
Nameradifox JSON
Version 1.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryRADIFOX is the RADiological Image File Ontology eXtension, a Python package for the organization and management of medical images.
upload_time2024-04-26 01:37:25
authorBlake Dewey
licenseApache License, 2.0
keywords mri conversion
requirements nibabel numpy pillow pydicom pyyaml scipy radifox-utils
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
RADIFOX is an organization and management system for medical images.
There are multiple components under the RADIFOX umbrella:
 - A detailed, type-based naming system for medical images (including a Python API)
 - An organizational system flexible enough for a multitude of study designs
 - A conversion system to convert from DICOM to NIfTI using DCM2NIIX
 - A auto-provenance system to track the provenance of processing results
 - A web-based quality assurance system

RADIFOX is designed to be flexible and extensible.

## Table of Contents
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
  - [CLI Scripts](#cli-scripts)
    - [`radifox-convert`](#radifox-convert)
    - [`radifox-update`](#radifox-update)
    - [`radifox-qa`](#radifox-qa)
  - [Python API](#python-api)
    - [`ImageFile`](#imagefile)
    - [`ImageFilter`](#imagefilter)
    - [`ProcessingModule`](#processingmodule)
- [RADIFOX Components](#radifox-components)
  - [File Organization](#file-organization)
  - [Naming](#naming)
  - [Conversion](#conversion)
    - [Look-up Tables](#look-up-tables)
    - [Manual Naming](#manual-naming)
    - [JSON Sidecar Files](#json-sidecar-files)
  - [Provenance](#provenance)
  - [Quality Assurance](#quality-assurance)
- [Additional Information](#additional-information)
    - [Advanced CLI Usage](#advanced-cli-usage)
        - [`radifox-convert`](#radifox-convert)
        - [`radifox-update`](#radifox-update)
        - [`radifox-qa`](#radifox-qa)
    - [JSON Sidecar Format](#json-sidecar-format)
    - [Container Creation](#container-creation)

## Overview
The core of the RADIFOX system is the naming and organization system.
This system is designed to be flexible, but also can be opinionated.
The directory organization can be simplified to:

The naming system is a detailed, type-based naming system optimized for medical images.
It can be simplified to:
The image type can be futher broken down into a number of components:

This organzation allows for the implementation of features such as auto-provenance.

## Installation
RADIFOX is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:
pip install radifox
This base install will cover the core functionality of RADIFOX.
However, to run conversions, you will need the [dcm2niix](https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix) tool installed on your system (and included in your PATH).

To include the dependencies for the web-based quality assurance system, install with the `qa` extra:
pip install radifox[qa]

## Basic Usage
### CLI Scripts
The `radifox` package includes a number of CLI scripts to access various components of RADIFOX.
These scripts are installed to your PATH when you install the `radifox` package.
For a full listing of command line options, see [Advanced CLI Usage](#advanced-cli-usage).

#### `radifox-convert`
The `radifox-convert` script is used to convert DICOM files to NIfTI files using the `dcm2niix` tool.
It is a wrapper around `dcm2niix` that uses the RADIFOX naming system to organize the output files.

Example Usage:
radifox-convert \
    --output-root /path/to/output \
    --project-id study \
    --subject-id 123456 \
    --session-id 1 \
This will copy the files in the direction `/path/to/dicom_files` to the output directory `/path/to/output/study/123456/STUDY-1/dcm`, organize them and convert them to NIfTI.
The NIfTI files (and their JSON sidecar files) will be placed in `/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii`.

#### `radifox-update`
The `radifox-update` script is used to update naming for a directory of images.
This is commonly done after an update to RADIFOX to ensure that all images are named according to the latest version of the naming system.
It also could be done to incorporate a new look-up table or manual naming entries after QA.

Example Usage:
radifox-update --directory /path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1
This will update the naming for all images in the existing RADIFOX session directory `/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1`.
If the RADIFOX version, look-up table, or manual naming entries have changed, the images will be renamed to reflect the new information.
If none of these have changed, the update will be skipped.

#### `radifox-qa`
The `radifox-qa` script is used to run the web-based quality assurance system.

Example Usage:
radifox-qa --port 8888 --root-directory /path/to/output
This will launch the QA webapp on port 8888, pointing to `/path/to/output`.
The QA webapp will be accessible at `http://localhost:8888` and will show projects in `/path/to/output`.
Be sure to note the secret key printed to the terminal when the app starts.
You will need this to log into the webapp.
The secret key changes each time the app is launched.

You can specify your own secret key using the `--secret-key` option.
radifox-qa --port 8888 --root-directory /path/to/output --secret-key my-secret-key

#### 'radifox-stage'
"Staging" is the process of filtering images for processing.
`radifox-stage` is a processing module that is uses ImageFilters to accomplish this.
`radifox-stage` looks over an entire subject and filters images based on provided `--image-types`.
By default, all images matching the filter will be staged for processing.
To keep only the best resolution images for each filter, use the `--keep-best-res` option.
Additionally, it can generate registration targets based on provided `--reg-filters`.
Plugins derived from the `StagingPlugin` abstract class can be used to add additional functionality to `radifox-stage`.
Two default plugins `MEMPRAGEPlugin` and `MP2RAGEPlugin` are included with RADIFOX.
These can be skipped by providing the `--skip-default-plugins` option.
Staged results have the sform and qform matrices set to be equal by default.
To skip this, use the `--skip-set-sform` option.

A good default call of `radifox-stage` might be:
radifox-stage \
    --keep-best-res \
    --subject-dir /path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456 \
    --image-types \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;excontrast=PRE' \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;excontrast=POST' \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T2' \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=PD' \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=FLAIR' \
    --reg-filters \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;acqdim=3D;excontrast=PRE' \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;acqdim=3D;excontrast=POST' \
        'bodypart=BRAIN;acqdim=3D' \

### Python API
The `radifox` package also includes a Python API for accessing additional components.

#### `ImageFile`
The `ImageFile` class is used to represent a single image file, including its name and metadata.
It is a wrapper around a lot of `pathlib.Path` functions, so it can be used in place of a `Path` object in many cases.
It additionally defines a number of properties to access naming breakdowns and metadata.

Example Usage:
from radifox.naming import ImageFile
img = ImageFile('/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz')
print(img.body_part) # prints 'BRAIN'
print(img.modality) # prints 'T1'
print(img.parent) # prints Path object for '/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii'
print(img.name) # prints 'STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz'
print(img.info.series_description) # prints 'IRFSPGR 3D SAGITTAL PRE'

Multiple `pathlib.Path` functions are available directly (like `Path.name`) and others are available through the `path` property (like `Path.iterdir`).
These functions will return `Path` objects, not `ImageFile` objects.
print(img.path) # prints Path object for '/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz'

#### `ImageFilter`
The `ImageFilter` class is used to represent a filter for images based on naming.
It is a wrapper around a `dict` that defines a set of key-value pairs that must be present in the image name.
It can be defined as keyword arguments in the class constructer or by passing a formatted string to `ImageFile.from_string`.

Example Usage:
from radifox.naming import ImageFilter

imgs = [

filt = ImageFilter(body_part='BRAIN', modality='T1')
print(filt) # prints "body_part=BRAIN,modality=T1"
print(filt.filter(imgs)) # prints ['/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz']

filt = ImageFilter.from_string('body_part=BRAIN,modality=T2')
print(filt) # prints "body_part=BRAIN,modality=T2"
print(filt.filter(imgs)) # prints ['/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-04_BRAIN-T2-FSE-2D-AXIAL-POST.nii.gz']

#### `ProcessingModule`
The `ProcessingModule` class is used to represent a processing module for use in the auto-provenance system.
Module code should inherit from this class and implement the `cli` and `run` methods, as well as define the `name` and `version` class attributes.
The `cli` method should take either a list of options/arguments or None to pull from `sys.argv`.
It should return a `dict` of keywards and arguments to pass directly to the `run` method.
The `run` method should take a `dict` of keywords and arguments and return a `dict` of results.

Example Usage:
import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib
from radifox.records import ProcessingModule

class MyModule(ProcessingModule):
    name = "my-module"
    version = "1.0.0"

    def cli(args=None):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument("--input", type=Path, required=True)
        parser.add_argument("--mult-factor", type=float, required=True)
        parsed = parser.parse_args(args)
        return {
            "input": parsed.input,
            "mult_factor": parsed.mult_factor,

    def run(in_file: Path, mult_factor: float):
        out_stem = in_file.name.split(".")[0]
        out_dir = in_file.parent.parent / "proc"
        out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        logging.info(f"Multiplying {in_file} by {mult_factor}.")
        obj = nib.Nifti1Image.load(in_file)
        data = obj.get_fdata()
        new_obj = nib.Nifti1Image(data * mult_factor, obj.affine, obj.header)
        new_obj.to_filename(out_dir/ f"{out_stem}_mult-{mult_factor}.nii.gz")
        return {
            'output': out_dir / f"{out_stem}_mult-{mult_factor}.nii.gz"

A `ProcessingModule` subclass can then be run as `MyModule()` or `MyModule(args)` (where args is as list of strings for `argparse` to parse).
This can be used to make a processing script by adding:
if __name__ == "__main__":
to the end of the file.

#### `StagingPlugin`
The `StagingPlugin` class is used to represent a plugin for use in the `radifox-stage` module.
Plugins should inherit from this class and implement the `filter` and `run` methods.
The `filter` method should take a list of `ImageFile` objects and return a list of `ImageFile` objects.
The most common way to achieve this would be to define an `ImageFilter` and use the `filter` method of that class.
The `run` method should take a list of `ImageFile` objects and return a list of `ImageFile` objects.
This method should perform the actual processing of the images.

Below is an example that calculates the sum of a list of multi-echo images of an MEMPRAGE acquisition.
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from radifox.naming import ImageFile, ImageFilter
from radifox.modules import StagingPlugin

class MEMPRAGEPlugin(StagingPlugin):
    def filter(images: list[ImageFile]) -> list[ImageFile]:
        return ImageFilter(
            extras=lambda x: any("ECHO" in s or s == "SUM" for s in x),

    def run(images: list[ImageFile]) -> list[ImageFile]:
        out_imgs = []
        for img_set in MEMPRAGEPlugin.sort_by_series(images):
            # Choose a SUM image if both echoes and SUM are available
            sum_imgs = [img for img in img_set if "SUM" in img.extras]
            if sum_imgs:
        return out_imgs

    def sum_memprage(imgs: list[ImageFile]) -> ImageFile:
        """Create a sum image from a list of MEMPRAGE echo images."""
        temp_img = sorted(imgs, key=lambda x: x.name)[0]
        out_fpath = temp_img.path.parent.parent / "stage" / f"{temp_img.stem}_sum.nii.gz"
        obj = nib.load(temp_img.path)
        sum_data = np.sum(
            [nib.Nifti1Image.load(img.path).get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) for img in imgs], axis=0
        nib.Nifti1Image(sum_data, None, obj.header).to_filename(out_fpath)
        return ImageFile(out_fpath)

# RADIFOX Components
RADIFOX is a collection of components that work together to provide a comprehensive system for managing medical images.

## File Organization
The file organization structure is multi-level allowing for multiple projects to be stored together while being easily separated.
The directory structure is as follows:
└── <project-id>
    └── <subject-id>
        └── <session-id>

This is easily extensible to include multiple sessions per subject, multiple subjects per project, and multiple projects per root directory.
The `project-id`, `subject-id`, and `session-id` are all user-defined and can be any string.

For example:
└── study
    └── STUDY-123456
        └── 1
        └── 2
    └── STUDY-789012
        └── 1
        └── 2
Note: The `subject-id` is prefixed with the `project-id` to ensure that the `subject-id` is unique across projects.

Within each session directory, there are a number of subdirectories that are the same for every session:
└── <session-id>
    └── dcm
    └── nii
    └── logs
    └── qa
The `dcm` directory is where the original DICOM files are stored.
The `nii` directory is where the converted NIfTI files (and JSON sidecars) are stored.
The `logs` directory is where the logs from processing are stored.
The `qa` directory is where the images for QA are stored.

In addition to these directories, there are a few files that stored in the session directory.
The `<subject-id>_<session-id>_UnconvertedInfo.json` file is a JSON file that contains information from DICOM files that were skipped during conversion.
The `<subject-id>_<session-id>_ManualNaming.json` file is a JSON file that contains manual naming entries for images in the session.
The `<subject-id>_<session-id>_Provenance.txt` file is a text file that contains the provenance of the processing steps for the session.
After processing starts, a few other directories will be added to the session directory:
└── <session-id>
    └── proc
    └── stage
    └── tmp
The `proc` directory is where the processed images and fiels are stored.
The `stage` directory is where the filtered images are placed prior to processing.
The `tmp` directory is where intermediate files are stored during processing.

## Naming
The RADIFOX naming system is a detailed, type-based naming system for medical images.
It is currently focused on MRI images, but it is expected to extend to other modalities.
There are six main components to the naming system:
 - `bodypart`: The body part being imaged (e.g. BRAIN, CSPINE, etc.)
 - `modality`: The imaging modality (e.g. T1, T2, etc.)
 - `technique`: The imaging technique (e.g. IRFSPGR, FSE, etc.)
 - `acqdim`: The acquisition dimension (2D or 3D)
 - `orientation`: The imaging plane (AXIAL, SAGITTAL, CORONAL)
 - `excontrast`: The exogenous contrast (PRE, POST, etc.)

An image filename is then constructed by combining these components with hyphens.
The `image-id` is a unique identifier for the image within the session, it is created from a study number (in case multiple imaging studies are in the same session) and an image number (in each study).

Additionally, image names can have `extras` appended to the end of the core name.
These are additional descriptors that are not part of the core naming system, but are useful for identifying images.
`extras` are connected to the main name with a hyphen (and multiple extras are separated by hyphens).
Common uses for `extras` are echo numbers (e.g. ECHO1, ECHO2, etc.) in multi-echo sequences and complex image components (like MAG and PHA) in complex images.
However, this can be used for any additional descriptor of the acquired image that may help route it through processing.

For example:

Processed images also have tags appended to the end of the name.
This is to indicate the processing steps that were applied to the image.
These tags are separated from the main name with an underscore (and multiple tags are separated by underscores).
In general, new tags are appended to existing tags (so the order of tags is important).
This is to ensure that the processing history of the image is preserved in the filename.

For example:

## Conversion
The conversion system is a wrapper around the `dcm2niix` tool.
It uses the RADIFOX naming system to organize the output files.
`radifox-convert` is the core command for this function.

The conversion process is as follows:
 1. Copy the DICOM files to the `dcm` directory in the session directory.
 2. Sort the DICOM files into series directories in the `dcm` directory and remove any duplicates.
 3. Check for series that should be skipped (scouts, localizers, derived images, etc.).
 4. Generate image names automatically from the DICOM metadata, look-up tables, and manual naming entries.
 5. Convert the DICOM files to NIfTI using `dcm2niix` and rename to RADIFOX naming.
 6. Create the JSON sidecar files for the NIfTI files (contains some DICOM metadata).
 7. Create QA images for the converted NIfTI files.

### Look-up Tables
The look-up tables are a set of rules for automatically naming images based on the DICOM `SeriesDescription` tag.
They are stored in a comma-separated values (CSV) file in each project folder.
They have a specific name format: `<project-id>_lut.csv`.
If no look-up table is found for a project, a blank look-up table is written.
Look-up table values take precidence over automatic naming, but are overwritten by manual names.

The look-up table file has five total columns: `Project`, `Site`, `InstitutionName`, `SeriesDescription`, and `OutputFilename`.

The first three columns (`Project`, `Site`, and `InstitutionName`) narrow down which images are affected.
These columns match the project and site IDs and the DICOM `InstitutionName` tag.
This means that if a particular site or even scanning center uses a specific `SeriesDescription`, it can be handled differently than others.
The `Site` and `InstitutionName` columns are optional and can be `None`.

The `SeriesDescription` column is a string and must **exactly** match the DICOM `SeriesDescription` tag.
This may mean that multiple rows are needed to cover all possible values of the `SeriesDescription` tag for a particular name.

The `OutputFilename` column is where the RADIFOX naming is specified.
You do not have to specify all components of the name, only the ones that need to be changed.
For example, if you only want to change the `bodypart` to `BRAIN` for a specific `SeriesDescription`, you can specify `BRAIN` in the `OutputFilename` column.
However, you must specify all components that come prior to the one you want to change as `None`.
For example, to change the `modality` to `T1` for a specific `SeriesDescription`, you must specify `None-T1` in the `OutputFilename` column.
This can also be used to change the `extras`, by specifying them at the end of the `OutputFilename` column.
For example, to add `ECHO1` to the end of the name for a specific `SeriesDescription`, but change nothing else, you must specify `None-None-None-None-None-None-ECHO1` in the `OutputFilename` column.

### Manual Naming
Manual naming entries are the most specific way to name images.
They are stored as a JSON file in each session directory (`<subject-id>_<session-id>_ManualNaming.json`).
This JSON file is a dictionary with the DICOM series directory path (`dcm/...`) as the key and the new name as the value.
This series path can be found as the `SourcePath` in the sidecar JSON file for the image.
Manual naming entries take precidence over look-up tables and automatic naming.
The naming convention for manual naming entries is the same as for look-up tables.

The simplest way to create manual naming entries is to use the `radifox-qa` webapp.

### JSON Sidecar Files
JSON sidecar files are created for each NIfTI file during conversion.
They contain information about the conversion process (versions, look-up table values, manual naming, etc.) as well as critical DICOM metadata.
The JSON sidecar files are stored in the `nii` directory in eact session directory next to their corresponding NIfTI file.

Sidecar files are human-readable, but can also be accessed in Python using the `json` standard package.
Most of the crutial information will be in the `SeriesInfo` key of the sidecar file.

import json

obj = json.load(open('/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.json'))
print(obj['SeriesInfo']['SeriesDescription']) # prints 'IRFSPGR 3D SAGITTAL PRE'
print(obj('SeriesInfo')['SliceThickness']) # prints 1.0

A complete record of the sidecar JSON format is below [JSON Sidecar Format](#json-sidecar-format).

## Provenance
The auto-provenance system is a system for tracking the provenance of processing results.
It allows developers to easily include RADIFOX management features into their processing scripts in a consistent way.
This includes automatic generation of provenance records, automatic logging during execution and automatic generation of QA images from outputs.

The auto-provenance system is based on the `ProcessingModule` class.
This is an abstract class that defines the basic structure of a processing module.
Developers should inherit from this class and implement the `cli` and `run` methods, as well as define the `name` and `version` class attributes.
See [ProcessingModule](#processingmodule) for more details.

### Provenance Records
Provenance from this system is stored in two different ways.
The first is at the session level in the `<subject-id>_<session-id>_Provenance.yml` file.
This is an append-only text file that contains the provenance records of all processing steps for the session.
The second is a provenance text file (`.prov`) that is stored with each processed file.
This contains the provenance record for the process that created the processed file only.

Provenance records are stored in the YAML format that is human-readable, but also easily parsed by Python.
The format is as follows:
Id: <record-id>
Module: <module-name>:<module-version>
  url: <container-url>:<container-tag>@<container-commit>
  hash: <container-hash>
  builder: <container-builder>
  timestamp: <container-timestamp>
User: <user-name>@<hostname>
StartTime: <start-timestamp>
Duration: <duration-days-hours-minutes-seconds>
  <input-key-1>: <input-filename-1>:<input-hash-1>
    - <input-filename-2>:<input-hash-2>
    - <input-filename-3>:<input-hash-3>
  <output-key-1>: <output-filename-1>:<output-hash-1>
    - <output-filename-2>:<output-hash-2>
    - <output-filename-3>:<output-hash-3>
  <parameter-key-1>: <parameter-value-1>
  <parameter-key-2>: <parameter-value-2>
Command: <command-string>

The `<record-id>` is a unique identifier for the record created from a hash of the rest of record.
The `<module-name>` and `<module-version>` are the name and version of the processing module that created the record (defined in `ProcessingModule` subclass).
The `<container-url>`, `<container-tag>`, `<container-commit>` and `<container-hash>` values are the URL, tag, commit, and hash of the container used to run the processing module.
The `<container-timestamp>`, `<container-builder>` values are the timestamp and builder identity of the container used to run the processing module.
These are derived from specific labels set during container creation.
For more information on how compatible containers are created, see [Container Creation](#container-creation).
The `<user-name>` and `<timestamp>` are the user name of the user that ran the processing module and the timestamp of the processing module run completion.
The `<input-key>`s, `<input-filename>`s, and `<input-hash>`s are the input names, filenames, and hashes of the input files to the processing module.
Outputs are structured the same way.
The `<parameter-key>`s and `<parameter-value>`s are the key-value pairs of the parameters passed to the processing module (that are not files).
The `<command-string>` is the exact command string that was used to run the processing module.

### Automatic Logging
The auto-provenance system also includes automatic logging during execution.
This is done by setting up a `logging` handler that writes to the `logs` directory in the session directory.
This handler is set up by default to log all messages to the `logs/<module-name>/<first-input-filename>-<timestamp>-info.log` file.
This can be adjusted to `logs/<module-name>-<timestamp>-info.log` by setting `log_uses_filename` to `False` in the `ProcessingModule` subclass.
Currently, there is support for `INFO`, `WARNING` and `ERROR` level messages.
They can be accessed at any point in the `run` method by calling `logging.info(message)` (or `warning` or `error`).
You must import `logging` at the top of the file to use this feature.
If there are warnings or errors produced during execution, they will be written to additional log files (`-warning.log` and `-error.log`) for easy viewing.
There is currently no support for `DEBUG` level messages, but that is planned for the future.

### Automatic QA Images
The auto-provenance system also includes automatic generation of QA images from outputs.
Any output that is returned from the `run` method will have a QA image generated automatically, if it is a NIfTI file (ends in `.nii.gz`).

## Quality Assurance
The web-based quality assurance system is a system for viewing images and recording QA results.
It is a Flask-based webapp that can be run locally.
There are two modes: `conversion` and `processing` that can be switched between using the links in the top navigation bar.

The `conversion` mode is used to view and make corrections to the naming of images after conversion.
There are three types of actions that can be taken in `conversion` mode.
- Ignore Button: This will mark the image to be skipped by the conversion process on update.
- Body Type Buttons: This will change the `bodypart` of the image to the selected value. It is currently available for `BRAIN`, `CSPINE`, `TSPINE`, `LSPINE`, and `ORBITS`.
- Correct Name Button: This will open a form to correct any of the **core** aspects of the RADIFOX naming convention. `extras` are not yet supported.

The `processing` mode is used to view outputs of various processing steps.
For each processing step, images of the outputs are shown with the provenance record for that step.
No actions are currently availabe in `processing` mode, but we hope to record QA results directly from the app.

The QA webapp is launched with the `radifox-qa` command.
It is a webapp that runs locally on port 5000 by default.
Be sure to copy down the Secret Key that is printed to the console when the webapp is launched.
This will be required to log into the webapp and changes each time the app is launched.
It can also be specified using the `--secret-key` option.
For convenience, you can log into the app using `http://{HOST}:{PORT}/login?key={SECRET_KEY}`, which is printed when the app is launched.
It can also be accessed at `http://{HOST}:{PORT}` (`http://localhost:5000` by default) and the key can be entered there.
See [`radifox-qa`](#radifox-qa) above for more details.

# Additional Information

## Advanced CLI Usage
### `radifox-convert`
| Option                      | Description                                                                                                                            | Default                                           |
| `source`                    | The source directory (or zip file) containing the DICOM files.                                                                         | `required`                                        |
| `-o`, `--output-root`       | The root directory for the output files (contains project directories).                                                                | `required`                                        |
| `-p`, `--project-id`        | The project ID for the converted session.                                                                                              | `required`                                        |
| `-s`, `--subject-id`        | The subject ID for the converted session.                                                                                              | `required`                                        |
| `-e`, `--session-id`        | The session ID for the converted session.                                                                                              | `required`                                        |
| `-l`, `--lut-file`          | The look-up table file to use for naming.                                                                                              | `<output-root>/<project-id>/<project-id>_lut.csv` |
| `--site-id`                 | The site ID for the converted session.                                                                                                 | `None`                                            |
| `--force`                   | Force conversion even if session directory already exists.                                                                             | `False`                                           |
| `--reckless`                | Skip consistency checks when forcing run (will overwrite files!)                                                                       | `False`                                           |
| `--safe`                    | If the session directory already exists, use a new directory with `-#` appended (does not change session ID or filenames)              | `False`                                           |
| `--no-project-subdir`       | Do not create a project subdirectory in the output root directory. Subjects will be placed directly into the `--output-root` directory | `False`                                           |
| `--symlink`                 | Create symlinks to the original DICOM files instead of copying them.                                                                   | `False`                                           |
| `--hardlink`                | Create hardlinks to the original DICOM files instead of copying them.                                                                  | `False`                                           |
| `--verbose`                 | Log debug output.                                                                                                                      | `False`                                           |
| `--version`                 | Output RADIFOX version and exit.                                                                                                       | `False`                                           |
| `--help`                    | Show help message and exit.                                                                                                            | `False`                                           |
| `--parrec`                  | Convert PAR/REC files instead of DICOM files.                                                                                          | `False`                                           |
| `--institution-name`        | The institution name to use for the session (required for PAR/REC conversion).                                                         | `None`                                            |
| `--magnetic-field-strength` | The magnetic field strength to use for the session (required for PAR/REC conversion).                                                  | `None`                                            |
| `--anonymize`               | Experimental anonymization support (will remove copied DICOM files).                                                                   | `False`                                           |
| `--date-shift-days`         | The number of days to shift the date by during anonymization.                                                                          | `None`                                            |
| `--tms-metafile`            | The TMS metafile to use for subject, site and session ID.                                                                              | `None`                                            |

### `radifox-update`
| Option             | Description                                                | Default                               |
| `directory`        | The converted RADIFOX directory to update.                 | `required`                            |
| `-l`, `--lut-file` | The look-up table file to use for naming.                  | `<directory>/../<project-id>_lut.csv` |
| `--force`          | Force conversion even if session directory already exists. | `False`                               |
| `--verbose`        | Log debug output.                                          | `False`                               |
| `--version`        | Output RADIFOX version and exit.                           | `False`                               |
| `--help`           | Show help message and exit.                                | `False`                               |

### `radifox-qa`
| Option             | Description                                                          | Default     |
| `--port`           | The port to run the QA webapp on.                                    | `5000`      |
| `--host`           | The host bind address for the QA webapp.                             | `localhost` |
| `--root-directory` | The output root to read projects from (contains project directories) | `/data`     |
| `--secret-key`     | The secret key to use for the QA webapp.                             | `None`      |
| `--workers`        | Number of workers to use for web server.                             | `1`         |

### `radifox-stage`
| Option                   | Description                                                               | Default    |
| `--subject-dir`          | The path to the subject directory to stage.                               | `required` |
| `--image-types`          | A set of `ImageFilter` strings used to filter the images for staging      | `required` |
| `--reg-filters`          | A set of `ImageFilter` strings used for determining registration targets. | `None`     |
| `--keep-best-res`        | Only keep the highest resolution image for each filter.                   | `False`    |
| `--plugin-paths`         | A list of additional plugin paths to add.                                 | `None`     |
| `--skip-default-plugins` | Skip the default plugins included with staging.                           | `False`    |
| `--skip-set-sform`       | Skip setting the sform matrix for staged images.                          | `False`    |

## JSON Sidecar Format
The JSON sidecar format is a dictionary with 8 top-level keys:
 - `__version__`: A dictionary of software versions used in conversion (`radifox` and `dcm2niix`)
 - `InputHash`: A hash of the input directory or archive file used in conversion
 - `LookupTable`: A dictionary of look-up table values used in conversion (limited by project/site ID/institution, if applicable)
 - `ManualNames`: A dictionary of manual name entries used in conversion
 - `Metadata`: A dictionary of session level metadata items (Project ID, Subject ID, Session ID, etc.)
 - `RemoveIdentifiers`: A boolean indicating if identifiers were removed from the converted files
 - `SeriesInfo`: A dictionary of DICOM metadata and conversion information for each converted image

The `SeriesInfo` value has most of the information about the converted image, including converted DICOM tags.
 - `AcqDateTime`: The acquisition date and time of the image
 - `AcquiredResolution`: The acquired, in-plane resolution of the image (list of 2 floats)
 - `AcquisitionDimension`: The number of acquisition dimensions (2D or 3D)
 - `AcquisitionMatrix`: The acquired in-plane matrix size of the image (list of 2 ints)
 - `BodyPartExamined`: The body part examined in the image
 - `ComplexImageComponent`: The complex number component represented in the image (MAGNITUDE, PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY)
 - `ConvertImage`: Boolean indicating if the image was supposed to be converted
 - `DeviceIdentifier`: An identifier for the device used to acquire the image
 - `EPIFactor`: The echo planar imaging (EPI) factor of the image
 - `EchoTime`: The echo time (in ms) of the image
 - `EchoTrainLength`: The echo train length of the image
 - `ExContrastAgent`: Any information about the exogenous contrast agent used in the acquisition
 - `FieldOfView`: The field of view (in mm) of the image (list of 2 floats)
 - `FlipAngle`: The flip angle (in degrees) of the image
 - `ImageOrientationPatient`: The DICOM image orientation patient tag of the image (list of 6 floats)
 - `ImagePositionPatient`: The DICOM image position patient tag of the image (list of 3 floats)
 - `ImageType`: The DICOM image type tag of the image (list of strings)
 - `InstitutionName`: The institution name of the device used to acquire the image
 - `InversionTime`: The inversion time (in ms) of the image
 - `LookupName`: Any naming components for this image pulled from the lookup-table (list of strings)
 - `MagneticFieldStrength`: The magnetic field strength (in T) of the image
 - `ManualName`: Any naming components for this image pulled from the manual naming entries (list of strings)
 - `Manufacturer`: The manufacturer of the device used to acquire the image
 - `MultiFrame`: Boolean indicating if the image is a multi-frame DICOM image
 - `NiftiCreated`: Boolean indicating if the image was successfully converted to NIfTI
 - `NiftiHash`: The hash of the converted NIfTI file
 - `NiftiName`: The final filename for the converted NIfTI file.
 - `NumFiles`: Number of files (or frames) incorporated into the image (number of slices).
 - `NumberOfAverages`: The number of averages used in the acquisition
 - `PercentSampling`: The percent of k-space sampling used in the acquisition
 - `PixelBandwidth`: The pixel bandwidth (in Hz) of the image
 - `PredictedName`: Automatically generated name prediction from the DICOM metadata (list of strings)
 - `ReceiveCoilName`: The name of the receive coil used in the acquisition
 - `ReconMatrix`: The reconstructed in-plane matrix size of the image (list of 2 ints)
 - `ReconResolution`: The reconstructed, in-plane resolution of the image (list of 2 floats)
 - `RepetitionTime`: The repetition time (in ms) of the image
 - `ScanOptions`: Any scan options used in the acquisition
 - `ScannerModelName`: The model name of the scanner used to acquire the image
 - `SequenceName`: The name of the sequence used to acquire the image
 - `SequenceType`: The type of sequence used to acquire the image
 - `SequenceVariant`: The variant of the sequence used to acquire the image
 - `SeriesDescription`: The DICOM series description tag of the image
 - `SeriesNumber`: The DICOM series number tag of the image
 - `SeriesUID`: The DICOM series UID tag for the image
 - `SliceOrientation`: The slice orientation of the image (axial, sagittal, or coronal)
 - `SliceSpacing`: The slice spacing (in mm) between slices of the image
 - `SliceThickness`: The slice thickness (in mm) of the image
 - `SoftwareVersions`: The software versions of the device that acquired the image
 - `SourceHash`: The hash of the source DICOM files
 - `SourcePath`: The path to the source DICOM files (relative to session directory, e.g `dcm/...`)
 - `StudyDescription`: The study description DICOM tag for the image
 - `StudyUID`: The study UID DICOM tag for the image
 - `TriggerTime`: The trigger time (in ms) of the image (can be used to store inversion time)
 - `VariableFlipAngle`: Boolean indicating if the image used variable flip angles

## Container Creation
For reproducibility, processing must be done in a container.
This can be Docker or Apptainer/Singularity, but requires a few specific labels to be set to maintain strict accounting of the container used.

The labels are:
 - `ci.timestamp`: Timestamp of the container image creation (`%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ`)
 - `ci.builder`: The username of the builder of the container image (who initiated the build)
 - `ci.image`: URL of the container image in a repository (e.g. Docker Hub)
 - `ci.tag`: Version tag of the container image
 - `ci.commit`: Commit hash of the Dockerfile/repo used to build the container image
 - `ci.digest`: Digest hash of the container image

These labels are most easily set by using Continuous Integration (CI) to create your images.
This is an example `.gitlab-ci.yml` to achieve this on GitLab:

  image: docker:20.10.16
  stage: build
    - docker:20.10.16-dind
    - docker build 
      --label ci.timestamp=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
      --label ci.builder=$GITLAB_USER_LOGIN
      --label ci.image=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE
      --label ci.tag=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
      --label ci.commit=$CI_COMMIT_SHA 
      -t $TAG .
    - DIGEST=$(docker inspect --format='{{index .Id}}' $TAG)
    - echo "FROM $TAG" | docker buildx build --label ci.digest=$DIGEST -t $TAG --push -
    - tags

Using a GitHub action is similar and can be done with GitHub Actions:
name: Publish Docker Image to GHCR

      - 'main'
      - '*'

    name: Build and Push Docker Image
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      packages: write
        name: Get build time
        id: build_time
        run: echo "time=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
        name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0
          ref: ${{ github.ref_name }}
        name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
          driver: docker
        name: Login to Registry
        uses: docker/login-action@v3
          registry: ghcr.io
          username: ${{ github.actor }}
          password: ${{ github.token }}
        name: Build image
        id: docker_build
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
          context: .
          load: true
          labels: |
            ci.timestamp=${{ steps.build_time.outputs.time }}
            ci.image=${{ github.repository }}
            ci.tag=${{ github.ref_name }}
            ci.commit=${{ github.sha }}
            ci.builder=${{ github.triggering_actor }}
          tags: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.ref_name }}
          build-args: |
        name: Write new Dockerfile
        run: echo "FROM ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.ref_name }}" > Dockerfile.new

      - name: Build labeled image
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
          context: .
          file: Dockerfile.new
          push: true
          labels: ci.digest=${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }}
          tags: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.ref_name }}



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/jh-mipc/radifox",
    "name": "radifox",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.10",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "mri conversion",
    "author": "Blake Dewey",
    "author_email": "blake.dewey@jhu.edu",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f5/03/034092d6fb9f2a736239c9d97d0afccae2bfded66dd35ec4fcd035acde4f/radifox-1.1.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "![RADIFOX](header.svg)\nRADIFOX is an organization and management system for medical images.\nThere are multiple components under the RADIFOX umbrella:\n - A detailed, type-based naming system for medical images (including a Python API)\n - An organizational system flexible enough for a multitude of study designs\n - A conversion system to convert from DICOM to NIfTI using DCM2NIIX\n - A auto-provenance system to track the provenance of processing results\n - A web-based quality assurance system\n\nRADIFOX is designed to be flexible and extensible.\n\n## Table of Contents\n- [Overview](#overview)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)\n  - [CLI Scripts](#cli-scripts)\n    - [`radifox-convert`](#radifox-convert)\n    - [`radifox-update`](#radifox-update)\n    - [`radifox-qa`](#radifox-qa)\n  - [Python API](#python-api)\n    - [`ImageFile`](#imagefile)\n    - [`ImageFilter`](#imagefilter)\n    - [`ProcessingModule`](#processingmodule)\n- [RADIFOX Components](#radifox-components)\n  - [File Organization](#file-organization)\n  - [Naming](#naming)\n  - [Conversion](#conversion)\n    - [Look-up Tables](#look-up-tables)\n    - [Manual Naming](#manual-naming)\n    - [JSON Sidecar Files](#json-sidecar-files)\n  - [Provenance](#provenance)\n  - [Quality Assurance](#quality-assurance)\n- [Additional Information](#additional-information)\n    - [Advanced CLI Usage](#advanced-cli-usage)\n        - [`radifox-convert`](#radifox-convert)\n        - [`radifox-update`](#radifox-update)\n        - [`radifox-qa`](#radifox-qa)\n    - [JSON Sidecar Format](#json-sidecar-format)\n    - [Container Creation](#container-creation)\n\n## Overview\nThe core of the RADIFOX system is the naming and organization system.\nThis system is designed to be flexible, but also can be opinionated.\nThe directory organization can be simplified to:\n```\n<output-root>/<project-id>/<subject-id>/<session-id>/...\n```\n\nThe naming system is a detailed, type-based naming system optimized for medical images.\nIt can be simplified to:\n```\n<subject-id>_<session-id>_<image-id>_<image-type>.ext\n```\nThe image type can be futher broken down into a number of components:\n```\n<bodypart>-<modality>-<technique>-<acqdim>-<orientation>-<excontrast>[-<extras>]\n```\n\nThis organzation allows for the implementation of features such as auto-provenance.\n\n## Installation\nRADIFOX is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:\n```bash\npip install radifox\n```\nThis base install will cover the core functionality of RADIFOX.\nHowever, to run conversions, you will need the [dcm2niix](https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix) tool installed on your system (and included in your PATH).\n\nTo include the dependencies for the web-based quality assurance system, install with the `qa` extra:\n```bash\npip install radifox[qa]\n```\n\n## Basic Usage\n### CLI Scripts\nThe `radifox` package includes a number of CLI scripts to access various components of RADIFOX.\nThese scripts are installed to your PATH when you install the `radifox` package.\nFor a full listing of command line options, see [Advanced CLI Usage](#advanced-cli-usage).\n\n#### `radifox-convert`\nThe `radifox-convert` script is used to convert DICOM files to NIfTI files using the `dcm2niix` tool.\nIt is a wrapper around `dcm2niix` that uses the RADIFOX naming system to organize the output files.\n\nExample Usage:\n```bash\nradifox-convert \\\n    --output-root /path/to/output \\\n    --project-id study \\\n    --subject-id 123456 \\\n    --session-id 1 \\\n    /path/to/dicom_files\n```\nThis will copy the files in the direction `/path/to/dicom_files` to the output directory `/path/to/output/study/123456/STUDY-1/dcm`, organize them and convert them to NIfTI.\nThe NIfTI files (and their JSON sidecar files) will be placed in `/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii`.\n\n#### `radifox-update`\nThe `radifox-update` script is used to update naming for a directory of images.\nThis is commonly done after an update to RADIFOX to ensure that all images are named according to the latest version of the naming system.\nIt also could be done to incorporate a new look-up table or manual naming entries after QA.\n\nExample Usage:\n```bash\nradifox-update --directory /path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1\n```\nThis will update the naming for all images in the existing RADIFOX session directory `/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1`.\nIf the RADIFOX version, look-up table, or manual naming entries have changed, the images will be renamed to reflect the new information.\nIf none of these have changed, the update will be skipped.\n\n#### `radifox-qa`\nThe `radifox-qa` script is used to run the web-based quality assurance system.\n\nExample Usage:\n```bash\nradifox-qa --port 8888 --root-directory /path/to/output\n```\nThis will launch the QA webapp on port 8888, pointing to `/path/to/output`.\nThe QA webapp will be accessible at `http://localhost:8888` and will show projects in `/path/to/output`.\nBe sure to note the secret key printed to the terminal when the app starts.\nYou will need this to log into the webapp.\nThe secret key changes each time the app is launched.\n\nYou can specify your own secret key using the `--secret-key` option.\n```bash\nradifox-qa --port 8888 --root-directory /path/to/output --secret-key my-secret-key\n```\n\n#### 'radifox-stage'\n\"Staging\" is the process of filtering images for processing.\n`radifox-stage` is a processing module that is uses ImageFilters to accomplish this.\n`radifox-stage` looks over an entire subject and filters images based on provided `--image-types`.\nBy default, all images matching the filter will be staged for processing.\nTo keep only the best resolution images for each filter, use the `--keep-best-res` option.\nAdditionally, it can generate registration targets based on provided `--reg-filters`.\nPlugins derived from the `StagingPlugin` abstract class can be used to add additional functionality to `radifox-stage`.\nTwo default plugins `MEMPRAGEPlugin` and `MP2RAGEPlugin` are included with RADIFOX.\nThese can be skipped by providing the `--skip-default-plugins` option.\nStaged results have the sform and qform matrices set to be equal by default.\nTo skip this, use the `--skip-set-sform` option.\n\nA good default call of `radifox-stage` might be:\n```bash\nradifox-stage \\\n    --keep-best-res \\\n    --subject-dir /path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456 \\\n    --image-types \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;excontrast=PRE' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;excontrast=POST' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T2' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=PD' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=FLAIR' \\\n    --reg-filters \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;acqdim=3D;excontrast=PRE' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;modality=T1;acqdim=3D;excontrast=POST' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;acqdim=3D' \\\n        'bodypart=BRAIN;acqdim=2D'\n```\n\n### Python API\nThe `radifox` package also includes a Python API for accessing additional components.\n\n#### `ImageFile`\nThe `ImageFile` class is used to represent a single image file, including its name and metadata.\nIt is a wrapper around a lot of `pathlib.Path` functions, so it can be used in place of a `Path` object in many cases.\nIt additionally defines a number of properties to access naming breakdowns and metadata.\n\nExample Usage:\n```python\nfrom radifox.naming import ImageFile\nimg = ImageFile('/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz')\nprint(img.body_part) # prints 'BRAIN'\nprint(img.modality) # prints 'T1'\nprint(img.parent) # prints Path object for '/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii'\nprint(img.name) # prints 'STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz'\nprint(img.info.series_description) # prints 'IRFSPGR 3D SAGITTAL PRE'\n```\n\nMultiple `pathlib.Path` functions are available directly (like `Path.name`) and others are available through the `path` property (like `Path.iterdir`).\nThese functions will return `Path` objects, not `ImageFile` objects.\n```python\nprint(img.path) # prints Path object for '/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz'\n```\n\n#### `ImageFilter`\nThe `ImageFilter` class is used to represent a filter for images based on naming.\nIt is a wrapper around a `dict` that defines a set of key-value pairs that must be present in the image name.\nIt can be defined as keyword arguments in the class constructer or by passing a formatted string to `ImageFile.from_string`.\n\nExample Usage:\n```python\nfrom radifox.naming import ImageFilter\n\nimgs = [\n    ImageFile('/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz'),\n    ImageFile('/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-04_BRAIN-T2-FSE-2D-AXIAL-POST.nii.gz'),\n]\n\nfilt = ImageFilter(body_part='BRAIN', modality='T1')\nprint(filt) # prints \"body_part=BRAIN,modality=T1\"\nprint(filt.filter(imgs)) # prints ['/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.nii.gz']\n\nfilt = ImageFilter.from_string('body_part=BRAIN,modality=T2')\nprint(filt) # prints \"body_part=BRAIN,modality=T2\"\nprint(filt.filter(imgs)) # prints ['/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-04_BRAIN-T2-FSE-2D-AXIAL-POST.nii.gz']\n```\n\n#### `ProcessingModule`\nThe `ProcessingModule` class is used to represent a processing module for use in the auto-provenance system.\nModule code should inherit from this class and implement the `cli` and `run` methods, as well as define the `name` and `version` class attributes.\nThe `cli` method should take either a list of options/arguments or None to pull from `sys.argv`.\nIt should return a `dict` of keywards and arguments to pass directly to the `run` method.\nThe `run` method should take a `dict` of keywords and arguments and return a `dict` of results.\n\nExample Usage:\n```python\nimport argparse\nimport logging\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nimport nibabel as nib\nfrom radifox.records import ProcessingModule\n\nclass MyModule(ProcessingModule):\n    name = \"my-module\"\n    version = \"1.0.0\"\n\n    @staticmethod\n    def cli(args=None):\n        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()\n        parser.add_argument(\"--input\", type=Path, required=True)\n        parser.add_argument(\"--mult-factor\", type=float, required=True)\n        parsed = parser.parse_args(args)\n        \n        return {\n            \"input\": parsed.input,\n            \"mult_factor\": parsed.mult_factor,\n        }\n\n    @staticmethod\n    def run(in_file: Path, mult_factor: float):\n        out_stem = in_file.name.split(\".\")[0]\n        out_dir = in_file.parent.parent / \"proc\"\n        out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)\n        \n        logging.info(f\"Multiplying {in_file} by {mult_factor}.\")\n        obj = nib.Nifti1Image.load(in_file)\n        data = obj.get_fdata()\n        new_obj = nib.Nifti1Image(data * mult_factor, obj.affine, obj.header)\n        new_obj.to_filename(out_dir/ f\"{out_stem}_mult-{mult_factor}.nii.gz\")\n        return {\n            'output': out_dir / f\"{out_stem}_mult-{mult_factor}.nii.gz\"\n        }\n```\n\nA `ProcessingModule` subclass can then be run as `MyModule()` or `MyModule(args)` (where args is as list of strings for `argparse` to parse).\nThis can be used to make a processing script by adding:\n```python\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n    MyModule()\n```\nto the end of the file.\n\n\n#### `StagingPlugin`\nThe `StagingPlugin` class is used to represent a plugin for use in the `radifox-stage` module.\nPlugins should inherit from this class and implement the `filter` and `run` methods.\nThe `filter` method should take a list of `ImageFile` objects and return a list of `ImageFile` objects.\nThe most common way to achieve this would be to define an `ImageFilter` and use the `filter` method of that class.\nThe `run` method should take a list of `ImageFile` objects and return a list of `ImageFile` objects.\nThis method should perform the actual processing of the images.\n\nBelow is an example that calculates the sum of a list of multi-echo images of an MEMPRAGE acquisition.\n```python\nimport nibabel as nib\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom radifox.naming import ImageFile, ImageFilter\nfrom radifox.modules import StagingPlugin\n\nclass MEMPRAGEPlugin(StagingPlugin):\n    @staticmethod\n    def filter(images: list[ImageFile]) -> list[ImageFile]:\n        return ImageFilter(\n            modality=\"T1\",\n            technique=\"IRFSPGR\",\n            extras=lambda x: any(\"ECHO\" in s or s == \"SUM\" for s in x),\n        ).filter(images)\n\n    @staticmethod\n    def run(images: list[ImageFile]) -> list[ImageFile]:\n        out_imgs = []\n        for img_set in MEMPRAGEPlugin.sort_by_series(images):\n            # Choose a SUM image if both echoes and SUM are available\n            sum_imgs = [img for img in img_set if \"SUM\" in img.extras]\n            if sum_imgs:\n                out_imgs.append(sum_imgs[0])\n            else:\n                out_imgs.append(MEMPRAGEPlugin.sum_memprage(img_set))\n        return out_imgs\n\n    @staticmethod\n    def sum_memprage(imgs: list[ImageFile]) -> ImageFile:\n        \"\"\"Create a sum image from a list of MEMPRAGE echo images.\"\"\"\n        temp_img = sorted(imgs, key=lambda x: x.name)[0]\n        out_fpath = temp_img.path.parent.parent / \"stage\" / f\"{temp_img.stem}_sum.nii.gz\"\n        obj = nib.load(temp_img.path)\n        sum_data = np.sum(\n            [nib.Nifti1Image.load(img.path).get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) for img in imgs], axis=0\n        )\n        nib.Nifti1Image(sum_data, None, obj.header).to_filename(out_fpath)\n        return ImageFile(out_fpath)\n```\n\n# RADIFOX Components\nRADIFOX is a collection of components that work together to provide a comprehensive system for managing medical images.\n\n## File Organization\nThe file organization structure is multi-level allowing for multiple projects to be stored together while being easily separated.\nThe directory structure is as follows:\n```\n<root-directory>\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 <project-id>\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 <subject-id>\n        \u2514\u2500\u2500 <session-id>\n```\n\nThis is easily extensible to include multiple sessions per subject, multiple subjects per project, and multiple projects per root directory.\nThe `project-id`, `subject-id`, and `session-id` are all user-defined and can be any string.\n\nFor example:\n```\n/path/to/output\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 study\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 STUDY-123456\n        \u2514\u2500\u2500 1\n        \u2514\u2500\u2500 2\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 STUDY-789012\n        \u2514\u2500\u2500 1\n        \u2514\u2500\u2500 2\n```\nNote: The `subject-id` is prefixed with the `project-id` to ensure that the `subject-id` is unique across projects.\n\nWithin each session directory, there are a number of subdirectories that are the same for every session:\n```\n...\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 <session-id>\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 dcm\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 nii\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 logs\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 qa\n```\nThe `dcm` directory is where the original DICOM files are stored.\nThe `nii` directory is where the converted NIfTI files (and JSON sidecars) are stored.\nThe `logs` directory is where the logs from processing are stored.\nThe `qa` directory is where the images for QA are stored.\n\nIn addition to these directories, there are a few files that stored in the session directory.\nThe `<subject-id>_<session-id>_UnconvertedInfo.json` file is a JSON file that contains information from DICOM files that were skipped during conversion.\nThe `<subject-id>_<session-id>_ManualNaming.json` file is a JSON file that contains manual naming entries for images in the session.\nThe `<subject-id>_<session-id>_Provenance.txt` file is a text file that contains the provenance of the processing steps for the session.\n \nAfter processing starts, a few other directories will be added to the session directory:\n```\n...\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 <session-id>\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 proc\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 stage\n    \u2514\u2500\u2500 tmp\n```\nThe `proc` directory is where the processed images and fiels are stored.\nThe `stage` directory is where the filtered images are placed prior to processing.\nThe `tmp` directory is where intermediate files are stored during processing.\n\n## Naming\nThe RADIFOX naming system is a detailed, type-based naming system for medical images.\nIt is currently focused on MRI images, but it is expected to extend to other modalities.\nThere are six main components to the naming system:\n - `bodypart`: The body part being imaged (e.g. BRAIN, CSPINE, etc.)\n - `modality`: The imaging modality (e.g. T1, T2, etc.)\n - `technique`: The imaging technique (e.g. IRFSPGR, FSE, etc.)\n - `acqdim`: The acquisition dimension (2D or 3D)\n - `orientation`: The imaging plane (AXIAL, SAGITTAL, CORONAL)\n - `excontrast`: The exogenous contrast (PRE, POST, etc.)\n\nAn image filename is then constructed by combining these components with hyphens.\n```\n<subject-id>_<session-id>_<image-id>_<bodypart>-<modality>-<technique>-<acqdim>-<orientation>-<excontrast>.nii.gz\n```\nThe `image-id` is a unique identifier for the image within the session, it is created from a study number (in case multiple imaging studies are in the same session) and an image number (in each study).\n\nAdditionally, image names can have `extras` appended to the end of the core name.\nThese are additional descriptors that are not part of the core naming system, but are useful for identifying images.\n`extras` are connected to the main name with a hyphen (and multiple extras are separated by hyphens).\nCommon uses for `extras` are echo numbers (e.g. ECHO1, ECHO2, etc.) in multi-echo sequences and complex image components (like MAG and PHA) in complex images.\nHowever, this can be used for any additional descriptor of the acquired image that may help route it through processing.\n\nFor example:\n```\nSTUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T2-FSE-2D-AXIAL-PRE-ECHO1.nii.gz\nSTUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T2-FSE-2D-AXIAL-PRE-ECHO2.nii.gz\n```\n\nProcessed images also have tags appended to the end of the name.\nThis is to indicate the processing steps that were applied to the image.\nThese tags are separated from the main name with an underscore (and multiple tags are separated by underscores).\nIn general, new tags are appended to existing tags (so the order of tags is important).\nThis is to ensure that the processing history of the image is preserved in the filename.\n\nFor example:\n```\nSTUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T2-FSE-2D-AXIAL-PRE-ECHO1_n4.nii.gz\n```\n\n## Conversion\nThe conversion system is a wrapper around the `dcm2niix` tool.\nIt uses the RADIFOX naming system to organize the output files.\n`radifox-convert` is the core command for this function.\n\nThe conversion process is as follows:\n 1. Copy the DICOM files to the `dcm` directory in the session directory.\n 2. Sort the DICOM files into series directories in the `dcm` directory and remove any duplicates.\n 3. Check for series that should be skipped (scouts, localizers, derived images, etc.).\n 4. Generate image names automatically from the DICOM metadata, look-up tables, and manual naming entries.\n 5. Convert the DICOM files to NIfTI using `dcm2niix` and rename to RADIFOX naming.\n 6. Create the JSON sidecar files for the NIfTI files (contains some DICOM metadata).\n 7. Create QA images for the converted NIfTI files.\n\n### Look-up Tables\nThe look-up tables are a set of rules for automatically naming images based on the DICOM `SeriesDescription` tag.\nThey are stored in a comma-separated values (CSV) file in each project folder.\nThey have a specific name format: `<project-id>_lut.csv`.\nIf no look-up table is found for a project, a blank look-up table is written.\nLook-up table values take precidence over automatic naming, but are overwritten by manual names.\n\nThe look-up table file has five total columns: `Project`, `Site`, `InstitutionName`, `SeriesDescription`, and `OutputFilename`.\n\nThe first three columns (`Project`, `Site`, and `InstitutionName`) narrow down which images are affected.\nThese columns match the project and site IDs and the DICOM `InstitutionName` tag.\nThis means that if a particular site or even scanning center uses a specific `SeriesDescription`, it can be handled differently than others.\nThe `Site` and `InstitutionName` columns are optional and can be `None`.\n\nThe `SeriesDescription` column is a string and must **exactly** match the DICOM `SeriesDescription` tag.\nThis may mean that multiple rows are needed to cover all possible values of the `SeriesDescription` tag for a particular name.\n\nThe `OutputFilename` column is where the RADIFOX naming is specified.\nYou do not have to specify all components of the name, only the ones that need to be changed.\nFor example, if you only want to change the `bodypart` to `BRAIN` for a specific `SeriesDescription`, you can specify `BRAIN` in the `OutputFilename` column.\nHowever, you must specify all components that come prior to the one you want to change as `None`.\nFor example, to change the `modality` to `T1` for a specific `SeriesDescription`, you must specify `None-T1` in the `OutputFilename` column.\nThis can also be used to change the `extras`, by specifying them at the end of the `OutputFilename` column.\nFor example, to add `ECHO1` to the end of the name for a specific `SeriesDescription`, but change nothing else, you must specify `None-None-None-None-None-None-ECHO1` in the `OutputFilename` column.\n\n### Manual Naming\nManual naming entries are the most specific way to name images.\nThey are stored as a JSON file in each session directory (`<subject-id>_<session-id>_ManualNaming.json`).\nThis JSON file is a dictionary with the DICOM series directory path (`dcm/...`) as the key and the new name as the value.\nThis series path can be found as the `SourcePath` in the sidecar JSON file for the image.\nManual naming entries take precidence over look-up tables and automatic naming.\nThe naming convention for manual naming entries is the same as for look-up tables.\n\nThe simplest way to create manual naming entries is to use the `radifox-qa` webapp.\n\n### JSON Sidecar Files\nJSON sidecar files are created for each NIfTI file during conversion.\nThey contain information about the conversion process (versions, look-up table values, manual naming, etc.) as well as critical DICOM metadata.\nThe JSON sidecar files are stored in the `nii` directory in eact session directory next to their corresponding NIfTI file.\n\nSidecar files are human-readable, but can also be accessed in Python using the `json` standard package.\nMost of the crutial information will be in the `SeriesInfo` key of the sidecar file.\n\n```python\nimport json\n\nobj = json.load(open('/path/to/output/study/STUDY-123456/1/nii/STUDY-123456_01-03_BRAIN-T1-IRFSPGR-3D-SAGITTAL-PRE.json'))\nprint(obj['SeriesInfo']['SeriesDescription']) # prints 'IRFSPGR 3D SAGITTAL PRE'\nprint(obj('SeriesInfo')['SliceThickness']) # prints 1.0\n```\n\nA complete record of the sidecar JSON format is below [JSON Sidecar Format](#json-sidecar-format).\n\n## Provenance\nThe auto-provenance system is a system for tracking the provenance of processing results.\nIt allows developers to easily include RADIFOX management features into their processing scripts in a consistent way.\nThis includes automatic generation of provenance records, automatic logging during execution and automatic generation of QA images from outputs.\n\nThe auto-provenance system is based on the `ProcessingModule` class.\nThis is an abstract class that defines the basic structure of a processing module.\nDevelopers should inherit from this class and implement the `cli` and `run` methods, as well as define the `name` and `version` class attributes.\nSee [ProcessingModule](#processingmodule) for more details.\n\n### Provenance Records\nProvenance from this system is stored in two different ways.\nThe first is at the session level in the `<subject-id>_<session-id>_Provenance.yml` file.\nThis is an append-only text file that contains the provenance records of all processing steps for the session.\nThe second is a provenance text file (`.prov`) that is stored with each processed file.\nThis contains the provenance record for the process that created the processed file only.\n\nProvenance records are stored in the YAML format that is human-readable, but also easily parsed by Python.\nThe format is as follows:\n```yaml\n---\nId: <record-id>\nModule: <module-name>:<module-version>\nContainer: \n  url: <container-url>:<container-tag>@<container-commit>\n  hash: <container-hash>\n  builder: <container-builder>\n  timestamp: <container-timestamp>\nUser: <user-name>@<hostname>\nStartTime: <start-timestamp>\nDuration: <duration-days-hours-minutes-seconds>\nInputs:\n  <input-key-1>: <input-filename-1>:<input-hash-1>\n  <input-key-2>: \n    - <input-filename-2>:<input-hash-2>\n    - <input-filename-3>:<input-hash-3>\nOutputs:\n  <output-key-1>: <output-filename-1>:<output-hash-1>\n  <output-key-2>: \n    - <output-filename-2>:<output-hash-2>\n    - <output-filename-3>:<output-hash-3>\nParameters:\n  <parameter-key-1>: <parameter-value-1>\n  <parameter-key-2>: <parameter-value-2>\nCommand: <command-string>\n...\n```\n\nThe `<record-id>` is a unique identifier for the record created from a hash of the rest of record.\nThe `<module-name>` and `<module-version>` are the name and version of the processing module that created the record (defined in `ProcessingModule` subclass).\nThe `<container-url>`, `<container-tag>`, `<container-commit>` and `<container-hash>` values are the URL, tag, commit, and hash of the container used to run the processing module.\nThe `<container-timestamp>`, `<container-builder>` values are the timestamp and builder identity of the container used to run the processing module.\nThese are derived from specific labels set during container creation.\nFor more information on how compatible containers are created, see [Container Creation](#container-creation).\nThe `<user-name>` and `<timestamp>` are the user name of the user that ran the processing module and the timestamp of the processing module run completion.\nThe `<input-key>`s, `<input-filename>`s, and `<input-hash>`s are the input names, filenames, and hashes of the input files to the processing module.\nOutputs are structured the same way.\nThe `<parameter-key>`s and `<parameter-value>`s are the key-value pairs of the parameters passed to the processing module (that are not files).\nThe `<command-string>` is the exact command string that was used to run the processing module.\n\n### Automatic Logging\nThe auto-provenance system also includes automatic logging during execution.\nThis is done by setting up a `logging` handler that writes to the `logs` directory in the session directory.\nThis handler is set up by default to log all messages to the `logs/<module-name>/<first-input-filename>-<timestamp>-info.log` file.\nThis can be adjusted to `logs/<module-name>-<timestamp>-info.log` by setting `log_uses_filename` to `False` in the `ProcessingModule` subclass.\nCurrently, there is support for `INFO`, `WARNING` and `ERROR` level messages.\nThey can be accessed at any point in the `run` method by calling `logging.info(message)` (or `warning` or `error`).\nYou must import `logging` at the top of the file to use this feature.\nIf there are warnings or errors produced during execution, they will be written to additional log files (`-warning.log` and `-error.log`) for easy viewing.\nThere is currently no support for `DEBUG` level messages, but that is planned for the future.\n\n### Automatic QA Images\nThe auto-provenance system also includes automatic generation of QA images from outputs.\nAny output that is returned from the `run` method will have a QA image generated automatically, if it is a NIfTI file (ends in `.nii.gz`).\n\n## Quality Assurance\nThe web-based quality assurance system is a system for viewing images and recording QA results.\nIt is a Flask-based webapp that can be run locally.\nThere are two modes: `conversion` and `processing` that can be switched between using the links in the top navigation bar.\n\nThe `conversion` mode is used to view and make corrections to the naming of images after conversion.\nThere are three types of actions that can be taken in `conversion` mode.\n- Ignore Button: This will mark the image to be skipped by the conversion process on update.\n- Body Type Buttons: This will change the `bodypart` of the image to the selected value. It is currently available for `BRAIN`, `CSPINE`, `TSPINE`, `LSPINE`, and `ORBITS`.\n- Correct Name Button: This will open a form to correct any of the **core** aspects of the RADIFOX naming convention. `extras` are not yet supported.\n\nThe `processing` mode is used to view outputs of various processing steps.\nFor each processing step, images of the outputs are shown with the provenance record for that step.\nNo actions are currently availabe in `processing` mode, but we hope to record QA results directly from the app.\n\nThe QA webapp is launched with the `radifox-qa` command.\nIt is a webapp that runs locally on port 5000 by default.\nBe sure to copy down the Secret Key that is printed to the console when the webapp is launched.\nThis will be required to log into the webapp and changes each time the app is launched.\nIt can also be specified using the `--secret-key` option.\nFor convenience, you can log into the app using `http://{HOST}:{PORT}/login?key={SECRET_KEY}`, which is printed when the app is launched.\nIt can also be accessed at `http://{HOST}:{PORT}` (`http://localhost:5000` by default) and the key can be entered there.\nSee [`radifox-qa`](#radifox-qa) above for more details.\n\n# Additional Information\n\n## Advanced CLI Usage\n### `radifox-convert`\n| Option                      | Description                                                                                                                            | Default                                           |\n|-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|\n| `source`                    | The source directory (or zip file) containing the DICOM files.                                                                         | `required`                                        |\n| `-o`, `--output-root`       | The root directory for the output files (contains project directories).                                                                | `required`                                        |\n| `-p`, `--project-id`        | The project ID for the converted session.                                                                                              | `required`                                        |\n| `-s`, `--subject-id`        | The subject ID for the converted session.                                                                                              | `required`                                        |\n| `-e`, `--session-id`        | The session ID for the converted session.                                                                                              | `required`                                        |\n| `-l`, `--lut-file`          | The look-up table file to use for naming.                                                                                              | `<output-root>/<project-id>/<project-id>_lut.csv` |\n| `--site-id`                 | The site ID for the converted session.                                                                                                 | `None`                                            |\n| `--force`                   | Force conversion even if session directory already exists.                                                                             | `False`                                           |\n| `--reckless`                | Skip consistency checks when forcing run (will overwrite files!)                                                                       | `False`                                           |\n| `--safe`                    | If the session directory already exists, use a new directory with `-#` appended (does not change session ID or filenames)              | `False`                                           |\n| `--no-project-subdir`       | Do not create a project subdirectory in the output root directory. Subjects will be placed directly into the `--output-root` directory | `False`                                           |\n| `--symlink`                 | Create symlinks to the original DICOM files instead of copying them.                                                                   | `False`                                           |\n| `--hardlink`                | Create hardlinks to the original DICOM files instead of copying them.                                                                  | `False`                                           |\n| `--verbose`                 | Log debug output.                                                                                                                      | `False`                                           |\n| `--version`                 | Output RADIFOX version and exit.                                                                                                       | `False`                                           |\n| `--help`                    | Show help message and exit.                                                                                                            | `False`                                           |\n| `--parrec`                  | Convert PAR/REC files instead of DICOM files.                                                                                          | `False`                                           |\n| `--institution-name`        | The institution name to use for the session (required for PAR/REC conversion).                                                         | `None`                                            |\n| `--magnetic-field-strength` | The magnetic field strength to use for the session (required for PAR/REC conversion).                                                  | `None`                                            |\n| `--anonymize`               | Experimental anonymization support (will remove copied DICOM files).                                                                   | `False`                                           |\n| `--date-shift-days`         | The number of days to shift the date by during anonymization.                                                                          | `None`                                            |\n| `--tms-metafile`            | The TMS metafile to use for subject, site and session ID.                                                                              | `None`                                            |\n\n### `radifox-update`\n| Option             | Description                                                | Default                               |\n|--------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|\n| `directory`        | The converted RADIFOX directory to update.                 | `required`                            |\n| `-l`, `--lut-file` | The look-up table file to use for naming.                  | `<directory>/../<project-id>_lut.csv` |\n| `--force`          | Force conversion even if session directory already exists. | `False`                               |\n| `--verbose`        | Log debug output.                                          | `False`                               |\n| `--version`        | Output RADIFOX version and exit.                           | `False`                               |\n| `--help`           | Show help message and exit.                                | `False`                               |\n\n### `radifox-qa`\n| Option             | Description                                                          | Default     |\n|--------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|\n| `--port`           | The port to run the QA webapp on.                                    | `5000`      |\n| `--host`           | The host bind address for the QA webapp.                             | `localhost` |\n| `--root-directory` | The output root to read projects from (contains project directories) | `/data`     |\n| `--secret-key`     | The secret key to use for the QA webapp.                             | `None`      |\n| `--workers`        | Number of workers to use for web server.                             | `1`         |\n\n### `radifox-stage`\n| Option                   | Description                                                               | Default    |\n|--------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------|\n| `--subject-dir`          | The path to the subject directory to stage.                               | `required` |\n| `--image-types`          | A set of `ImageFilter` strings used to filter the images for staging      | `required` |\n| `--reg-filters`          | A set of `ImageFilter` strings used for determining registration targets. | `None`     |\n| `--keep-best-res`        | Only keep the highest resolution image for each filter.                   | `False`    |\n| `--plugin-paths`         | A list of additional plugin paths to add.                                 | `None`     |\n| `--skip-default-plugins` | Skip the default plugins included with staging.                           | `False`    |\n| `--skip-set-sform`       | Skip setting the sform matrix for staged images.                          | `False`    |\n\n## JSON Sidecar Format\nThe JSON sidecar format is a dictionary with 8 top-level keys:\n - `__version__`: A dictionary of software versions used in conversion (`radifox` and `dcm2niix`)\n - `InputHash`: A hash of the input directory or archive file used in conversion\n - `LookupTable`: A dictionary of look-up table values used in conversion (limited by project/site ID/institution, if applicable)\n - `ManualNames`: A dictionary of manual name entries used in conversion\n - `Metadata`: A dictionary of session level metadata items (Project ID, Subject ID, Session ID, etc.)\n - `RemoveIdentifiers`: A boolean indicating if identifiers were removed from the converted files\n - `SeriesInfo`: A dictionary of DICOM metadata and conversion information for each converted image\n\n\nThe `SeriesInfo` value has most of the information about the converted image, including converted DICOM tags.\n - `AcqDateTime`: The acquisition date and time of the image\n - `AcquiredResolution`: The acquired, in-plane resolution of the image (list of 2 floats)\n - `AcquisitionDimension`: The number of acquisition dimensions (2D or 3D)\n - `AcquisitionMatrix`: The acquired in-plane matrix size of the image (list of 2 ints)\n - `BodyPartExamined`: The body part examined in the image\n - `ComplexImageComponent`: The complex number component represented in the image (MAGNITUDE, PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY)\n - `ConvertImage`: Boolean indicating if the image was supposed to be converted\n - `DeviceIdentifier`: An identifier for the device used to acquire the image\n - `EPIFactor`: The echo planar imaging (EPI) factor of the image\n - `EchoTime`: The echo time (in ms) of the image\n - `EchoTrainLength`: The echo train length of the image\n - `ExContrastAgent`: Any information about the exogenous contrast agent used in the acquisition\n - `FieldOfView`: The field of view (in mm) of the image (list of 2 floats)\n - `FlipAngle`: The flip angle (in degrees) of the image\n - `ImageOrientationPatient`: The DICOM image orientation patient tag of the image (list of 6 floats)\n - `ImagePositionPatient`: The DICOM image position patient tag of the image (list of 3 floats)\n - `ImageType`: The DICOM image type tag of the image (list of strings)\n - `InstitutionName`: The institution name of the device used to acquire the image\n - `InversionTime`: The inversion time (in ms) of the image\n - `LookupName`: Any naming components for this image pulled from the lookup-table (list of strings)\n - `MagneticFieldStrength`: The magnetic field strength (in T) of the image\n - `ManualName`: Any naming components for this image pulled from the manual naming entries (list of strings)\n - `Manufacturer`: The manufacturer of the device used to acquire the image\n - `MultiFrame`: Boolean indicating if the image is a multi-frame DICOM image\n - `NiftiCreated`: Boolean indicating if the image was successfully converted to NIfTI\n - `NiftiHash`: The hash of the converted NIfTI file\n - `NiftiName`: The final filename for the converted NIfTI file.\n - `NumFiles`: Number of files (or frames) incorporated into the image (number of slices).\n - `NumberOfAverages`: The number of averages used in the acquisition\n - `PercentSampling`: The percent of k-space sampling used in the acquisition\n - `PixelBandwidth`: The pixel bandwidth (in Hz) of the image\n - `PredictedName`: Automatically generated name prediction from the DICOM metadata (list of strings)\n - `ReceiveCoilName`: The name of the receive coil used in the acquisition\n - `ReconMatrix`: The reconstructed in-plane matrix size of the image (list of 2 ints)\n - `ReconResolution`: The reconstructed, in-plane resolution of the image (list of 2 floats)\n - `RepetitionTime`: The repetition time (in ms) of the image\n - `ScanOptions`: Any scan options used in the acquisition\n - `ScannerModelName`: The model name of the scanner used to acquire the image\n - `SequenceName`: The name of the sequence used to acquire the image\n - `SequenceType`: The type of sequence used to acquire the image\n - `SequenceVariant`: The variant of the sequence used to acquire the image\n - `SeriesDescription`: The DICOM series description tag of the image\n - `SeriesNumber`: The DICOM series number tag of the image\n - `SeriesUID`: The DICOM series UID tag for the image\n - `SliceOrientation`: The slice orientation of the image (axial, sagittal, or coronal)\n - `SliceSpacing`: The slice spacing (in mm) between slices of the image\n - `SliceThickness`: The slice thickness (in mm) of the image\n - `SoftwareVersions`: The software versions of the device that acquired the image\n - `SourceHash`: The hash of the source DICOM files\n - `SourcePath`: The path to the source DICOM files (relative to session directory, e.g `dcm/...`)\n - `StudyDescription`: The study description DICOM tag for the image\n - `StudyUID`: The study UID DICOM tag for the image\n - `TriggerTime`: The trigger time (in ms) of the image (can be used to store inversion time)\n - `VariableFlipAngle`: Boolean indicating if the image used variable flip angles\n\n## Container Creation\nFor reproducibility, processing must be done in a container.\nThis can be Docker or Apptainer/Singularity, but requires a few specific labels to be set to maintain strict accounting of the container used.\n\nThe labels are:\n - `ci.timestamp`: Timestamp of the container image creation (`%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ`)\n - `ci.builder`: The username of the builder of the container image (who initiated the build)\n - `ci.image`: URL of the container image in a repository (e.g. Docker Hub)\n - `ci.tag`: Version tag of the container image\n - `ci.commit`: Commit hash of the Dockerfile/repo used to build the container image\n - `ci.digest`: Digest hash of the container image\n\nThese labels are most easily set by using Continuous Integration (CI) to create your images.\nThis is an example `.gitlab-ci.yml` to achieve this on GitLab:\n```yaml\nvariables:\n  GIT_STRATEGY: clone\n  GIT_DEPTH: 0\n\nbuild:\n  image: docker:20.10.16\n  stage: build\n  services:\n    - docker:20.10.16-dind\n  variables:\n    TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME\n  script:\n    - docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY\n    - docker build \n      --label ci.timestamp=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')\n      --label ci.builder=$GITLAB_USER_LOGIN\n      --label ci.image=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE\n      --label ci.tag=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME\n      --label ci.commit=$CI_COMMIT_SHA \n      -t $TAG .\n    - DIGEST=$(docker inspect --format='{{index .Id}}' $TAG)\n    - echo \"FROM $TAG\" | docker buildx build --label ci.digest=$DIGEST -t $TAG --push -\n  only:\n    - tags\n```\n\nUsing a GitHub action is similar and can be done with GitHub Actions:\n```yaml\nname: Publish Docker Image to GHCR\n\non:\n  push:\n    branches:\n      - 'main'\n    tags:\n      - '*'\n\njobs:\n  docker:\n    name: Build and Push Docker Image\n    runs-on: ubuntu-latest\n    permissions:\n      packages: write\n    steps:\n      -\n        name: Get build time\n        id: build_time\n        run: echo \"time=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')\" >> \"$GITHUB_OUTPUT\"\n      -\n        name: Checkout\n        uses: actions/checkout@v4\n        with:\n          fetch-depth: 0\n          ref: ${{ github.ref_name }}\n      -\n        name: Set up Docker Buildx\n        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3\n        with:\n          driver: docker\n      -\n        name: Login to Registry\n        uses: docker/login-action@v3\n        with:\n          registry: ghcr.io\n          username: ${{ github.actor }}\n          password: ${{ github.token }}\n      -\n        name: Build image\n        id: docker_build\n        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5\n        with:\n          context: .\n          load: true\n          labels: |\n            ci.timestamp=${{ steps.build_time.outputs.time }}\n            ci.image=${{ github.repository }}\n            ci.tag=${{ github.ref_name }}\n            ci.commit=${{ github.sha }}\n            ci.builder=${{ github.triggering_actor }}\n          tags: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.ref_name }}\n          build-args: |\n            BUILDKIT_CONTEXT_KEEP_GIT_DIR=true\n      -\n        name: Write new Dockerfile\n        run: echo \"FROM ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.ref_name }}\" > Dockerfile.new\n\n      - name: Build labeled image\n        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5\n        with:\n          context: .\n          file: Dockerfile.new\n          push: true\n          labels: ci.digest=${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }}\n          tags: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.ref_name }}\n\n```\n",
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    "license": "Apache License, 2.0",
    "summary": "RADIFOX is the RADiological Image File Ontology eXtension, a Python package for the organization and management of medical images.",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "project_urls": {
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    "split_keywords": [
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