
Namesenapp JSON
Version 0.2.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Python 3 package for CLI app development.
upload_time2023-12-26 01:03:59
licenseMIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Volodymyr Zakalyk Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
keywords cli log shell
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # SenApp - a Python library for CLI applications

This library provides API for fast writing of non-production CLI applications:
the ones that are used every day, but are too specific to become a standalone
product. With this library, writing a Python script is almost the same as
writing a shell script, while benefitting from CLI help and completion.

 - Supported Python versions: 3.6 and newer.
 - The usage is to clone the repository and import its modules.

## Contents

- [log](#log)
- [shell](#shell)
- [cli](#cli)

## log

A wrapper for `logging`. Offers several functions for convenient logging:

| Entity   | Description |
| -------- | ----------- |
| `logc()` | Global configuration - verbose mode, detailed mode. |
| `logt()` | Decorator for functions to trace their calls, visible only in verbose mode. |
| `logd()` | Debug prints, visible only in verbose. |
| `logi()` | Regular prints, always visible. |
| `loge()` | Error prints, always visible. |

from senapp.log import logc, logd, logi

# Disable everything.
logc(verbose=False, detailed=False)
logd('Hello debug.')
logi('Hello info.')

# Hello info.

from senapp.log import logc, logd, logi

# Enable verbose mode.
logd('Hello debug.')
logi('Hello info.')

# Hello debug.
# Hello info.

from senapp.log import logc, logd, logi

# Enable detailed mode (note: enabled by default).
logi('Hello info.')

# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367107    8998 8998    [I]<module>: Hello info.

from senapp.log import logc, logd, logi

# Multi-line strings have the same prefix.

# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367420    8998 8998    [I]<module>: I
# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367420    8998 8998    [I]<module>: am
# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367420    8998 8998    [I]<module>: Multi-line

from senapp.log import logc, logd, logi

# Exceptions are printed with full traceback in detailed mode.

def fail():
    raise Exception('I am exception.')

except Exception as e:

# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>: Traceback (most recent call last):
# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:   File "/home/Projects/test/./", line 40, in <module>
# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:     fail()
# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:   File "/home/Projects/test/./", line 37, in fail
# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:     raise Exception('I am exception.')
# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>: Exception: I am exception.

## shell

A wrapper for `subprocess`. This module offers a function `sh()` that runs a
Bash command. It is possible to configure the behavior for capturing (how the
output is handled) and failure (an exception on non-zero exit code).

`sh()` returns a structure similar to `subprocess.CompletedProcess`, with the
command, the return code, and the output (if any).

from import *

# Pure sub-shell mode. This mode is the default one, and the only one
# suitable for interactive shells like screen or ssh.
sh('echo "Hello, world!"')

# Hello, world!

from import *

# Capture mode. The output is captured with the newline.
out = sh('echo "Hello, world!"', mode=sh_mode_cap).out
print(f'Captured: {out}')

# Captured: Hello, world!

from import *

# Logging mode.
out = sh('echo "Hello, world!"', mode=sh_mode_log).out
print(f'Captured: {out}')

# 2023-12-24 07:52:57.788524    9747 9747    [I] Hello, world!
# Captured:

from import *

# Dual mode: logging + capture.
out = sh('echo "Hello, world!"', mode=sh_mode_tee).out
print(f'Captured: {out}')

# 2023-12-24 07:55:49.583079    9903 9903    [I] Hello, world!
# Captured: Hello, world!

from import *

# Exception of failure.

# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "/home/Projects/test/./", line 5, in <module>
#     sh('false')
#   File "/home/Projects/test/./", line 137, in wrapper
#     ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
#   File "/home/Projects/test/./", line 142, in sh
#     raise ShellError(result)
# Command failed with code 1:
# false

## cli

A wrapper for [`argparse`]( (CLI parsing)
and [`argcomplete`]( (CLI completion).

This module offers the OOP interface for CLI application building:

| Entity   | Description |
| -------- | ----------- |
| `Arg`    | A command line argument, positional or optional. |
| `App`    | A root application or a sub-command. |
| `Main`   | A root application with predefined arguments for the debug output. |
| `Bundle` | A parsed command line. |

An example with two sub-applications:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from senapp.cli import *
from senapp.log import *

class HelloStr(App):
    def __init__(self) -> 'None':
        # The sub-application is named "hello-str".
            help='Print "Hello" and the strings.',
        # Multi-value positional argument - a message to print.
        self.arg_val = Arg(
            name='STR',                # Name that appears on the command line.
            count='*',                 # Allow 0 or more values.
            help='Strings to print.',  # A help string.
        # Add it to the App.

    def __call__(self, bundle: 'Bundle') -> 'None':
        # Bundle uses the Arg object itself to subscript.
        values = bundle[self.arg_val]
        # Combine the message.
        message = ' '.join(values)
        # Print it using senapp.log.
        logd(f'Hello: {message}')
        logi(f'Hello: {message}')

class HelloInt(App):
    def __init__(self) -> 'None':
        # The sub-application is named "hello-int".
            help='Print "Hello" and the integer.',
        # Single-value optional argument - an int to print.
        self.arg_val = Arg(
            name='INT',                # Name that appears on the command line.
            sopt='i',                  # The short option name (-i).
            lopt='int',                # The long option name (--int).
            type=int,                  # The type.
            help='Integer to print.',  # A help string.
            default=22,                # A fallback value.
            choices={                  # Acceptable values and their helps.
                1: 'Print 1.',
                22: 'Print 22.',
                340: 'Print 340.',

        # Add it to the App.

    def __call__(self, bundle: 'Bundle') -> 'None':
        # Bundle uses the Arg object itself to subscript.
        message = bundle[self.arg_val]
        # Print it using senapp.log.
        logi(f'Hello: {message}')

class HelloMain(Main):
    def __init__(self) -> 'None':
        # Main is a subclass of App.
        # App.add() is overloaded to accept Arg and App.

# Call the main routine.

Call scenarios:

# Help in the root app.
./ -h

# usage: hello [-h] [-v] [-d] APP ...
# positional arguments:
#   APP             Sub-command:
#                    * hello-str - Print "Hello" and the strings.
#                    * hello-int - Print "Hello" and the integer.
# options:
#   -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
#   -v, --verbose   Print debug and trace logs.
#   -d, --detailed  Print timestamp, process, thread, level, path.

# Help in hello-str.
./ hello-str -h

# usage: hello-str [-h] [STR ...]
# Print "Hello" and the strings.
# positional arguments:
#   STR         Strings to print.
# options:
#   -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

# Help in hello-int.
./ hello-int -h

# usage: hello-int [-h] [-i INT]
# Print "Hello" and the integer.
# options:
#   -h, --help         Show this help message and exit.
#   -i INT, --int INT  Integer to print.
#                      Possible values:
#                       *   1 - Print 1.
#                       *  22 - Print 22.
#                       * 340 - Print 340.
#                      Defaults to: 22

# Call hello-str with no args.
./ hello-str
# Hello:

# Call hello-str with args.
./ hello-str a b c
# Hello: a b c

# Call hello-int with no arg.
./ hello-int
# Hello: 22

# Call hello-int with arg.
./ hello-int -i 340
# Hello: 340

# Call hello-int with wrong arg.
./ hello-int -i 350
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "/home/Projects/./", line 78, in <module>
#     HelloMain()()
#   File "/home/Projects/./", line 1132, in __call__
#     bundle = Parser.parse(parser, self, argv)
#   File "/home/Projects/./", line 972, in parse
#     args[x] = x(values)
#   File "/home/Projects/./", line 316, in __call__
#     raise ValueError(
# ValueError: Invalid value for argument INT: 42. The value must be in choices:
#  * 1
#  * 22
#  * 340

# Call with detailed mode.
./ -d hello-str a b c
# 2023-12-24 09:01:37.743316   20986 20986   [I] Hello: a b c

# Call with verbose mode.
./ -v hello-str a b c
# Hello: a b c
# Hello: a b c

# Call with both modes.
./ -vd hello-str a b c
# 2023-12-24 09:04:05.568630   21151 21151   [D] Hello: a b c
# 2023-12-24 09:04:05.569131   21151 21151   [I] Hello: a b c


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "senapp",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "Volodymyr Zakalyk <>",
    "keywords": "cli,log,shell",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "Volodymyr Zakalyk <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# SenApp - a Python library for CLI applications\n\nThis library provides API for fast writing of non-production CLI applications:\nthe ones that are used every day, but are too specific to become a standalone\nproduct. With this library, writing a Python script is almost the same as\nwriting a shell script, while benefitting from CLI help and completion.\n\nNotes:\n - Supported Python versions: 3.6 and newer.\n - The usage is to clone the repository and import its modules.\n\n## Contents\n\n- [log](#log)\n- [shell](#shell)\n- [cli](#cli)\n\n## log\n\nA wrapper for `logging`. Offers several functions for convenient logging:\n\n| Entity   | Description |\n| -------- | ----------- |\n| `logc()` | Global configuration - verbose mode, detailed mode. |\n| `logt()` | Decorator for functions to trace their calls, visible only in verbose mode. |\n| `logd()` | Debug prints, visible only in verbose. |\n| `logi()` | Regular prints, always visible. |\n| `loge()` | Error prints, always visible. |\n\n\n```python\nfrom senapp.log import logc, logd, logi\n\n# Disable everything.\nlogc(verbose=False, detailed=False)\nlogd('Hello debug.')\nlogi('Hello info.')\n\n# Hello info.\n```\n\n```python\nfrom senapp.log import logc, logd, logi\n\n# Enable verbose mode.\nlogc(verbose=True)\nlogd('Hello debug.')\nlogi('Hello info.')\n\n# Hello debug.\n# Hello info.\n```\n\n```python\nfrom senapp.log import logc, logd, logi\n\n# Enable detailed mode (note: enabled by default).\nlogc(detailed=True)\nlogi('Hello info.')\n\n# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367107    8998 8998    [I]<module>: Hello info.\n```\n\n```python\nfrom senapp.log import logc, logd, logi\n\n# Multi-line strings have the same prefix.\nlogc(detailed=True)\nlogi('I\\nam\\nMulti-line')\n\n# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367420    8998 8998    [I]<module>: I\n# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367420    8998 8998    [I]<module>: am\n# 2023-12-24 07:34:21.367420    8998 8998    [I]<module>: Multi-line\n```\n\n```python\nfrom senapp.log import logc, logd, logi\n\n# Exceptions are printed with full traceback in detailed mode.\nlogc(detailed=True)\n\ndef fail():\n    raise Exception('I am exception.')\n\ntry:\n    fail()\nexcept Exception as e:\n    logi(e)\n\n# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>: Traceback (most recent call last):\n# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:   File \"/home/Projects/test/./\", line 40, in <module>\n# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:     fail()\n# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:   File \"/home/Projects/test/./\", line 37, in fail\n# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>:     raise Exception('I am exception.')\n# 2023-12-24 07:36:31.789119    9057 9057    [I]<module>: Exception: I am exception.\n```\n\n## shell\n\nA wrapper for `subprocess`. This module offers a function `sh()` that runs a\nBash command. It is possible to configure the behavior for capturing (how the\noutput is handled) and failure (an exception on non-zero exit code).\n\n`sh()` returns a structure similar to `subprocess.CompletedProcess`, with the\ncommand, the return code, and the output (if any).\n\n```python\nfrom import *\n\n# Pure sub-shell mode. This mode is the default one, and the only one\n# suitable for interactive shells like screen or ssh.\nsh('echo \"Hello, world!\"')\n\n# Hello, world!\n```\n\n```python\nfrom import *\n\n# Capture mode. The output is captured with the newline.\nout = sh('echo \"Hello, world!\"', mode=sh_mode_cap).out\nprint(f'Captured: {out}')\n\n# Captured: Hello, world!\n#\n```\n\n```python\nfrom import *\n\n# Logging mode.\nout = sh('echo \"Hello, world!\"', mode=sh_mode_log).out\nprint(f'Captured: {out}')\n\n# 2023-12-24 07:52:57.788524    9747 9747    [I] Hello, world!\n# Captured:\n```\n\n```python\nfrom import *\n\n# Dual mode: logging + capture.\nout = sh('echo \"Hello, world!\"', mode=sh_mode_tee).out\nprint(f'Captured: {out}')\n\n# 2023-12-24 07:55:49.583079    9903 9903    [I] Hello, world!\n# Captured: Hello, world!\n#\n```\n\n```python\nfrom import *\n\n# Exception of failure.\nsh('false')\n\n# Traceback (most recent call last):\n#   File \"/home/Projects/test/./\", line 5, in <module>\n#     sh('false')\n#   File \"/home/Projects/test/./\", line 137, in wrapper\n#     ret = func(*args, **kwargs)\n#   File \"/home/Projects/test/./\", line 142, in sh\n#     raise ShellError(result)\n# Command failed with code 1:\n# false\n```\n\n## cli\n\nA wrapper for [`argparse`]( (CLI parsing)\nand [`argcomplete`]( (CLI completion).\n\nThis module offers the OOP interface for CLI application building:\n\n| Entity   | Description |\n| -------- | ----------- |\n| `Arg`    | A command line argument, positional or optional. |\n| `App`    | A root application or a sub-command. |\n| `Main`   | A root application with predefined arguments for the debug output. |\n| `Bundle` | A parsed command line. |\n\nAn example with two sub-applications:\n\n```python\n#!/usr/bin/env python3\n# PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK\n\nfrom senapp.cli import *\nfrom senapp.log import *\n\n\nclass HelloStr(App):\n    def __init__(self) -> 'None':\n        # The sub-application is named \"hello-str\".\n        super().__init__(\n            name='hello-str',\n            help='Print \"Hello\" and the strings.',\n        )\n        # Multi-value positional argument - a message to print.\n        self.arg_val = Arg(\n            name='STR',                # Name that appears on the command line.\n            count='*',                 # Allow 0 or more values.\n            help='Strings to print.',  # A help string.\n        )\n        # Add it to the App.\n        self.add(self.arg_val)\n\n    def __call__(self, bundle: 'Bundle') -> 'None':\n        super().__call__(bundle)\n        # Bundle uses the Arg object itself to subscript.\n        values = bundle[self.arg_val]\n        # Combine the message.\n        message = ' '.join(values)\n        # Print it using senapp.log.\n        logd(f'Hello: {message}')\n        logi(f'Hello: {message}')\n\n\nclass HelloInt(App):\n    def __init__(self) -> 'None':\n        # The sub-application is named \"hello-int\".\n        super().__init__(\n            name='hello-int',\n            help='Print \"Hello\" and the integer.',\n        )\n        # Single-value optional argument - an int to print.\n        self.arg_val = Arg(\n            name='INT',                # Name that appears on the command line.\n            sopt='i',                  # The short option name (-i).\n            lopt='int',                # The long option name (--int).\n            type=int,                  # The type.\n            help='Integer to print.',  # A help string.\n            default=22,                # A fallback value.\n            choices={                  # Acceptable values and their helps.\n                1: 'Print 1.',\n                22: 'Print 22.',\n                340: 'Print 340.',\n            },\n\n        )\n        # Add it to the App.\n        self.add(self.arg_val)\n\n    def __call__(self, bundle: 'Bundle') -> 'None':\n        super().__call__(bundle)\n        # Bundle uses the Arg object itself to subscript.\n        message = bundle[self.arg_val]\n        # Print it using senapp.log.\n        logi(f'Hello: {message}')\n\n\nclass HelloMain(Main):\n    def __init__(self) -> 'None':\n        super().__init__('hello')\n        # Main is a subclass of App.\n        # App.add() is overloaded to accept Arg and App.\n        self.add(HelloStr())\n        self.add(HelloInt())\n\n\n# Call the main routine.\nHelloMain()()\n```\n\nCall scenarios:\n\n```shell\n# Help in the root app.\n./ -h\n\n# usage: hello [-h] [-v] [-d] APP ...\n#\n# positional arguments:\n#   APP             Sub-command:\n#                    * hello-str - Print \"Hello\" and the strings.\n#                    * hello-int - Print \"Hello\" and the integer.\n#\n# options:\n#   -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.\n#   -v, --verbose   Print debug and trace logs.\n#   -d, --detailed  Print timestamp, process, thread, level, path.\n```\n\n```shell\n# Help in hello-str.\n./ hello-str -h\n\n# usage: hello-str [-h] [STR ...]\n#\n# Print \"Hello\" and the strings.\n#\n# positional arguments:\n#   STR         Strings to print.\n#\n# options:\n#   -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.\n```\n\n```shell\n# Help in hello-int.\n./ hello-int -h\n\n# usage: hello-int [-h] [-i INT]\n#\n# Print \"Hello\" and the integer.\n#\n# options:\n#   -h, --help         Show this help message and exit.\n#   -i INT, --int INT  Integer to print.\n#                      Possible values:\n#                       *   1 - Print 1.\n#                       *  22 - Print 22.\n#                       * 340 - Print 340.\n#                      Defaults to: 22\n```\n\n```shell\n# Call hello-str with no args.\n./ hello-str\n# Hello:\n\n# Call hello-str with args.\n./ hello-str a b c\n# Hello: a b c\n\n# Call hello-int with no arg.\n./ hello-int\n# Hello: 22\n\n# Call hello-int with arg.\n./ hello-int -i 340\n# Hello: 340\n\n# Call hello-int with wrong arg.\n./ hello-int -i 350\n# Traceback (most recent call last):\n#   File \"/home/Projects/./\", line 78, in <module>\n#     HelloMain()()\n#   File \"/home/Projects/./\", line 1132, in __call__\n#     bundle = Parser.parse(parser, self, argv)\n#   File \"/home/Projects/./\", line 972, in parse\n#     args[x] = x(values)\n#   File \"/home/Projects/./\", line 316, in __call__\n#     raise ValueError(\n# ValueError: Invalid value for argument INT: 42. The value must be in choices:\n#  * 1\n#  * 22\n#  * 340\n\n# Call with detailed mode.\n./ -d hello-str a b c\n# 2023-12-24 09:01:37.743316   20986 20986   [I] Hello: a b c\n\n# Call with verbose mode.\n./ -v hello-str a b c\n# Hello: a b c\n# Hello: a b c\n\n# Call with both modes.\n./ -vd hello-str a b c\n# 2023-12-24 09:04:05.568630   21151 21151   [D] Hello: a b c\n# 2023-12-24 09:04:05.569131   21151 21151   [I] Hello: a b c\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT License  Copyright (c) 2023 Volodymyr Zakalyk  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.  THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.",
    "summary": "A Python 3 package for CLI app development.",
    "version": "0.2.0",
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    "split_keywords": [
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Elapsed time: 0.15105s