
Namefaraday-cli JSON
Version 2.1.11 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFaraday cli package
upload_time2024-02-26 16:43:01
licenseGNU General Public License v3
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Faraday on the terminal
Use faraday directly from your favorite terminal


faraday-cli is the official client that make automating your security workflows, easier.

## Install from pip

pip install faraday-cli

## Install from source
```shell script
git clone https://github.com/infobyte/faraday-cli.git
cd faraday-cli
pip install .

## Documentation

For more info you can check our [documentation][doc]

## Use it like a command

### Login

Configure auth for farday-cli

```shell script
$ faraday-cli auth

### Create a workspace
When you create a workspace by default is selected as active, unless you use the "-d" flag
```shell script
$ faraday-cli workspace create some_name
✔ Created workspace: some_name

### Select active workspace

```shell script
$ faraday-cli workspace select some_name
✔ Selected workspace: some_name

### List workspaces

```shell script
$ faraday-cli list_ws
---------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  ----------
some_name       14          13       39  True      False     False

### List hosts of a workspace

```shell script
$ faraday-cli host list
  ID  IP           OS       HOSTNAMES          SERVICES  VULNS
----  -----------  -------  ---------------  ----------  -------
 574    unknown                            1  3
 566   unknown                            1  3
 569   unknown                            1  3
 568   unknown                            1  3
 570   unknown                            1  3
 576    unknown                            1  3
 565    unknown                            1  3
 572    unknown                            1  3
 573    unknown                            1  3
 567    unknown                            1  3
 571    unknown                            1  3
 564    unknown                            1  3
 575    unknown                            1  3
 590  unknown  www.googlec.com           0  -

### Get host

```shell script
$ faraday-cli host get 574

$ faraday-cli host get 574
  ID  IP         OS       HOSTNAMES    OWNER    OWNED      VULNS
----  ---------  -------  -----------  -------  -------  -------
 574  unknown               faraday  False          3

----  ------  -------------  ----------  ------  ---------  --------  -------
2638  ssh                    tcp             22  unknown    open            2

   ID  NAME                                      SEVERITY    STATUS    CONFIRMED    TOOL
-----  ----------------------------------------  ----------  --------  -----------  -------
13509  SSH Weak Encryption Algorithms Supported  MED         opened    False        Openvas
13510  SSH Weak MAC Algorithms Supported         LOW         opened    False        Openvas
13511  TCP timestamps                            LOW         opened    False        Openvas

### Create hosts

```shell script
$ faraday-cli host create -d \''[{"ip": "stan.local", "description": "some server"}]'\'

Or pipe it
```shell script
$ echo '[{"ip": "", "description": "some text"}]' | faraday-cli host create --stdin

**The escaping of the single quotes (\\') is only needed when using it as a command.
In the shell or using pipes it not necessary**

### Import vulnerabilities from tool report

```shell script
$ faraday-cli tool report "/path/to/report.xml"

### Import vulnerabilities from command

```shell script
$ faraday-cli ping -c 1 www.google.com

### List agents

```shell script
$ faraday-cli agent list
  id  name      active    status    executors
----  --------  --------  --------  -----------
   8  internal  True      online    nmap

### Run executor

```shell script
$ faraday-cli agent run -a 1 -e nmap -p \''{"target": "www.google.com"}'\'
Run executor: internal/nmap [{'successful': True}]

## Use it like a shell

Faraday-cli can be used as a shell and have all the same commands you have as a cli


## Use cases

### Continuous scan your assets with faraday

For example run nmap for all the hosts in faraday that listen on the 443 port and import the results back to faraday
$ faraday-cli host list --port 443 -ip | nmap -iL - -oX /tmp/nmap.xml  && faraday-cli process_report /tmp/nmap.xml

### Scan your subdomains

Use a tool like assetfinder to do a domains lookup, scan them with nmap and send de results to faraday

$ assetfinder -subs-only example.com| sort | uniq |awk 'BEGIN { ORS = ""; print " {\"target\":\""}
{ printf "%s%s", separator, $1, $2
separator = ","}END { print "\"}" }' | faraday-cli  agent run  -a 1 -e nmap --stdin

[doc]: https://docs.faraday-cli.faradaysec.com

2.1.11 [Feb 26th, 2024]:
 * [FIX] Fix workspace activation. #87

2.1.10 [Apr 5th, 2023]:
 * [MOD] Change resolve_hostname to false for default, add the --resolve-hostname flag for host create and add --force flag to tool run to process the output of the command regardless of the return code. #79

2.1.9 [Dec 15th, 2022]:
 * [ADD] Add vuln delete vuln-id.

2.1.8 [OCt 27th, 2022]:
 * [ADD] New method to update existing vuln.

2.1.7 [Sep 13th, 2022]:
 * Add personal status.
 * Replace the apply_tag function with plugins parameters.
 * Update agents docs.

2.1.6 [Jul 26th, 2022]:
 * Remove workspace from get/list agent and add it to run agent.

2.1.5 [Jun 10th, 2022]:
 * Now shell mode doesn't exit if it has faraday's url and token but the server is down.
 * Support multiple tags on import and run.
 * Update gifs of readme.

2.1.4 [May 23th, 2022]:
 * Check if token is valid on start in shell mode.

2.1.3 [May 20th, 2022]:
 * Now is possible to doesn't resolve hostname by changing resolve_hostname parameter.
 * Fix the colors in Severity Stats.

2.1.2 [Jan 11th, 2022]:
 * Update Documentation.

2.1.1 [Dec 13th, 2021]:
 * ADD setting to enable/disable auto command detection.
 * Fix error message when a command dont generate valid output.
 * FIX tables visualization when host has to many hostnames.
 * Show if update is available.

2.1.0 [Nov 19th, 2021]:
 * Add fields to executive reports generation command.
 * Add KAKER_MODE easter egg.
 * Update plugins requirements to 1.5.6

2.0.2 [Aug 9th, 2021]:
 * add --create-workspace parameter for tool command
 * Ask for executive report template if not provided
 * Add for executor parameters if not provided
 * [FIX] Bug using an invalid executor name
 * Update readme to fix some examples

2.0.1 [Jun 29th, 2021]:
 * [FIX] Show help if no subcommand is provided

2.0.0 [Jun 29th, 2021]:
 * [MOD] Change commands to verbs
 * Enable and disable Workspaces
 * Fix to use cmd2 2.0 and update requirements
 * Show message if license is expired
 * [MOD] Change to V3 api of faraday
 * Add command to upload evidence to vuln

1.1.1 [Jun 9th, 2021]:
 * Fix to use cmd2 2.0 and update requirements
 * Show message if license is expired
 * [MOD] Change to V3 api of faraday

1.1.0 [Apr 16th, 2021]:
 * Add new command to process a tool execution
 * Add command to list vulnerabilities
 * Add versions to dependencies
 * Add setting to ignore INFO vulns
 * Show only active workspaces by default unless you use the --show-inactive parameter
 * [MOD] Add support for tags
 * Update faraday_plugins version dependency
 * Fix create_hosts docs typo
 * Show user in status
 * [MOD] Update faraday-plugins

1.0.2 [Feb 17th, 2021]:
 * ADD documentation (made with mkdocs)
 * MOD Convert some command and help to plural
 * FIX Exit shell in case of invalid authorization result
 * FIX faraday 3.14.1 updated security lib, and make login bugged

1.0.1 [Jan 4th, 2021]:
 * Fix error in list_host command

1.0.0 [Dec 28th, 2020]:
 * Add List Services command
 * Change the import command/report message
 * Add support for executive reports
 * Show in status if token is valid

0.1.0 [Aug 28th, 2020]:
 * First version released, use with caution as it is still beta phase.
 * Access a faraday server from your CLI, your CI o any other bash interpreter.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/infobyte/faraday-cli",
    "name": "faraday-cli",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">3.7.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Faradaysec",
    "author_email": "devel@faradaysec.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/bd/f0/37d0fe4eb4ba02553ee8b30eff88af292f0c9559b455d09d5ed2786a8716/faraday-cli-2.1.11.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Faraday on the terminal\nUse faraday directly from your favorite terminal\n\n![Example](./docs/docs/images/general.gif)\n\nfaraday-cli is the official client that make automating your security workflows, easier.\n\n## Install from pip\n\n```\npip install faraday-cli\n```\n\n## Install from source\n```shell script\ngit clone https://github.com/infobyte/faraday-cli.git\ncd faraday-cli\npip install .\n```\n\n## Documentation\n\nFor more info you can check our [documentation][doc]\n\n\n## Use it like a command\n\n### Login\n\nConfigure auth for farday-cli\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli auth\n```\n![Example](./docs/docs/images/auth.gif)\n\n\n### Create a workspace\nWhen you create a workspace by default is selected as active, unless you use the \"-d\" flag\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli workspace create some_name\n\u2714 Created workspace: some_name\n```\n\n### Select active workspace\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli workspace select some_name\n\u2714 Selected workspace: some_name\n```\n\n### List workspaces\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli list_ws\nNAME         HOSTS    SERVICES    VULNS  ACTIVE    PUBLIC    READONLY\n---------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  ----------\nsome_name       14          13       39  True      False     False\n```\n\n### List hosts of a workspace\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli host list\n  ID  IP           OS       HOSTNAMES          SERVICES  VULNS\n----  -----------  -------  ---------------  ----------  -------\n 574    unknown                            1  3\n 566   unknown                            1  3\n 569   unknown                            1  3\n 568   unknown                            1  3\n 570   unknown                            1  3\n 576    unknown                            1  3\n 565    unknown                            1  3\n 572    unknown                            1  3\n 573    unknown                            1  3\n 567    unknown                            1  3\n 571    unknown                            1  3\n 564    unknown                            1  3\n 575    unknown                            1  3\n 590  unknown  www.googlec.com           0  -\n```\n\n### Get host\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli host get 574\n\n$ faraday-cli host get 574\nHost:\n  ID  IP         OS       HOSTNAMES    OWNER    OWNED      VULNS\n----  ---------  -------  -----------  -------  -------  -------\n 574  unknown               faraday  False          3\n\nServices:\n  ID  NAME    DESCRIPTION    PROTOCOL      PORT  VERSION    STATUS      VULNS\n----  ------  -------------  ----------  ------  ---------  --------  -------\n2638  ssh                    tcp             22  unknown    open            2\n\nVulnerabilities:\n   ID  NAME                                      SEVERITY    STATUS    CONFIRMED    TOOL\n-----  ----------------------------------------  ----------  --------  -----------  -------\n13509  SSH Weak Encryption Algorithms Supported  MED         opened    False        Openvas\n13510  SSH Weak MAC Algorithms Supported         LOW         opened    False        Openvas\n13511  TCP timestamps                            LOW         opened    False        Openvas\n```\n\n### Create hosts\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli host create -d \\''[{\"ip\": \"stan.local\", \"description\": \"some server\"}]'\\'\n```\n\nOr pipe it\n```shell script\n$ echo '[{\"ip\": \"\", \"description\": \"some text\"}]' | faraday-cli host create --stdin\n\n```\n**The escaping of the single quotes (\\\\') is only needed when using it as a command.\nIn the shell or using pipes it not necessary**\n\n\n### Import vulnerabilities from tool report\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli tool report \"/path/to/report.xml\"\n```\n![Example](./docs/docs/images/process_report.gif)\n\n### Import vulnerabilities from command\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli ping -c 1 www.google.com\n```\n![Example](./docs/docs/images/command.gif)\n\n### List agents\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli agent list\n  id  name      active    status    executors\n----  --------  --------  --------  -----------\n   8  internal  True      online    nmap\n```\n\n### Run executor\n\n```shell script\n$ faraday-cli agent run -a 1 -e nmap -p \\''{\"target\": \"www.google.com\"}'\\'\nRun executor: internal/nmap [{'successful': True}]\n```\n\n\n\n## Use it like a shell\n\nFaraday-cli can be used as a shell and have all the same commands you have as a cli\n\n![Example](./docs/docs/images/shell.gif)\n\n## Use cases\n\n### Continuous scan your assets with faraday\n\nFor example run nmap for all the hosts in faraday that listen on the 443 port and import the results back to faraday\n```shell\n$ faraday-cli host list --port 443 -ip | nmap -iL - -oX /tmp/nmap.xml  && faraday-cli process_report /tmp/nmap.xml\n```\n\n### Scan your subdomains\n\nUse a tool like assetfinder to do a domains lookup, scan them with nmap and send de results to faraday\n\n```shell\n$ assetfinder -subs-only example.com| sort | uniq |awk 'BEGIN { ORS = \"\"; print \" {\\\"target\\\":\\\"\"}\n{ printf \"%s%s\", separator, $1, $2\nseparator = \",\"}END { print \"\\\"}\" }' | faraday-cli  agent run  -a 1 -e nmap --stdin\n```\n\n\n[doc]: https://docs.faraday-cli.faradaysec.com\n\n\n2.1.11 [Feb 26th, 2024]:\n---\n * [FIX] Fix workspace activation. #87\n\n2.1.10 [Apr 5th, 2023]:\n---\n * [MOD] Change resolve_hostname to false for default, add the --resolve-hostname flag for host create and add --force flag to tool run to process the output of the command regardless of the return code. #79\n\n2.1.9 [Dec 15th, 2022]:\n---\n * [ADD] Add vuln delete vuln-id.\n\n\n2.1.8 [OCt 27th, 2022]:\n---\n * [ADD] New method to update existing vuln.\n\n2.1.7 [Sep 13th, 2022]:\n---\n * Add personal status.\n * Replace the apply_tag function with plugins parameters.\n * Update agents docs.\n\n2.1.6 [Jul 26th, 2022]:\n---\n * Remove workspace from get/list agent and add it to run agent.\n\n2.1.5 [Jun 10th, 2022]:\n---\n * Now shell mode doesn't exit if it has faraday's url and token but the server is down.\n * Support multiple tags on import and run.\n * Update gifs of readme.\n\n2.1.4 [May 23th, 2022]:\n---\n * Check if token is valid on start in shell mode.\n\n2.1.3 [May 20th, 2022]:\n---\n * Now is possible to doesn't resolve hostname by changing resolve_hostname parameter.\n * Fix the colors in Severity Stats.\n\n2.1.2 [Jan 11th, 2022]:\n---\n * Update Documentation.\n\n2.1.1 [Dec 13th, 2021]:\n---\n * ADD setting to enable/disable auto command detection.\n * Fix error message when a command dont generate valid output.\n * FIX tables visualization when host has to many hostnames.\n * Show if update is available.\n\n2.1.0 [Nov 19th, 2021]:\n---\n * Add fields to executive reports generation command.\n * Add KAKER_MODE easter egg.\n * Update plugins requirements to 1.5.6\n\n2.0.2 [Aug 9th, 2021]:\n---\n * add --create-workspace parameter for tool command\n * Ask for executive report template if not provided\n * Add for executor parameters if not provided\n * [FIX] Bug using an invalid executor name\n * Update readme to fix some examples\n\n2.0.1 [Jun 29th, 2021]:\n---\n * [FIX] Show help if no subcommand is provided\n\n2.0.0 [Jun 29th, 2021]:\n---\n * [MOD] Change commands to verbs\n * Enable and disable Workspaces\n * Fix to use cmd2 2.0 and update requirements\n * Show message if license is expired\n * [MOD] Change to V3 api of faraday\n * Add command to upload evidence to vuln\n\n1.1.1 [Jun 9th, 2021]:\n---\n * Fix to use cmd2 2.0 and update requirements\n * Show message if license is expired\n * [MOD] Change to V3 api of faraday\n\n1.1.0 [Apr 16th, 2021]:\n---\n * Add new command to process a tool execution\n * Add command to list vulnerabilities\n * Add versions to dependencies\n * Add setting to ignore INFO vulns\n * Show only active workspaces by default unless you use the --show-inactive parameter\n * [MOD] Add support for tags\n * Update faraday_plugins version dependency\n * Fix create_hosts docs typo\n * Show user in status\n * [MOD] Update faraday-plugins\n\n1.0.2 [Feb 17th, 2021]:\n---\n * ADD documentation (made with mkdocs)\n * MOD Convert some command and help to plural\n * FIX Exit shell in case of invalid authorization result\n * FIX faraday 3.14.1 updated security lib, and make login bugged\n\n1.0.1 [Jan 4th, 2021]:\n---\n * Fix error in list_host command\n\n1.0.0 [Dec 28th, 2020]:\n---\n * Add List Services command\n * Change the import command/report message\n * Add support for executive reports\n * Show in status if token is valid\n\n0.1.0 [Aug 28th, 2020]:\n---\n * First version released, use with caution as it is still beta phase.\n * Access a faraday server from your CLI, your CI o any other bash interpreter.\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GNU General Public License v3",
    "summary": "Faraday cli package",
    "version": "2.1.11",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/infobyte/faraday-cli"
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
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Elapsed time: 0.17806s