
Namephylotree JSON
Version 0.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Rust backed package to deal with phylogenetic trees
upload_time2023-06-21 17:45:34
authorLuc Blassel
keywords phylogenetic tree distance matrix
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # PhyloTree

[![license_badge](]( [![crate version](]( [![rust doc](](

This crate aims to be a general purpose package to deal with phylogenetic trees and simulate them. Is also comes with a simple CLI tool to manipulate and simulate phylogenetic trees directly from the command line.

- [Crate usage](#using-this-crate)
- [CLI usage](#using-the-cli)
- [Python package](#python-package)

## Installing `phylotree`

### Crate

To use this crate just run `cargo add phylotree` in your cargo project or add `phylotree = "0.1.0"` to your `Cargo.toml` file.

### Cli

To install the CLI you can use
`cargo install phylotree`

Or you can build the project from source:

git clone
cd phylotree
cargo build --release
mv target/release/phylotree <somewhere/in/your/PATH>

## Using this crate

Below is some sample usage of the `phylotree` crate, please see []( for the full documentation.

use phylotree::tree::Tree;

// Building a tree from scratch //
let mut tree = Tree::new();

// Add the root node
let root = tree.add(Node::new());

// Add a child to the root
let child1 = tree.add_child(Node::new_named("Child_1"), root, None).unwrap();
// Add a child to the root with a branch length
let child2 = tree.add_child(Node::new_named("Child_2"), root, Some(0.5)).unwrap();

// Add more children
let child3 = tree.add_child(Node::new_named("Child_3"), child1, None).unwrap();

// Get depth of child
assert_eq!(tree.get(&child3).unwrap().get_depth(), 2)

// Reading and writing trees //
let newick_str = "((A:0.1,B:0.2)F:0.6,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)G;";
let tree = Tree::from_newick(newick_str).unwrap();

assert_eq!(tree.to_newick().unwrap(), newick_string)

// Traversing trees //
let newick_str = "((A,B)C,(D,E)F)G;";
let mut tree = Tree::from_newick(newick_str).unwrap();
let root = tree.get_root().unwrap();

let preorder: Vec<_> = tree.preorder(&root).unwrap()
    .map(|node_id| tree.get(node_id).unwrap().name.clone().unwrap())

assert_eq!(preorder, vec!["G", "C", "A", "B", "F", "D", "E"]);

// Comparing trees //

// The second tree is just a random rotation of the first,
// they represent the same phylogeney
let newick_orig = "((A:0.1,B:0.2)F:0.6,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)G;";
let newick_rota = "((D:0.3,C:0.4)E:0.5,(B:0.2,A:0.1)F:0.6)G;";

let tree_orig = Tree::from_newick(newick_orig).unwrap();
let tree_rota = Tree::from_newick(newick_rota).unwrap();

let rf = tree_orig.robinson_foulds(&tree_rota).unwrap();

assert_eq!(rf, 0)

// Computing a distance matrix //
let newick = "((T3:0.2,T1:0.2):0.3,(T2:0.4,T0:0.5):0.6);";
let tree = Tree::from_newick(newick).unwrap();
// Compute the whole distance matrix
let matrix = tree.distance_matrix_recursive().unwrap();
let phylip="\
T0    0  1.6  0.9  1.6
T1    1.6  0  1.5  0.4
T2    0.9  1.5  0  1.5
T3    1.6  0.4  1.5  0

assert_eq!(matrix.to_phylip(true).unwrap(), phylip)

## Using the CLI

There is a simple CLI that comes with this package:

A simple command line tool to manipulate phylogenetic trees

Usage: phylotree <COMMAND>

  generate     Generate random tree(s)
  stats        Get statistics about a tree
  compare      Compare two phylogenetic trees
  matrix       Output the phylogenetic distance matrix of the tree
  distance     Outputs a subset of phylogenetic distances
  collapse     Collapse branches that are under a certain branch length threshold
  remove       Remove tips from the trees
  deduplicate  Remove or collapse branches corresponding to identical sequences in a reference alignment
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

## Python package

A python package has also been implemented, using PyO3 to create the python bindings. It is available on [PyPi](, you can see the API of the package [here](./phylotree/

Example usage:

from phylotree import Tree

# Read a newick file
tree = Tree.from_newick("path/to/tree.nwk")

# Read a newick string
tree = Tree.from_string("((A,(C,E)D)B,((H)I)G)F;")

# Print newick formatted string of the tree

# Get information about the tree

# Get information about nodes
names = tree.get_leaf_names()
info = tree.get_node_attributes(name=names[0])
print(f"Parent edge has length: {info['parent_edge']}")
dist_branches, dist_topo = tree.get_distance(names=(names[0], names[1]))

distance_matrix = tree.to_matrix()
dist_mat = distance_matrix[(names[0], names[1])]
assert dist_branches == dist_mat

# Modify the tree
tree.compress() # Remove nodes with 1 parent and 1 child
tree.rescale() # Change branch lengths
tree.prune(name="D") # Remove sbutree rooted a specific node

# Traverse the tree in a given order
for node_id in tree.traversal(order="levelorder"):
    node = tree.get_node_attributes(id=node_id)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "phylotree",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "phylogenetic tree distance matrix",
    "author": "Luc Blassel",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# PhyloTree\n\n[![license_badge](]( [![crate version](]( [![rust doc](](\n\nThis crate aims to be a general purpose package to deal with phylogenetic trees and simulate them. Is also comes with a simple CLI tool to manipulate and simulate phylogenetic trees directly from the command line.\n\n- [Crate usage](#using-this-crate)\n- [CLI usage](#using-the-cli)\n- [Python package](#python-package)\n\n## Installing `phylotree`\n\n### Crate\n\nTo use this crate just run `cargo add phylotree` in your cargo project or add `phylotree = \"0.1.0\"` to your `Cargo.toml` file.\n\n### Cli\n\nTo install the CLI you can use\n`cargo install phylotree`\n\nOr you can build the project from source:\n\n```shell\ngit clone\ncd phylotree\ncargo build --release\nmv target/release/phylotree <somewhere/in/your/PATH>\n```\n\n## Using this crate\n\nBelow is some sample usage of the `phylotree` crate, please see []( for the full documentation.\n\n```rust\nuse phylotree::tree::Tree;\n\n//////////////////////////////////\n// Building a tree from scratch //\n//////////////////////////////////\nlet mut tree = Tree::new();\n\n// Add the root node\nlet root = tree.add(Node::new());\n\n// Add a child to the root\nlet child1 = tree.add_child(Node::new_named(\"Child_1\"), root, None).unwrap();\n// Add a child to the root with a branch length\nlet child2 = tree.add_child(Node::new_named(\"Child_2\"), root, Some(0.5)).unwrap();\n\n// Add more children\nlet child3 = tree.add_child(Node::new_named(\"Child_3\"), child1, None).unwrap();\n\n// Get depth of child\nassert_eq!(tree.get(&child3).unwrap().get_depth(), 2)\n\n///////////////////////////////\n// Reading and writing trees //\n///////////////////////////////\nlet newick_str = \"((A:0.1,B:0.2)F:0.6,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)G;\";\nlet tree = Tree::from_newick(newick_str).unwrap();\n\nassert_eq!(tree.to_newick().unwrap(), newick_string)\n\n//////////////////////\n// Traversing trees //\n//////////////////////\nlet newick_str = \"((A,B)C,(D,E)F)G;\";\nlet mut tree = Tree::from_newick(newick_str).unwrap();\nlet root = tree.get_root().unwrap();\n\nlet preorder: Vec<_> = tree.preorder(&root).unwrap()\n    .iter()\n    .map(|node_id| tree.get(node_id).unwrap().name.clone().unwrap())\n    .collect();\n\nassert_eq!(preorder, vec![\"G\", \"C\", \"A\", \"B\", \"F\", \"D\", \"E\"]);\n\n\n/////////////////////\n// Comparing trees //\n/////////////////////\n\n// The second tree is just a random rotation of the first,\n// they represent the same phylogeney\nlet newick_orig = \"((A:0.1,B:0.2)F:0.6,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)G;\";\nlet newick_rota = \"((D:0.3,C:0.4)E:0.5,(B:0.2,A:0.1)F:0.6)G;\";\n\nlet tree_orig = Tree::from_newick(newick_orig).unwrap();\nlet tree_rota = Tree::from_newick(newick_rota).unwrap();\n\nlet rf = tree_orig.robinson_foulds(&tree_rota).unwrap();\n\nassert_eq!(rf, 0)\n\n\n/////////////////////////////////\n// Computing a distance matrix //\n/////////////////////////////////\nlet newick = \"((T3:0.2,T1:0.2):0.3,(T2:0.4,T0:0.5):0.6);\";\nlet tree = Tree::from_newick(newick).unwrap();\n// Compute the whole distance matrix\nlet matrix = tree.distance_matrix_recursive().unwrap();\nlet phylip=\"\\\n4\nT0    0  1.6  0.9  1.6\nT1    1.6  0  1.5  0.4\nT2    0.9  1.5  0  1.5\nT3    1.6  0.4  1.5  0\n\";\n\nassert_eq!(matrix.to_phylip(true).unwrap(), phylip)\n```\n\n## Using the CLI\n\nThere is a simple CLI that comes with this package:\n\n```\nA simple command line tool to manipulate phylogenetic trees\n\nUsage: phylotree <COMMAND>\n\nCommands:\n  generate     Generate random tree(s)\n  stats        Get statistics about a tree\n  compare      Compare two phylogenetic trees\n  matrix       Output the phylogenetic distance matrix of the tree\n  distance     Outputs a subset of phylogenetic distances\n  collapse     Collapse branches that are under a certain branch length threshold\n  remove       Remove tips from the trees\n  deduplicate  Remove or collapse branches corresponding to identical sequences in a reference alignment\n  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)\n\nOptions:\n  -h, --help  Print help\n```\n\n## Python package\n\nA python package has also been implemented, using PyO3 to create the python bindings. It is available on [PyPi](, you can see the API of the package [here](./phylotree/\n\nExample usage:\n\n```python\nfrom phylotree import Tree\n\n# Read a newick file\ntree = Tree.from_newick(\"path/to/tree.nwk\")\n\n# Read a newick string\ntree = Tree.from_string(\"((A,(C,E)D)B,((H)I)G)F;\")\n\n# Print newick formatted string of the tree\ntree.to_newick()\n\n# Get information about the tree\ntree.n_nodes()\ntree.n_tips()\ntree.height()\ntree.diameter()\ntree.n_cherries()\ntree.colless()\ntree.sackin()\ntree.is_binary\ntree.is_rooted\n\n# Get information about nodes\nnames = tree.get_leaf_names()\ninfo = tree.get_node_attributes(name=names[0])\nprint(f\"Parent edge has length: {info['parent_edge']}\")\ndist_branches, dist_topo = tree.get_distance(names=(names[0], names[1]))\n\ndistance_matrix = tree.to_matrix()\ndist_mat = distance_matrix[(names[0], names[1])]\nassert dist_branches == dist_mat\n\n# Modify the tree\ntree.compress() # Remove nodes with 1 parent and 1 child\ntree.rescale() # Change branch lengths\ntree.prune(name=\"D\") # Remove sbutree rooted a specific node\n\n# Traverse the tree in a given order\nfor node_id in tree.traversal(order=\"levelorder\"):\n    node = tree.get_node_attributes(id=node_id)\n    print(\n```\n",
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    "summary": "A Rust backed package to deal with phylogenetic trees",
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