
Nameedc-reportable JSON
Version 0.3.36 PyPI version JSON
SummaryReportable clinic events, reference ranges, grading for clinicedc/edc projects
upload_time2024-01-24 06:19:22
authorErik van Widenfelt
licenseGPL license, see LICENSE
keywords django edc daids reference ranges normal ranges clinicedc clinical trials
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            |pypi| |actions| |codecov|


Reportable clinic events, reference ranges, grading

.. code-block:: python

    from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
    from edc_utils import get_utcnow
    from edc_constants.constants import MALE, FEMALE
    from edc_reportable import ValueReferenceGroup, NormalReference, GradeReference
    from edc_reportable import site_reportables
    from edc_reportable.tests.reportables import normal_data, grading_data

Create a group for each test:

.. code-block:: python

    neutrophils = ValueReferenceGroup(name='neutrophils')

A normal reference is declared like this:

.. code-block:: python

    ref = NormalReference(
        gender=[MALE, FEMALE])

    >>> ref
    NormalReference(neutrophils, 2.5<x<7.5 10e9/L MF, 18<AGE<99 years)

And added to a group like this:

.. code-block:: python


Add as many normal references in a group as you like, just ensure the ``lower`` and ``upper`` boundaries don't overlap.

 **Note**: If the lower and upper values of a normal reference overlap
 with another normal reference in the same group, a ``BoundaryOverlap``
 exception will be raised when the value is evaluated.
 Catch this in your tests.

A grading reference is declared like this:

.. code-block:: python

    g3 = GradeReference(
        gender=[MALE, FEMALE])

    >>> g3
    GradeReference(neutrophils, 0.4<=x<=0.59 in 10e9/L GRADE 3, MF, 18<AGE<99 in years) GRADE 3)

    or using lower / upper limits of normal:

    g3 = GradeReference(
        normal_references={MALE: [normal_reference]},

    >>> g3
    GradeReference(amylase, 375.0<=x<625.0 IU/L GRADE 3) GRADE 3)

And added to the group like this:

.. code-block:: python


Declare and add a ``GradeReference`` for each reportable grade of the test.

 **Note**: If the lower and upper values of a grade reference overlap
 with another grade reference in the same group, a ``BoundaryOverlap``
 exception will be raised when the value is evaluated.
 Catch this in your tests.

Declaring with ``parse``

You may find using ``parse`` somewhat simplifies the declaration where ``lower``, ``lower_inclusive``, ``upper`` and ``upper_inclusive`` can be written as a phrase, like ``13.5<=x<=17.5``. For example:

.. code-block:: python

    age_opts = dict(

    normal_data = {
        'haemoglobin': [
            p('13.5<=x<=17.5', units=GRAMS_PER_DECILITER,
              gender=[MALE], **age_opts),
            p('12.0<=x<=15.5', units=GRAMS_PER_DECILITER, gender=[FEMALE], **age_opts)],

Registering with ``site_reportables``

Once you have declared all your references, register them

.. code-block:: python


 Writing out references is prone to error. It is better to declare a
 dictionary of normal references and grading references. Use the ``parse`` function
 so that you can use a phrase like ``13.5<=x<=17.5`` instead of a listing attributes.
 There are examples of complete ``normal_data`` and ``grading_data`` in the tests.

Attempting to grade a value without grading data
If a value is pased to the evaluator and no grading data exists in the reference lists for
that test, an exception is raised.

Limiting what is "gradeable" for your project
The default tables have grading data for grades 1-4. The evaluator will grade any value
if there is grading data. You can prevent the evaluator from considering grades by passing
``reportable_grades`` when you register the normal and grading data.

For example:

.. code-block:: python

        reportable_grades=[GRADE3, GRADE4],

In the above, by explicitly passing a list of grades, the evaluator will only raise an
exception for grades 3 and 4. If a value meets the criteria for grade 1 or 2, it will be ignored.

Declaring minor exceptions

Minor exceptions can be specified using the parameter ``reportable_grades_exceptions``.
For example, you wish to report grades 2,3,4 for Serum Amylase
but grades 3,4 for everything else. You would register as follows:

.. code-block:: python

        reportable_grades=[GRADE3, GRADE4],
        reportable_grades_exceptions={"amylase": [GRADE2, GRADE3, GRADE4]}

Exporting the reference tables

You can export your declared references to CSV for further inspection

.. code-block:: python

    >>> site_reportables.to_csv(name='my_project', path='~/')


Using your reportables

In your code, get the references by collection name:

.. code-block:: python

    my_project_reportables = site_reportables.get('my_project')

    neutrophil = my_project_reportables.get('neutrophil')

    report_datetime = get_utcnow()
    dob = (report_datetime - relativedelta(years=25)).date()

Check a normal value

If a value is normal, ``get_normal`` returns the ``NormalReference`` instance that matched with the value.

.. code-block:: python

    # evaluate a normal value
    normal = neutrophil.get_normal(
        value=3.5, units='10^9/L',
        gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)

    # returns a normal object with information about the range selected
    >>> normal.description
    '2.5<=3.5<=7.5 10^9/L MF, 18<=AGE years'

Check an abnormal value

If a value is abnormal, ``get_normal`` returns ``None``.

.. code-block:: python

    # evaluate an abnormal value
    opts = dict(
        gender=MALE, dob=dob,
    normal = neutrophil.get_normal(value=0.3, **opts)

    # returns None
    >>> if not normal:

To show which ranges the value was evaluated against

.. code-block:: python

    # use same options for units, gender, dob, report_datetime
    >>> neutrophil.get_normal_description(**opts)
    ['2.5<=x<=7.5 10^9/L MF, 18<=AGE years']

Check if a value is "reportable"

.. code-block:: python

    grade = neutrophil.get_grade(
        value=0.43, units='10^9/L',
        gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)

    >>> grade.grade

    >>> grade.description
    '0.4<=0.43<=0.59 10^9/L GRADE 3'

    grade = neutrophil.get_grade(
        value=0.3, units='10^9/L',
        gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)

    >>> grade.grade

    >>> grade.description
    '0.3<0.4 10^9/L GRADE 4'

If the value is not evaluated against any reportable ranges, a ``NotEvaluated`` exception is raised

.. code-block:: python

    # call with the wrong units

    >>> grade = neutrophil.get_grade(
            value=0.3, units='mmol/L',
            gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)

        NotEvaluated: neutrophil value not graded. No reference range found ...

.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/edc-reportable.svg
    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edc-reportable

.. |actions| image:: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-reportable/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=develop
  :target: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-reportable/actions?query=workflow:build

.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-reportable/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg
  :target: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-reportable


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-reportable",
    "name": "edc-reportable",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "django,edc,DAIDS,reference ranges,normal ranges,clinicedc,clinical trials",
    "author": "Erik van Widenfelt",
    "author_email": "ew2789@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/da/e7/993df8205ac6ae4a3701effab444a58f475962b136fef5406d249bdba28a/edc-reportable-0.3.36.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "|pypi| |actions| |codecov|\n\nedc-reportable\n--------------\n\nReportable clinic events, reference ranges, grading\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta\n    from edc_utils import get_utcnow\n    from edc_constants.constants import MALE, FEMALE\n    from edc_reportable import ValueReferenceGroup, NormalReference, GradeReference\n    from edc_reportable import site_reportables\n    from edc_reportable.tests.reportables import normal_data, grading_data\n\nCreate a group for each test:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    neutrophils = ValueReferenceGroup(name='neutrophils')\n\nA normal reference is declared like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    ref = NormalReference(\n        name='neutrophils',\n        lower=2.5,\n        upper=7.5,\n        units='10e9/L',\n        age_lower=18,\n        age_upper=99,\n        age_units='years',\n        gender=[MALE, FEMALE])\n\n    >>> ref\n    NormalReference(neutrophils, 2.5<x<7.5 10e9/L MF, 18<AGE<99 years)\n\nAnd added to a group like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    neutrophils.add_normal(ref)\n\nAdd as many normal references in a group as you like, just ensure the ``lower`` and ``upper`` boundaries don't overlap.\n\n **Note**: If the lower and upper values of a normal reference overlap\n with another normal reference in the same group, a ``BoundaryOverlap``\n exception will be raised when the value is evaluated.\n Catch this in your tests.\n\nA grading reference is declared like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    g3 = GradeReference(\n        name='neutrophils',\n        grade=3,\n        lower=0.4,\n        lower_inclusive=True,\n        upper=0.59,\n        upper_inclusive=True,\n        units='10e9/L',\n        age_lower=18,\n        age_upper=99,\n        age_units='years',\n        gender=[MALE, FEMALE])\n\n    >>> g3\n    GradeReference(neutrophils, 0.4<=x<=0.59 in 10e9/L GRADE 3, MF, 18<AGE<99 in years) GRADE 3)\n\n    or using lower / upper limits of normal:\n\n    g3 = GradeReference(\n        name=\"amylase\",\n        grade=1,\n        lower=\"3.0*ULN\",\n        upper=\"5.0*ULN\",\n        lower_inclusive=True,\n        upper_inclusive=False,\n        units=IU_LITER,\n        gender=MALE,\n        normal_references={MALE: [normal_reference]},\n        **adult_age_options)\n\n    >>> g3\n    GradeReference(amylase, 375.0<=x<625.0 IU/L GRADE 3) GRADE 3)\n\nAnd added to the group like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    neutrophils.add_grading(g3)\n\nDeclare and add a ``GradeReference`` for each reportable grade of the test.\n\n **Note**: If the lower and upper values of a grade reference overlap\n with another grade reference in the same group, a ``BoundaryOverlap``\n exception will be raised when the value is evaluated.\n Catch this in your tests.\n\n\nDeclaring with ``parse``\n========================\n\nYou may find using ``parse`` somewhat simplifies the declaration where ``lower``, ``lower_inclusive``, ``upper`` and ``upper_inclusive`` can be written as a phrase, like ``13.5<=x<=17.5``. For example:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    age_opts = dict(\n        age_lower=18,\n        age_upper=120,\n        age_units='years',\n        age_lower_inclusive=True,\n        age_upper_inclusive=True)\n\n    normal_data = {\n        'haemoglobin': [\n            p('13.5<=x<=17.5', units=GRAMS_PER_DECILITER,\n              gender=[MALE], **age_opts),\n            p('12.0<=x<=15.5', units=GRAMS_PER_DECILITER, gender=[FEMALE], **age_opts)],\n         ...\n    }\n\n\nRegistering with ``site_reportables``\n=====================================\n\nOnce you have declared all your references, register them\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    site_reportables.register(\n        name='my_project',\n        normal_data=normal_data,\n        grading_data=grading_data)\n\n\n\n**Important**:\n Writing out references is prone to error. It is better to declare a\n dictionary of normal references and grading references. Use the ``parse`` function\n so that you can use a phrase like ``13.5<=x<=17.5`` instead of a listing attributes.\n There are examples of complete ``normal_data`` and ``grading_data`` in the tests.\n See``edc_reportable.tests.reportables``.\n\nAttempting to grade a value without grading data\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nIf a value is pased to the evaluator and no grading data exists in the reference lists for\nthat test, an exception is raised.\n\nLimiting what is \"gradeable\" for your project\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nThe default tables have grading data for grades 1-4. The evaluator will grade any value\nif there is grading data. You can prevent the evaluator from considering grades by passing\n``reportable_grades`` when you register the normal and grading data.\n\nFor example:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    site_reportables.register(\n        name='my_project',\n        normal_data=normal_data,\n        grading_data=grading_data,\n        reportable_grades=[GRADE3, GRADE4],\n    )\n\nIn the above, by explicitly passing a list of grades, the evaluator will only raise an\nexception for grades 3 and 4. If a value meets the criteria for grade 1 or 2, it will be ignored.\n\nDeclaring minor exceptions\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\nMinor exceptions can be specified using the parameter ``reportable_grades_exceptions``.\nFor example, you wish to report grades 2,3,4 for Serum Amylase\nbut grades 3,4 for everything else. You would register as follows:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    site_reportables.register(\n        name='my_project',\n        normal_data=normal_data,\n        grading_data=grading_data,\n        reportable_grades=[GRADE3, GRADE4],\n        reportable_grades_exceptions={\"amylase\": [GRADE2, GRADE3, GRADE4]}\n    )\n\n\n\nExporting the reference tables\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\nYou can export your declared references to CSV for further inspection\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    >>> site_reportables.to_csv(name='my_project', path='~/')\n\n    ('/Users/erikvw/my_project_normal_ranges.csv',\n    '/Users/erikvw/my_project_grading.csv')\n\nUsing your reportables\n======================\n\nIn your code, get the references by collection name:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    my_project_reportables = site_reportables.get('my_project')\n\n    neutrophil = my_project_reportables.get('neutrophil')\n\n    report_datetime = get_utcnow()\n    dob = (report_datetime - relativedelta(years=25)).date()\n\nCheck a normal value\n====================\n\nIf a value is normal, ``get_normal`` returns the ``NormalReference`` instance that matched with the value.\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # evaluate a normal value\n    normal = neutrophil.get_normal(\n        value=3.5, units='10^9/L',\n        gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)\n\n    # returns a normal object with information about the range selected\n    >>> normal.description\n    '2.5<=3.5<=7.5 10^9/L MF, 18<=AGE years'\n\nCheck an abnormal value\n=======================\n\nIf a value is abnormal, ``get_normal`` returns ``None``.\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # evaluate an abnormal value\n    opts = dict(\n        units='10^9/L',\n        gender=MALE, dob=dob,\n        report_datetime=report_datetime)\n    normal = neutrophil.get_normal(value=0.3, **opts)\n\n    # returns None\n    >>> if not normal:\n            print('abnormal')\n    'abnormal'\n\nTo show which ranges the value was evaluated against\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # use same options for units, gender, dob, report_datetime\n    >>> neutrophil.get_normal_description(**opts)\n    ['2.5<=x<=7.5 10^9/L MF, 18<=AGE years']\n\nCheck if a value is \"reportable\"\n================================\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    grade = neutrophil.get_grade(\n        value=0.43, units='10^9/L',\n        gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)\n\n    >>> grade.grade\n    3\n\n    >>> grade.description\n    '0.4<=0.43<=0.59 10^9/L GRADE 3'\n\n    grade = neutrophil.get_grade(\n        value=0.3, units='10^9/L',\n        gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)\n\n    >>> grade.grade\n    4\n\n    >>> grade.description\n    '0.3<0.4 10^9/L GRADE 4'\n\nIf the value is not evaluated against any reportable ranges, a ``NotEvaluated`` exception is raised\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # call with the wrong units\n\n    >>> grade = neutrophil.get_grade(\n            value=0.3, units='mmol/L',\n            gender=MALE, dob=dob, report_datetime=report_datetime)\n\n        NotEvaluated: neutrophil value not graded. No reference range found ...\n\n.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/edc-reportable.svg\n    :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edc-reportable\n\n.. |actions| image:: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-reportable/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=develop\n  :target: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-reportable/actions?query=workflow:build\n\n.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-reportable/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg\n  :target: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-reportable\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL license, see LICENSE",
    "summary": "Reportable clinic events, reference ranges, grading for clinicedc/edc projects",
    "version": "0.3.36",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-reportable"
    "split_keywords": [
        "reference ranges",
        "normal ranges",
        "clinical trials"
    "urls": [
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