
Nameperceval JSON
Version 1.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummarySend Sir Perceval on a quest to fetch and gather data from software repositories.
upload_time2024-04-13 07:27:05
authorGrimoireLab Developers
keywords development grimoirelab
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Perceval [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![PyPI version](]( [![Documentation in RTD](](

Send Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software

## Usage

usage: perceval [-g] <backend> [<args>] | --help | --version | --list

Send Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software

Repositories are reached using specific backends. The most common backends

    askbot           Fetch questions and answers from Askbot site
    bugzilla         Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server
    bugzillarest     Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server (>=5.0) using its REST API
    confluence       Fetch contents from a Confluence server
    discourse        Fetch posts from Discourse site
    dockerhub        Fetch repository data from Docker Hub site
    gerrit           Fetch reviews from a Gerrit server
    git              Fetch commits from Git
    github           Fetch issues, pull requests and repository information from GitHub
    gitlab           Fetch issues, merge requests from GitLab
    gitter           Fetch messages from a Gitter room
    googlehits       Fetch hits from Google API
    groupsio         Fetch messages from
    hyperkitty       Fetch messages from a HyperKitty archiver
    jenkins          Fetch builds from a Jenkins server
    jira             Fetch issues from JIRA issue tracker
    launchpad        Fetch issues from Launchpad issue tracker
    mattermost       Fetch posts from a Mattermost server
    mbox             Fetch messages from MBox files
    mediawiki        Fetch pages and revisions from a MediaWiki site
    meetup           Fetch events from a Meetup group
    nntp             Fetch articles from a NNTP news group
    pagure           Fetch issues from Pagure
    phabricator      Fetch tasks from a Phabricator site
    pipermail        Fetch messages from a Pipermail archiver
    redmine          Fetch issues from a Redmine server
    rocketchat       Fetch messages from a Rocket.Chat channel
    rss              Fetch entries from a RSS feed server
    slack            Fetch messages from a Slack channel
    stackexchange    Fetch questions from StackExchange sites
    supybot          Fetch messages from Supybot log files
    telegram         Fetch messages from the Telegram server
    twitter          Fetch tweets from the Twitter Search API

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show version
  -g, --debug           set debug mode on
  -l, --list            show available backends

Run 'perceval <backend> --help' to get information about a specific backend.


## Requirements

 * Python >= 3.8
 * Poetry >= 1.2
 * git
 * build-essential

You will also need some other libraries for running the tool, you can find the
whole list of dependencies in [pyproject.toml](pyproject.toml) file.

### How to install

- **build-essentials**

Build-essentials is a package that contains a set of tools to compile and build
software. It is required to work with Debian packages.

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

- **git**

Git is a version control system that allows you to keep track of changes in your
code. It is required to work with Git repositories.

$ sudo apt-get install git

## Installation

There are several ways to install Perceval on your system: packages or source
code using Poetry or pip or using Docker.

### PyPI

Perceval can be installed using pip, a tool for installing Python packages. To
do it, run the next command:
$ pip install perceval

### Source code

To install from the source code you will need to clone the repository first:
$ git clone
$ cd grimoirelab-perceval

Then use pip or Poetry to install the package along with its dependencies.

#### Pip
To install the package from local directory run the following command:
$ pip install .
In case you are a developer, you should install perceval in editable mode:
$ pip install -e .

#### Poetry
We use [poetry]( for dependency management and
packaging. You can install it following its
[documentation]( Once you have
installed it, you can install perceval and the dependencies in a project
isolated environment using:
$ poetry install
To spaw a new shell within the virtual environment use:
$ poetry shell

### Docker

A Perceval Docker image is available at

Detailed information on how to run and/or build this image can be found

## Documentation

Documentation is generated automatically in the [ReadTheDocs Perceval

## References

If you use Perceval in your research papers, please refer to [Perceval: software
project data at your will]( --

### APA style

DueƱas, S., Cosentino, V., Robles, G., & Gonzalez-Barahona, J. M. (2018, May). Perceval: software project data at your will. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings (pp. 1-4). ACM.

### BibTeX

  title={Perceval: software project data at your will},
  author={Due{\~n}as, Santiago and Cosentino, Valerio and Robles, Gregorio and Gonzalez-Barahona, Jesus M},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings},

## Examples

### Askbot
$ perceval askbot '' --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Bugzilla
To fetch bugs from Bugzilla, you have two options:

a) Use the traditional backend

$ perceval bugzilla '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'

b) Use the REST API backend for Buzilla 5.0 (or higher) servers. We strongly
recommend this backend when data is fetched from version servers >=5.0 because
the retrieval process is much faster.

$ perceval bugzillarest '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Confluence
$ perceval confluence '' --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Discourse
$ perceval discourse '' --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Docker Hub
$ perceval dockerhub grimoirelab perceval

### Gerrit
To run gerrit, you will need an authorized SSH private key:

$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)

To run the backend, execute the next command:

$ perceval gerrit --user user '' --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Git

To run this backend execute the next command. Take into account that to run this
backend Git program has to be installed on your system.

$ perceval git '' --from-date '2016-01-01'

To run the backend against a **private git repository**, you must pass the
credentials directly in the URL:

$ perceval git https://<username>:<password>@repository-url

For example, for private GitHub repositories:

$ perceval git https://<username>:<api-token>

Git backend can also work with a Git log file as input. We recommend to use the
next command to get the most complete log file.

$ git log --raw --numstat --pretty=fuller --decorate=full --parents --reverse --topo-order -M -C -c --remotes=origin --all > /tmp/gitlog.log

Then, to run the backend, just execute any of the next commands:

$ perceval git --git-log '/tmp/gitlog.log' 'file:///myrepo.git'


$ perceval git '/tmp/gitlog.log'

### GitHub
$ perceval github elastic logstash --from-date '2016-01-01'

The GitHub backend accepts the categories `issue`, `pull_request` and
`repository` which allow to fetch the specific data.

$ perceval github --category issue elastic logstash

### GitLab
$ perceval gitlab fdroid fdroiddata -t $GITLAB_TOKEN --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Gitter
$ perceval gitter -t 'abcdefghi' --from-date '2020-03-18' 'jenkinsci' 'jenkins'

### GoogleHits
$ perceval googlehits "bitergia grimoirelab"

$ perceval groupsio 'updates' -e '<>' -p 'my-password' --from-date '2016-01-01'
In order to fetch the data from a group, you should first subscribe to it via
the website. In case you want to know the group names where you are
subscribed, you can use the following script:

### HyperKitty
$ perceval hyperkitty '' --from-date 2017-01-01

### Jenkins
$ perceval jenkins ''

### JIRA
$ perceval jira '' --project PUP --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Launchpad
$ perceval launchpad ubuntu --from-date '2016-01-01'

### Mattermost
$ perceval mattermost '' jgw7jdmjkjf19ffkwnw59i5f9e --from-date '2016-01-01' -t 'abcdefghijk'

### MBox
$ perceval mbox '' /tmp/mboxes/

### MediaWiki
$ perceval mediawiki '' --from-date '2016-06-30'

### Meetup
$ perceval meetup 'Software-Development-Analytics' --from-date '2016-06-01' -t abcdefghijk

### NNTP
$ perceval nntp '' '' --offset 10

### Pagure
$ perceval pagure '389-ds-base' --from-date '2020-03-06'

### Phabricator
$ perceval phabricator '' -t 123456789abcefe

### Pipermail
$ perceval pipermail ''

Pipermail also is able to fetch data from Apache's `mod_box` interface:
$ perceval pipermail ''

### Redmine
$ perceval redmine '' --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdefghijk

### Rocket.Chat

Rocket.Chat backend needs an API token and a User Id to authenticate to the
$ perceval rocketchat -t 'abchdefghij' -u '1234abcd' --from-date '2020-05-02' general

### RSS
$ perceval rss ''

### Slack

Slack backend requires an API token for authentication. Slack apps can be used
to generate and configure this API token. The scopes required by a Slack app for
the backend are `channels:history`, `channels:read` and `users:read`. To know
more about Slack apps and its integration please refer the [Slack apps
documentation]( For more information about
the scopes required by a Slack app please refer the [Scopes and permissions

The following
can also be used to generate an OAuth2 token to access the Slack API.

$ perceval slack C0001 --from-date 2016-01-12 -t abcedefghijk

### StackExchange
$ perceval stackexchange --site stackoverflow --tagged python --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdabcdabcdabcd

### Supybot
$ perceval supybot '' /tmp/supybot/

### Telegram

Telegram backend needs an API token to authenticate the bot. In addition and in
order to fetch messages from a group or channel, privacy settings must be
disabled. To know how to create a bot, to obtain its token and to configure it
please read the [Telegram Bots docs pages](

Note that the messages are available on the Telegram server until the bot
fetches them, but they will not be kept longer than 24 hours.

$ perceval telegram mybot -t 12345678abcdefgh --chats 1 2 -10

### Twitter

Twitter backend needs a bearer token to authenticate the requests. It can be
obtained using the code available on GistGitHub:

$ perceval twitter grimoirelab -t 12345678abcdefgh

## Community Backends

Some backends are implemented in a seperate repository but not merged into
due to long-run maintainence reasons. Please feel free to check the backends and
contact the maintainers for any issues or questions related to them.

- Bundle for Puppet, Inc. ecosystem:
- Bundle for OPNFV ecosystem:
- Bundle for Mozilla ecosystem:
- Bundle for FINOS ecosystem:
- Weblate backend:
- Zulip backend:
- OSF backend:
- Gitee backend:
- Airtable backend:
- Bitbucket backend:

## Running tests

Perceval comes with a comprehensive list of unit tests. To run them, in addition
to the dependencies installed with Perceval, you need `httpretty`.

## License

Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "perceval",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "development, grimoirelab",
    "author": "GrimoireLab Developers",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Perceval [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![PyPI version](]( [![Documentation in RTD](](\n\nSend Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software\nrepositories.\n\n## Usage\n\n```\nusage: perceval [-g] <backend> [<args>] | --help | --version | --list\n\nSend Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software\nrepositories.\n\nRepositories are reached using specific backends. The most common backends\nare:\n\n    askbot           Fetch questions and answers from Askbot site\n    bugzilla         Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server\n    bugzillarest     Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server (>=5.0) using its REST API\n    confluence       Fetch contents from a Confluence server\n    discourse        Fetch posts from Discourse site\n    dockerhub        Fetch repository data from Docker Hub site\n    gerrit           Fetch reviews from a Gerrit server\n    git              Fetch commits from Git\n    github           Fetch issues, pull requests and repository information from GitHub\n    gitlab           Fetch issues, merge requests from GitLab\n    gitter           Fetch messages from a Gitter room\n    googlehits       Fetch hits from Google API\n    groupsio         Fetch messages from\n    hyperkitty       Fetch messages from a HyperKitty archiver\n    jenkins          Fetch builds from a Jenkins server\n    jira             Fetch issues from JIRA issue tracker\n    launchpad        Fetch issues from Launchpad issue tracker\n    mattermost       Fetch posts from a Mattermost server\n    mbox             Fetch messages from MBox files\n    mediawiki        Fetch pages and revisions from a MediaWiki site\n    meetup           Fetch events from a Meetup group\n    nntp             Fetch articles from a NNTP news group\n    pagure           Fetch issues from Pagure\n    phabricator      Fetch tasks from a Phabricator site\n    pipermail        Fetch messages from a Pipermail archiver\n    redmine          Fetch issues from a Redmine server\n    rocketchat       Fetch messages from a Rocket.Chat channel\n    rss              Fetch entries from a RSS feed server\n    slack            Fetch messages from a Slack channel\n    stackexchange    Fetch questions from StackExchange sites\n    supybot          Fetch messages from Supybot log files\n    telegram         Fetch messages from the Telegram server\n    twitter          Fetch tweets from the Twitter Search API\n\noptional arguments:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  -v, --version         show version\n  -g, --debug           set debug mode on\n  -l, --list            show available backends\n\nRun 'perceval <backend> --help' to get information about a specific backend.\n\n```\n\n## Requirements\n\n * Python >= 3.8\n * Poetry >= 1.2\n * git\n * build-essential\n\nYou will also need some other libraries for running the tool, you can find the\nwhole list of dependencies in [pyproject.toml](pyproject.toml) file.\n\n### How to install\n\n- **build-essentials**\n\nBuild-essentials is a package that contains a set of tools to compile and build\nsoftware. It is required to work with Debian packages.\n\n```\n$ sudo apt-get install build-essential\n```\n\n- **git**\n\nGit is a version control system that allows you to keep track of changes in your\ncode. It is required to work with Git repositories.\n\n```\n$ sudo apt-get install git\n```\n\n## Installation\n\nThere are several ways to install Perceval on your system: packages or source\ncode using Poetry or pip or using Docker.\n\n### PyPI\n\nPerceval can be installed using pip, a tool for installing Python packages. To\ndo it, run the next command:\n```\n$ pip install perceval\n```\n\n### Source code\n\nTo install from the source code you will need to clone the repository first:\n```\n$ git clone\n$ cd grimoirelab-perceval\n```\n\nThen use pip or Poetry to install the package along with its dependencies.\n\n#### Pip\nTo install the package from local directory run the following command:\n```\n$ pip install .\n```\nIn case you are a developer, you should install perceval in editable mode:\n```\n$ pip install -e .\n```\n\n#### Poetry\nWe use [poetry]( for dependency management and\npackaging. You can install it following its\n[documentation]( Once you have\ninstalled it, you can install perceval and the dependencies in a project\nisolated environment using:\n```\n$ poetry install\n```\nTo spaw a new shell within the virtual environment use:\n```\n$ poetry shell\n```\n\n### Docker\n\nA Perceval Docker image is available at\n[DockerHub](\n\nDetailed information on how to run and/or build this image can be found\n[here](\n\n## Documentation\n\nDocumentation is generated automatically in the [ReadTheDocs Perceval\nsite](\n\n## References\n\nIf you use Perceval in your research papers, please refer to [Perceval: software\nproject data at your will]( --\n[Pre-print](\n\n### APA style\n\n```\nDue\u00f1as, S., Cosentino, V., Robles, G., & Gonzalez-Barahona, J. M. (2018, May). Perceval: software project data at your will. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings (pp. 1-4). ACM.\n```\n\n### BibTeX\n\n```\n@inproceedings{duenas2018perceval,\n  title={Perceval: software project data at your will},\n  author={Due{\\~n}as, Santiago and Cosentino, Valerio and Robles, Gregorio and Gonzalez-Barahona, Jesus M},\n  booktitle={Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings},\n  pages={1--4},\n  year={2018},\n  organization={ACM}\n}\n```\n\n## Examples\n\n### Askbot\n```\n$ perceval askbot '' --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Bugzilla\nTo fetch bugs from Bugzilla, you have two options:\n\na) Use the traditional backend\n\n```\n$ perceval bugzilla '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\nb) Use the REST API backend for Buzilla 5.0 (or higher) servers. We strongly\nrecommend this backend when data is fetched from version servers >=5.0 because\nthe retrieval process is much faster.\n\n```\n$ perceval bugzillarest '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Confluence\n```\n$ perceval confluence '' --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Discourse\n```\n$ perceval discourse '' --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Docker Hub\n```\n$ perceval dockerhub grimoirelab perceval\n```\n\n### Gerrit\nTo run gerrit, you will need an authorized SSH private key:\n\n```\n$ eval `ssh-agent -s`\n$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa\nIdentity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)\n```\n\nTo run the backend, execute the next command:\n\n```\n$ perceval gerrit --user user '' --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Git\n\nTo run this backend execute the next command. Take into account that to run this\nbackend Git program has to be installed on your system.\n\n```\n$ perceval git '' --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\nTo run the backend against a **private git repository**, you must pass the\ncredentials directly in the URL:\n\n```\n$ perceval git https://<username>:<password>@repository-url\n```\n\nFor example, for private GitHub repositories:\n\n```\n$ perceval git https://<username>:<api-token>\n```\n\nGit backend can also work with a Git log file as input. We recommend to use the\nnext command to get the most complete log file.\n\n```\n$ git log --raw --numstat --pretty=fuller --decorate=full --parents --reverse --topo-order -M -C -c --remotes=origin --all > /tmp/gitlog.log\n```\n\nThen, to run the backend, just execute any of the next commands:\n\n```\n$ perceval git --git-log '/tmp/gitlog.log' 'file:///myrepo.git'\n```\n\nor\n\n```\n$ perceval git '/tmp/gitlog.log'\n```\n\n### GitHub\n```\n$ perceval github elastic logstash --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\nThe GitHub backend accepts the categories `issue`, `pull_request` and\n`repository` which allow to fetch the specific data.\n\n```\n$ perceval github --category issue elastic logstash\n```\n\n### GitLab\n```\n$ perceval gitlab fdroid fdroiddata -t $GITLAB_TOKEN --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Gitter\n```\n$ perceval gitter -t 'abcdefghi' --from-date '2020-03-18' 'jenkinsci' 'jenkins'\n```\n\n### GoogleHits\n```\n$ perceval googlehits \"bitergia grimoirelab\"\n```\n\n###\n```\n$ perceval groupsio 'updates' -e '<>' -p 'my-password' --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\nIn order to fetch the data from a group, you should first subscribe to it via\nthe website. In case you want to know the group names where you are\nsubscribed, you can use the following script:\n\n\n\n### HyperKitty\n```\n$ perceval hyperkitty '' --from-date 2017-01-01\n```\n\n### Jenkins\n```\n$ perceval jenkins ''\n```\n\n### JIRA\n```\n$ perceval jira '' --project PUP --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Launchpad\n```\n$ perceval launchpad ubuntu --from-date '2016-01-01'\n```\n\n### Mattermost\n```\n$ perceval mattermost '' jgw7jdmjkjf19ffkwnw59i5f9e --from-date '2016-01-01' -t 'abcdefghijk'\n```\n\n### MBox\n```\n$ perceval mbox '' /tmp/mboxes/\n```\n\n### MediaWiki\n```\n$ perceval mediawiki '' --from-date '2016-06-30'\n```\n\n### Meetup\n```\n$ perceval meetup 'Software-Development-Analytics' --from-date '2016-06-01' -t abcdefghijk\n```\n\n### NNTP\n```\n$ perceval nntp '' '' --offset 10\n```\n\n### Pagure\n```\n$ perceval pagure '389-ds-base' --from-date '2020-03-06'\n```\n\n### Phabricator\n```\n$ perceval phabricator '' -t 123456789abcefe\n```\n\n### Pipermail\n```\n$ perceval pipermail ''\n```\n\nPipermail also is able to fetch data from Apache's `mod_box` interface:\n```\n$ perceval pipermail ''\n```\n\n### Redmine\n```\n$ perceval redmine '' --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdefghijk\n```\n\n### Rocket.Chat\n\nRocket.Chat backend needs an API token and a User Id to authenticate to the\nserver.\n```\n$ perceval rocketchat -t 'abchdefghij' -u '1234abcd' --from-date '2020-05-02' general\n```\n\n### RSS\n```\n$ perceval rss ''\n```\n\n### Slack\n\nSlack backend requires an API token for authentication. Slack apps can be used\nto generate and configure this API token. The scopes required by a Slack app for\nthe backend are `channels:history`, `channels:read` and `users:read`. To know\nmore about Slack apps and its integration please refer the [Slack apps\ndocumentation]( For more information about\nthe scopes required by a Slack app please refer the [Scopes and permissions\ndocumentation](\n\nThe following\n[script](\ncan also be used to generate an OAuth2 token to access the Slack API.\n\n```\n$ perceval slack C0001 --from-date 2016-01-12 -t abcedefghijk\n```\n\n### StackExchange\n```\n$ perceval stackexchange --site stackoverflow --tagged python --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdabcdabcdabcd\n```\n\n### Supybot\n```\n$ perceval supybot '' /tmp/supybot/\n```\n\n### Telegram\n\nTelegram backend needs an API token to authenticate the bot. In addition and in\norder to fetch messages from a group or channel, privacy settings must be\ndisabled. To know how to create a bot, to obtain its token and to configure it\nplease read the [Telegram Bots docs pages](\n\nNote that the messages are available on the Telegram server until the bot\nfetches them, but they will not be kept longer than 24 hours.\n\n```\n$ perceval telegram mybot -t 12345678abcdefgh --chats 1 2 -10\n```\n\n### Twitter\n\nTwitter backend needs a bearer token to authenticate the requests. It can be\nobtained using the code available on GistGitHub:\n\n\n```\n$ perceval twitter grimoirelab -t 12345678abcdefgh\n```\n\n## Community Backends\n\nSome backends are implemented in a seperate repository but not merged into\n[chaoss/grimoirelab-perceval](\ndue to long-run maintainence reasons. Please feel free to check the backends and\ncontact the maintainers for any issues or questions related to them.\n\n- Bundle for Puppet, Inc. ecosystem:\n  [chaoss/grimoirelab-perceval-puppet](\n- Bundle for OPNFV ecosystem:\n  [chaoss/grimoirelab-perceval-opnfv](\n- Bundle for Mozilla ecosystem:\n  [chaoss/grimoirelab-perceval-mozilla](\n- Bundle for FINOS ecosystem:\n  [Bitergia/grimoirelab-perceval-finos](\n- Weblate backend:\n  [chaoss/grimoirelab-perceval-weblate](\n- Zulip backend:\n  [vchrombie/grimoirelab-perceval-zulip](\n- OSF backend:\n  [](\n- Gitee backend:\n  [grimoirelab-gitee/grimoirelab-perceval-gitee](\n- Airtable backend:\n  [perceval-backends/grimoirelab-perceval-airtable](\n- Bitbucket backend:\n  [perceval-backends/grimoirelab-perceval-bitbucket](\n\n## Running tests\n\nPerceval comes with a comprehensive list of unit tests. To run them, in addition\nto the dependencies installed with Perceval, you need `httpretty`.\n\n## License\n\nLicensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "GPL-3.0+",
    "summary": "Send Sir Perceval on a quest to fetch and gather data from software repositories.",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Bug Tracker": "",
        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " grimoirelab"
    "urls": [
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            "downloads": -1,
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