
Namefromconfig-mlflow JSON
Version 0.4.0 PyPI version JSON
Summary# FromConfig MlFlow <!-- {docsify-ignore} -->
upload_time2022-12-22 11:34:20
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # FromConfig MlFlow <!-- {docsify-ignore} -->

A [fromconfig]( `Launcher` for [MlFlow]( support.

<!-- MarkdownTOC -->

- [Install](#install)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [MlFlow server](#mlflow-server)
- [Configure MlFlow](#configure-mlflow)
- [Artifacts and Parameters](#artifacts-and-parameters)
- [Usage-Reference](#usage-reference)
  - [`StartRunLauncher`](#startrunlauncher)
  - [`LogArtifactsLauncher`](#logartifactslauncher)
  - [`LogParamsLauncher`](#logparamslauncher)

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->

<a id="install"></a>
## Install

pip install fromconfig_mlflow

<a id="quickstart"></a>
## Quickstart

To activate `MlFlow` login, simply add `--launcher.log=mlflow` to your command

fromconfig config.yaml params.yaml --launcher.log=mlflow - model - train



"""Dummy Model."""

import mlflow

class Model:
    def __init__(self, learning_rate: float):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate

    def train(self):
        print(f"Training model with learning_rate {self.learning_rate}")
        if mlflow.active_run():
            mlflow.log_metric("learning_rate", self.learning_rate)


  _attr_: model.Model
  learning_rate: "${params.learning_rate}"


  learning_rate: 0.001

It should print

Started run:
Training model with learning_rate 0.001

If you navigate to `` you should see your the logged `learning_rate` metric.

<a id="mlflow-server"></a>
## MlFlow server

To setup a local MlFlow tracking server, run

mlflow server

which should print

[INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4
[INFO] Listening at:

We will assume that the tracking URI is `` from now on.

<a id="configure-mlflow"></a>
## Configure MlFlow

You can set the tracking URI either via an environment variable or via the config.

To set the `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI` environment variable


Alternatively, you can set the `mlflow.tracking_uri` config key either via command line with

fromconfig config.yaml params.yaml --launcher.log=mlflow --mlflow.tracking_uri="" - model - train

or in a config file with


# Configure mlflow
  # tracking_uri: ""  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
  # experiment_name: "test-experiment"  # Which experiment to use
  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run
  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run
  # artifact_location: "path/to/artifacts"  # Used only when creating a new experiment

# Configure launcher
  log: mlflow

and run

fromconfig config.yaml params.yaml launcher.yaml - model - train

<a id="artifacts-and-parameters"></a>
## Artifacts and Parameters

In this example, we add logging of the config and parameters.

Re-using the [quickstart](#quickstart) code, modify the `launcher.yaml` file

# Configure logging
  level: 20

# Configure mlflow
  # tracking_uri: ""  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
  # experiment_name: "test-experiment"  # Which experiment to use
  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run
  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run
  # artifact_location: "path/to/artifacts"  # Used only when creating a new experiment
  # include_keys:  # Only log params that match *model*
  #   - model

# Configure launcher
    - logging
    - mlflow
    - mlflow.log_artifacts
    - parser
    - mlflow.log_params

and run

fromconfig config.yaml params.yaml launcher.yaml - model - train

which prints

INFO:fromconfig_mlflow.launcher:Started run:<MLFLOW_RUN_ID>
Training model with learning_rate 0.001

If you navigate to the MlFlow run URL, you should see
- the parameters, a flattened version of the *parsed* config (`model.learning_rate` is `0.001` and not `${params.learning_rate}`)
- the original config, saved as `config.yaml`
- the parsed config, saved as `parsed.yaml`

<a id="usage-reference"></a>
## Usage-Reference

<a id="startrunlauncher"></a>
### `StartRunLauncher`

To configure MlFlow, add a `mlflow` entry to your config and set the following parameters

- `run_id`: if you wish to restart an existing run
- `run_name`: if you wish to give a name to your new run
- `tracking_uri`: to configure the tracking remote
- `experiment_name`: to use a different experiment than the custom
- `artifact_location`: the location of the artifacts (config files)

Additionally, the launcher can be initialized with the following attributes

- `set_env_vars`: if True (default is `True`), set `MLFLOW_RUN_ID` and `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI`
- `set_run_id`: if True (default is `False`), set `mlflow.run_id` in config.

For example,

# Configure logging
  level: 20

# Configure mlflow
  # tracking_uri: ""  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
  # experiment_name: "test-experiment"  # Which experiment to use
  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run
  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run
  # artifact_location: "path/to/artifacts"  # Used only when creating a new experiment

# Configure Launcher
    - logging
    - _attr_: mlflow
      set_env_vars: true
      set_run_id: true

<a id="logartifactslauncher"></a>
### `LogArtifactsLauncher`

The launcher can be initialized with the following attributes

- `path_command`: Name for the command file. If `None`, don't log the command.
- `path_config`: Name for the config file. If `None`, don't log the config.

For example,

# Configure logging
  level: 20

# Configure mlflow
  # tracking_uri: ""  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
  # experiment_name: "test-experiment"  # Which experiment to use
  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run
  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run
  # artifact_location: "path/to/artifacts"  # Used only when creating a new experiment

# Configure launcher
    - logging
    - mlflow
    - _attr_: mlflow.log_artifacts
      path_config: config.yaml
    - parser
    - _attr_: mlflow.log_artifacts
      path_command: null
      path_config: parsed.yaml

<a id="logparamslauncher"></a>
### `LogParamsLauncher`

The launcher will use `include_keys` and `ignore_keys`  if present in the config in the `mlflow` key.

- `ignore_keys` : If given, don't log some parameters that have some substrings.
- `include_keys` : If given, only log some parameters that have some substrings. Also shorten the flattened parameter to start at the first match. For example, if the config is `{"foo": {"bar": 1}}` and `include_keys=("bar",)`, then the logged parameter will be `"bar"`.

For example,

# Configure logging
  level: 20

# Configure mlflow
  # tracking_uri: ""  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
  # experiment_name: "test-experiment"  # Which experiment to use
  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run
  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run
  # artifact_location: "path/to/artifacts"  # Used only when creating a new experiment
  include_keys:  # Only log params that match *model*
    - model

# Configure launcher
    - logging
    - mlflow
    - parser
    - mlflow.log_params


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "fromconfig-mlflow",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Criteo",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# FromConfig MlFlow <!-- {docsify-ignore} -->\n[![pypi](](\n[![ci](](\n\nA [fromconfig]( `Launcher` for [MlFlow]( support.\n\n\n<!-- MarkdownTOC -->\n\n- [Install](#install)\n- [Quickstart](#quickstart)\n- [MlFlow server](#mlflow-server)\n- [Configure MlFlow](#configure-mlflow)\n- [Artifacts and Parameters](#artifacts-and-parameters)\n- [Usage-Reference](#usage-reference)\n  - [`StartRunLauncher`](#startrunlauncher)\n  - [`LogArtifactsLauncher`](#logartifactslauncher)\n  - [`LogParamsLauncher`](#logparamslauncher)\n\n<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->\n\n\n<a id=\"install\"></a>\n## Install\n\n```bash\npip install fromconfig_mlflow\n```\n\n<a id=\"quickstart\"></a>\n## Quickstart\n\nTo activate `MlFlow` login, simply add `--launcher.log=mlflow` to your command\n\n```bash\nfromconfig config.yaml params.yaml --launcher.log=mlflow - model - train\n```\n\nWith\n\n``\n\n```python\n\"\"\"Dummy Model.\"\"\"\n\nimport mlflow\n\n\nclass Model:\n    def __init__(self, learning_rate: float):\n        self.learning_rate = learning_rate\n\n    def train(self):\n        print(f\"Training model with learning_rate {self.learning_rate}\")\n        if mlflow.active_run():\n            mlflow.log_metric(\"learning_rate\", self.learning_rate)\n```\n\n`config.yaml`\n\n```yaml\nmodel:\n  _attr_: model.Model\n  learning_rate: \"${params.learning_rate}\"\n```\n\n`params.yaml`\n\n```yaml\nparams:\n  learning_rate: 0.001\n```\n\nIt should print\n\n```\nStarted run:\nTraining model with learning_rate 0.001\n```\n\nIf you navigate to `` you should see your the logged `learning_rate` metric.\n\n<a id=\"mlflow-server\"></a>\n## MlFlow server\n\nTo setup a local MlFlow tracking server, run\n\n```bash\nmlflow server\n```\n\nwhich should print\n\n```\n[INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4\n[INFO] Listening at:\n```\n\nWe will assume that the tracking URI is `` from now on.\n\n\n<a id=\"configure-mlflow\"></a>\n## Configure MlFlow\n\nYou can set the tracking URI either via an environment variable or via the config.\n\nTo set the `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI` environment variable\n\n```bash\nexport MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=\n```\n\nAlternatively, you can set the `mlflow.tracking_uri` config key either via command line with\n\n```bash\nfromconfig config.yaml params.yaml --launcher.log=mlflow --mlflow.tracking_uri=\"\" - model - train\n```\n\nor in a config file with\n\n`launcher.yaml`\n\n```yaml\n# Configure mlflow\nmlflow:\n  # tracking_uri: \"\"  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI\n  # experiment_name: \"test-experiment\"  # Which experiment to use\n  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run\n  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run\n  # artifact_location: \"path/to/artifacts\"  # Used only when creating a new experiment\n\n# Configure launcher\nlauncher:\n  log: mlflow\n```\n\nand run\n\n```bash\nfromconfig config.yaml params.yaml launcher.yaml - model - train\n```\n\n<a id=\"artifacts-and-parameters\"></a>\n## Artifacts and Parameters\n\nIn this example, we add logging of the config and parameters.\n\nRe-using the [quickstart](#quickstart) code, modify the `launcher.yaml` file\n\n```yaml\n# Configure logging\nlogging:\n  level: 20\n\n# Configure mlflow\nmlflow:\n  # tracking_uri: \"\"  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI\n  # experiment_name: \"test-experiment\"  # Which experiment to use\n  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run\n  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run\n  # artifact_location: \"path/to/artifacts\"  # Used only when creating a new experiment\n  # include_keys:  # Only log params that match *model*\n  #   - model\n\n# Configure launcher\nlauncher:\n  log:\n    - logging\n    - mlflow\n  parse:\n    - mlflow.log_artifacts\n    - parser\n    - mlflow.log_params\n```\n\nand run\n\n```bash\nfromconfig config.yaml params.yaml launcher.yaml - model - train\n```\n\nwhich prints\n\n```\nINFO:fromconfig_mlflow.launcher:Started run:<MLFLOW_RUN_ID>\nTraining model with learning_rate 0.001\n```\n\nIf you navigate to the MlFlow run URL, you should see\n- the parameters, a flattened version of the *parsed* config (`model.learning_rate` is `0.001` and not `${params.learning_rate}`)\n- the original config, saved as `config.yaml`\n- the parsed config, saved as `parsed.yaml`\n\n\n<a id=\"usage-reference\"></a>\n## Usage-Reference\n\n<a id=\"startrunlauncher\"></a>\n### `StartRunLauncher`\n\nTo configure MlFlow, add a `mlflow` entry to your config and set the following parameters\n\n- `run_id`: if you wish to restart an existing run\n- `run_name`: if you wish to give a name to your new run\n- `tracking_uri`: to configure the tracking remote\n- `experiment_name`: to use a different experiment than the custom\n  experiment\n- `artifact_location`: the location of the artifacts (config files)\n\nAdditionally, the launcher can be initialized with the following attributes\n\n- `set_env_vars`: if True (default is `True`), set `MLFLOW_RUN_ID` and `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI`\n- `set_run_id`: if True (default is `False`), set `mlflow.run_id` in config.\n\nFor example,\n\n```yaml\n# Configure logging\nlogging:\n  level: 20\n\n# Configure mlflow\nmlflow:\n  # tracking_uri: \"\"  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI\n  # experiment_name: \"test-experiment\"  # Which experiment to use\n  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run\n  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run\n  # artifact_location: \"path/to/artifacts\"  # Used only when creating a new experiment\n\n# Configure Launcher\nlauncher:\n  log:\n    - logging\n    - _attr_: mlflow\n      set_env_vars: true\n      set_run_id: true\n```\n\n\n<a id=\"logartifactslauncher\"></a>\n### `LogArtifactsLauncher`\n\nThe launcher can be initialized with the following attributes\n\n- `path_command`: Name for the command file. If `None`, don't log the command.\n- `path_config`: Name for the config file. If `None`, don't log the config.\n\nFor example,\n\n```yaml\n# Configure logging\nlogging:\n  level: 20\n\n# Configure mlflow\nmlflow:\n  # tracking_uri: \"\"  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI\n  # experiment_name: \"test-experiment\"  # Which experiment to use\n  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run\n  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run\n  # artifact_location: \"path/to/artifacts\"  # Used only when creating a new experiment\n\n# Configure launcher\nlauncher:\n  log:\n    - logging\n    - mlflow\n  parse:\n    - _attr_: mlflow.log_artifacts\n      path_command:\n      path_config: config.yaml\n    - parser\n    - _attr_: mlflow.log_artifacts\n      path_command: null\n      path_config: parsed.yaml\n```\n\n\n<a id=\"logparamslauncher\"></a>\n### `LogParamsLauncher`\n\nThe launcher will use `include_keys` and `ignore_keys`  if present in the config in the `mlflow` key.\n\n- `ignore_keys` : If given, don't log some parameters that have some substrings.\n- `include_keys` : If given, only log some parameters that have some substrings. Also shorten the flattened parameter to start at the first match. For example, if the config is `{\"foo\": {\"bar\": 1}}` and `include_keys=(\"bar\",)`, then the logged parameter will be `\"bar\"`.\n\nFor example,\n\n```yaml\n# Configure logging\nlogging:\n  level: 20\n\n# Configure mlflow\nmlflow:\n  # tracking_uri: \"\"  # Or set env variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI\n  # experiment_name: \"test-experiment\"  # Which experiment to use\n  # run_id: 12345  # To restore a previous run\n  # run_name: test  # To give a name to your new run\n  # artifact_location: \"path/to/artifacts\"  # Used only when creating a new experiment\n  include_keys:  # Only log params that match *model*\n    - model\n\n# Configure launcher\nlauncher:\n  log:\n    - logging\n    - mlflow\n  parse:\n    - parser\n    - mlflow.log_params\n```\n\n\n",
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