |intermediate_page| image:: /docs/images/intermediate_page.png
   :alt: Intermediate page

.. |changelist| image:: /docs/images/changelist.png
   :alt: ChangeList

.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/edc-pdf-reports.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edc-pdf-reports

.. |actions| image:: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=develop
  :target: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports/actions?query=workflow:build

.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg
  :target: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports

.. |downloads| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/edc-pdf-reports
   :target: https://pepy.tech/project/edc-pdf-reports


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports",
    "name": "edc-pdf-reports",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "django edc pdf reportlab,clinicedc,clinical trials",
    "author": "Erik van Widenfelt",
    "author_email": "ew2789@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/43/31/f1257ca46d6408a82a2daebbcde42eb0462de11834f2ceaef189b81fabbc/edc-pdf-reports-0.3.20.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "|pypi| |actions| |codecov| |downloads|\n\n\nedc-pdf-reports\n---------------\n\nReportlab/PDF classes for clinicedc/edc projects\n\nOverview\n========\n\nThis module offers functionality to link a PDF report to a model registered with ModelAdmin.\n\nThe ``CrfPdfReport`` class links a PDF report to a model registered with ModelAdmin. A link as is added\nto the changelist that opens an intermediate page to ask for a password. From the intermediate page\na secure file is downloaded into the browser. See also ``PdfIntermediateView`` and ``PrintPdfReportView``.\n\nFor this to work, you need to:\n\n* create a pdf report class;\n* declare the model with the ``PdfReportModelMixin`` and set the ``pdf_report_cls`` attr on the model;\n* declare the model's ModelAdmin class with ``PdfButtonModelAdminMixin``;\n* add ``print_to_pdf_action`` to Modeladmin.actions (required to print one or more pdfs using actions);\n* add \"pdf_button\" to the list_display (required for pdf button to appear on each row);\n* update your app's urls;\n* add edc_pdf_reports to INSTALLED_APPS.\n\nYour changelist will include options for printing one or many PDF reports into a\npassword protected and secure PDF file.\n\nDeathReport as an example\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\n``edc_adverse_event`` has this configured for its ``DeathReport`` model. Let's use this as an example.\n\nCreate the ``DeathReport`` model:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # models.py\n\n    class DeathReport(PdfReportModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):\n\n        pdf_report_cls = DeathPdfReport\n\n\nCreate the ``DeathPdfReport`` class. ``DeathPdfReport`` inherits from  ``CrfPdfReport``. Link the ``model`` and\n`changelist_url`` to this PDF report class.\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # death_pdf_report.py\n\n    class DeathPdfReport(CrfPdfReport):\n        model = f\"{get_adverse_event_app_label()}.deathreport\"\n        changelist_url = (\n            f\"{get_adverse_event_app_label()}_admin:{get_adverse_event_app_label()}_\"\n            \"deathreport_changelist\"\n        )\n\n        def get_report_story(self, **kwargs):\n            ...\n\nDeclare the ModelAdmin class with ``PdfButtonModelAdminMixin``:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # admin.py\n\n    class DeathReportModelAdmin(PdfButtonModelAdminMixin, DeathReportModelAdminMixin):\n        actions = [print_to_pdf_action]\n        list_display = [\"subject_identifier\", \"pdf_button\", ...]\n\n\nUpdate your url patterns:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # urls.py\n    url_patterns = [\n        ...,\n        *paths_for_urlpatterns(\"edc_pdf_reports\"),\n        ...]\n\n\nAdd to ``settings``:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # settings.py\n    INSTALLED_APPS = [\n        ...,\n        \"edc_pdf_reports.apps.AppConfig\"\n        ...]\n\n\nYour changelist will have the new column \"PDF\" and the print as pdf action will be available.\n\n|changelist|\n\nThe intermediate page, linked from the changelist, will look like this:\n\n|intermediate_page|\n\nNote the passphrase and click \"Create File\". The file will be created in the view and downloaded by the browser.\n\nCreating a PDF file outside of the view\n=======================================\n\nThe view ``PrintPdfReportView`` uses function ``write_queryset_to_secure_pdf`` to create a PDF.\nYou can access this function directly.\n\nFor example:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n\n    import mempass\n    import tempfile\n    from pathlib import Path\n    from django.contrib.auth.models import User\n    from edc_pdf_reports.utils import write_queryset_to_secure_pdf, write_model_to_insecure_pdf\n    from effect_ae.models import DeathReport\n\n    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()\n    p = Path(dir)\n    qs = DeathReport.objects.all()\n    user = User.objects.get(username=\"erikvw\")\n\n    # create a secure PDF file for the queryset\n    q = p / \"death_reports_secure.pdf\"\n    password = mempass.mkpassword(2)\n    buffer = write_queryset_to_secure_pdf(queryset=qs, password=password, user=user)\n    q.write_bytes(buffer.getbuffer())\n    print(q)\n\n    # create an insecure PDF file for one model instance\n    q = p / \"death_reports_insecure.pdf\"\n    model_obj = qs[0]\n    buffer = write_model_to_insecure_pdf(model_obj, user=user)\n    q.write_bytes(buffer.getbuffer())\n    print(q)\n\n\n\n\n\n.. |intermediate_page| image:: /docs/images/intermediate_page.png\n   :alt: Intermediate page\n\n.. |changelist| image:: /docs/images/changelist.png\n   :alt: ChangeList\n\n.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/edc-pdf-reports.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edc-pdf-reports\n\n.. |actions| image:: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=develop\n  :target: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports/actions?query=workflow:build\n\n.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg\n  :target: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-pdf-reports\n\n.. |downloads| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/edc-pdf-reports\n   :target: https://pepy.tech/project/edc-pdf-reports\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL license, see LICENSE",
    "summary": "Report classes using reportlab/pdf for clinicedc/edc projects",
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