
Namepandoc-filter JSON
Version 0.2.15 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA customized pandoc filters set that can be used to generate a useful pandoc python filter.
upload_time2024-05-24 05:23:33
licenseGNU General Public License (GPL)
keywords pandoc pandoc-filter python pandoc-python-filter markdown html
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <div align="center">

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# pandoc-filter

This project supports some useful and highly customized [pandoc python filters]( that based on [panflute]( They can meet some special requests when using [pandoc]( to

- [x] convert files from `markdown` to `gfm`
- [x] convert files from `markdown` to `html`
- [ ] convert other formats (In the future)

Please see [Main Features](#main-features) for the concrete features.

Please see [Samples](#Samples) for the recommend usage.

# Backgrounds

I'm used to taking notes with markdown and clean markdown syntax. Then, I usually post these notes on [my site]( as web pages. So, I need to convert markdown to html. There were many tools to achieve the converting and  I chose [pandoc]( at last due to its powerful features.

But sometimes, I need many more features when converting from `markdown` to `html`, where pandoc filters are needed. I have written some pandoc python filters with some advanced features by [panflute]( and many other tools. And now, I think it's time to gather these filters into a combined toolset as this project. 

# Installation

pip install -i -U pandoc-filter

# Main Features

There are 2 supported ways:

-  **command-line-mode**: use non-parametric filters in command-lines with [pandoc](
- **python-mode**: use `run_filters_pyio`  function in python.

For an example, `md2md_enhance_equation_filter` in []( is a filter function as [panflute-user-guide ]( And its registered command-line script is `md2md-enhance-equation-filter`. 

- So, after the installation, one can use it in **command-line-mode**:

  pandoc ./ -o ./ -f markdown -t gfm -s --filter md2md-enhance-equation-filter

- Or, use in **python mode**

  import pandoc_filter
  file_path = pathlib.Path("./")
  output_path = pathlib.Path("./")

**Runtime status** can be recorded. In **python mode**, any filter function will return a proposed panflute `Doc`. Some filter functions will add an instance attribute dict `runtime_dict` to the returned `Doc`, as a record for **runtime status**, which may be very useful for advanced users.  For an example,  `md2md_enhance_equation_filter`, will add an instance attribute dict `runtime_dict` to the returned `Doc`, which may contain a mapping `{'math':True}` if there is any math element in the `Doc`.

All filters with corresponding registered command-line scripts, the specific features, and the recorded **runtime status** are recorded as the following:

> [!NOTE]
> Since some filters need additional arguments, not all filter functions support **command-line-mode**, even though they all support **python-mode** indeed.
> All filters support cascaded invoking.

- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.convert_github_style_alert_to_hexo_style_alert.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/
  - command-line: `md2md-convert-github-style-alert-to-hexo-style-alert-filter`
  - main features: Convert the [github-style alert]( to hexo-style alert.
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.enhance_equation.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/
  - command-line: `md2md-enhance-equation-filter`
  - main features: Enhance math equations.
  - Runtime status (`doc.runtime_dict`): ` {'math':< bool >,'equations_count':<some_number>}`
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.norm_footnote.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/
  - command-line: `md2md-norm-footnote-filter`
  - main features: Normalize the footnotes.
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.norm_internal_link.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/
  - command-line: `  md2md-norm-internal-link-filter`
  - main features:  Normalize internal links' URLs.
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.upload_figure_to_aliyun.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/
  - command-line:  ==Unsupported.==
  - Additional Arguments: `doc_path`
  - main features: Auto upload local pictures to Aliyun OSS.
  - Runtime status (`doc.runtime_dict`): {'doc_path':<doc_path>,'oss_helper':<Oss_Helper>}
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.centralize_figure.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/
  - command-line: `md2html-centralize-figure-filter`
  - main features: ==Deprecated==
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.enhance_footnote.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/
  - command-line: `md2html-enhance-footnote-filter`
  - main features: Enhance the footnote.
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.enhance_link_like.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/
  - command-line: `md2html-enhance-link-like-filter`
  - main features: Enhance the link-like string to a `link` element.
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.hash_anchor_and_internal_link.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/
  - command-line: `md2html-hash-anchor-and-internal-link-filter`
  - main features: Hash both the anchor's `id` and the internal-link's `url ` simultaneously.
  - Runtime status (`doc.runtime_dict`): `{'anchor_count':<anchor_count_dict>,'internal_link_record':<internal_link_record_list>}`
- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.increase_header_level.run_filter`
  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/
  - command-line: `md2html-increase-header-level-filter`
  - main features: Increase the header level by `1`.

# Samples

Here are 2 basic types of examples

## Convert markdown to markdown (Normalization)

- [Adapt AMS rule for math formula](
- [Convert Github style alert to Hexo style alert](
- [Normalize footnotes](
- [Normalize internal link](
- [Sync local images to `Aliyun OSS`](`Aliyun_OSS`.md)

## Convert markdown to html

- [Normalize headers, anchors, internal links and link-like strings](

# Contribution

Contributions are welcome. But recently, the introduction and documentation are not complete. So, please wait for a while.

A simple way to contribute is to open an issue to report bugs or request new features.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "pandoc-filter",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.12",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "pandoc, pandoc-filter, python, pandoc-python-filter, markdown, html",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Pu Zhao <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<div align=\"center\">\n<strong>\n<samp>\n\n[![PyPI - Python Version](](\n[![PyPI - Version](](\n[![DOI](](\n[![GitHub License](](\n\n[![GitHub Actions Workflow Status](](\n[![GitHub Actions Workflow Status](](\n[![GitHub Actions Workflow Status](](\n[![codecov](](\n\n</samp>\n</strong>\n</div>\n\n# pandoc-filter\n\nThis project supports some useful and highly customized [pandoc python filters]( that based on [panflute]( They can meet some special requests when using [pandoc]( to\n\n- [x] convert files from `markdown` to `gfm`\n- [x] convert files from `markdown` to `html`\n- [ ] convert other formats (In the future)\n\nPlease see [Main Features](#main-features) for the concrete features.\n\nPlease see [Samples](#Samples) for the recommend usage.\n\n# Backgrounds\n\nI'm used to taking notes with markdown and clean markdown syntax. Then, I usually post these notes on [my site]( as web pages. So, I need to convert markdown to html. There were many tools to achieve the converting and  I chose [pandoc]( at last due to its powerful features.\n\nBut sometimes, I need many more features when converting from `markdown` to `html`, where pandoc filters are needed. I have written some pandoc python filters with some advanced features by [panflute]( and many other tools. And now, I think it's time to gather these filters into a combined toolset as this project. \n\n# Installation\n\n```\npip install -i -U pandoc-filter\n```\n\n# Main Features\n\nThere are 2 supported ways:\n\n-  **command-line-mode**: use non-parametric filters in command-lines with [pandoc](\n- **python-mode**: use `run_filters_pyio`  function in python.\n\nFor an example, `md2md_enhance_equation_filter` in []( is a filter function as [panflute-user-guide ]( And its registered command-line script is `md2md-enhance-equation-filter`. \n\n- So, after the installation, one can use it in **command-line-mode**:\n\n  ```powershell\n  pandoc ./ -o ./ -f markdown -t gfm -s --filter md2md-enhance-equation-filter\n  ```\n\n- Or, use in **python mode**\n\n  ```python\n  import pandoc_filter\n  file_path = pathlib.Path(\"./\")\n  output_path = pathlib.Path(\"./\")\n  pandoc_filter.run_filters_pyio(file_path,output_path,'markdown','gfm',[pandoc_filter.md2md_enhance_equation_filter])\n  ```\n\n**Runtime status** can be recorded. In **python mode**, any filter function will return a proposed panflute `Doc`. Some filter functions will add an instance attribute dict `runtime_dict` to the returned `Doc`, as a record for **runtime status**, which may be very useful for advanced users.  For an example,  `md2md_enhance_equation_filter`, will add an instance attribute dict `runtime_dict` to the returned `Doc`, which may contain a mapping `{'math':True}` if there is any math element in the `Doc`.\n\nAll filters with corresponding registered command-line scripts, the specific features, and the recorded **runtime status** are recorded as the following:\n\n> [!NOTE]\n>\n> Since some filters need additional arguments, not all filter functions support **command-line-mode**, even though they all support **python-mode** indeed.\n>\n> All filters support cascaded invoking.\n\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.convert_github_style_alert_to_hexo_style_alert.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/\n  - command-line: `md2md-convert-github-style-alert-to-hexo-style-alert-filter`\n  - main features: Convert the [github-style alert]( to hexo-style alert.\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.enhance_equation.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/\n  - command-line: `md2md-enhance-equation-filter`\n  - main features: Enhance math equations.\n  - Runtime status (`doc.runtime_dict`): ` {'math':< bool >,'equations_count':<some_number>}`\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.norm_footnote.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/\n  - command-line: `md2md-norm-footnote-filter`\n  - main features: Normalize the footnotes.\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.norm_internal_link.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/\n  - command-line: `  md2md-norm-internal-link-filter`\n  - main features:  Normalize internal links' URLs.\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2md.upload_figure_to_aliyun.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2md/\n  - command-line:  ==Unsupported.==\n  - Additional Arguments: `doc_path`\n  - main features: Auto upload local pictures to Aliyun OSS.\n  - Runtime status (`doc.runtime_dict`): {'doc_path':<doc_path>,'oss_helper':<Oss_Helper>}\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.centralize_figure.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/\n  - command-line: `md2html-centralize-figure-filter`\n  - main features: ==Deprecated==\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.enhance_footnote.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/\n  - command-line: `md2html-enhance-footnote-filter`\n  - main features: Enhance the footnote.\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.enhance_link_like.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/\n  - command-line: `md2html-enhance-link-like-filter`\n  - main features: Enhance the link-like string to a `link` element.\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.hash_anchor_and_internal_link.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/\n  - command-line: `md2html-hash-anchor-and-internal-link-filter`\n  - main features: Hash both the anchor's `id` and the internal-link's `url ` simultaneously.\n  - Runtime status (`doc.runtime_dict`): `{'anchor_count':<anchor_count_dict>,'internal_link_record':<internal_link_record_list>}`\n- `pandoc_filter.filters.md2html.increase_header_level.run_filter`\n  - [source](./src/pandoc_filter/filters/md2html/\n  - command-line: `md2html-increase-header-level-filter`\n  - main features: Increase the header level by `1`.\n\n# Samples\n\nHere are 2 basic types of examples\n\n## Convert markdown to markdown (Normalization)\n\n- [Adapt AMS rule for math formula](\n- [Convert Github style alert to Hexo style alert](\n- [Normalize footnotes](\n- [Normalize internal link](\n- [Sync local images to `Aliyun OSS`](`Aliyun_OSS`.md)\n\n## Convert markdown to html\n\n- [Normalize headers, anchors, internal links and link-like strings](\n\n\n# Contribution\n\nContributions are welcome. But recently, the introduction and documentation are not complete. So, please wait for a while.\n\nA simple way to contribute is to open an issue to report bugs or request new features.\n\n\n\n",
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        " pandoc-python-filter",
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