
Nametelnyx JSON
Version 2.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython bindings for the Telnyx API
upload_time2024-02-23 10:28:29
keywords telnyx telephony sip networking callcontrol messaging sms mms
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
            # Telnyx Python Library

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[![Coverage Status](][coveralls]
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The Telnyx Python library provides convenient access to the Telnyx API from
applications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of
classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API
responses which makes it compatible with a wide range of versions of the Telnyx

## Documentation

See the [API Reference]( and the [Setup Guides](

## Installation

You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the package. If you just
want to use the package, just run:

    pip install --upgrade telnyx

Install from source with:

    python install

### Non x86/x86_64 Processors

The `telnyx` package is distributed as a wheel (pre-compiled package) for easy
installation. The wheel is built only for x86/x86_64 processors. When
installing the package on a different architecture, like ARM, the `pip`
installer will fall back to installing from source. As a result, you will
need to ensure you have the additional dependencies installed. This will
affect you if you're using a Raspberry Pi, for example.

For ARM specifically, as an alternative to a source install, you could look
into using for ARM compiled wheels.

### Requirements

- Python 3.8+ (PyPy supported)

#### Additional Requirements for Source Install

- build-essentials (gcc, make)
- python-dev
- libffi-dev

_These packages are listed as they are named on Ubuntu._

## Usage

The library needs to be configured with your account's API Key which is
available in your [Telnyx Dashboard][api-keys]. Set `telnyx.api_key` to its

import telnyx
telnyx.api_key = "KEY01234_yoursecretkey"

# Retrieve single Messaging Profile

# List Messaging Profiles
profiles = telnyx.MessagingProfile.list()

# Retrieve next page of list results

# Loop over all page results
for page in profiles.auto_paging_iter():

You can read more about our API Keys [here](

### Per-Request Configuration

For apps that need to use multiple keys during the lifetime of a process,
it's also possible to set a per-request key and/or account:

import telnyx

# list messaging profiles

# retrieve single messaging profile

### Configuring an HTTP Client

The library can be configured to use `urlfetch`, `requests`, `pycurl`, or
`urllib2` with `telnyx.default_http_client`:

client = telnyx.http_client.UrlFetchClient()
client = telnyx.http_client.RequestsClient()
client = telnyx.http_client.PycurlClient()
client = telnyx.http_client.Urllib2Client()
telnyx.default_http_client = client

Without a configured client, by default the library will attempt to load
libraries in the order above (i.e. `urlfetch` is preferred with `urllib2` used
as a last resort). We usually recommend that people use `requests`.

### Configuring a Proxy

A proxy can be configured with `telnyx.proxy`:

telnyx.proxy = ""

### Configuring Automatic Retries

Number of automatic retries on requests that fail due to an intermittent
network problem can be configured:

telnyx.max_network_retries = 2

### Reserved word keyword arguments

The Telnyx API includes `from` as an attribute that can be set on messages.
`from` is also a reserved word in Python. If you would like to use keyword
arguments where an argument is a reserved word you can add the suffix `_` e.g.


The argument will be automatically rewritten to `from` in the keyword arguments dict.

> Pro Tip: You can alternatively unpack a dictionary like so:
> ```python
> message = {
>     "from": "+18445550001",
>     "to": "+18665550001",
>     "text": "Foo",
> }
> telnyx.Message.create(**message)
> ```

### Logging

The library can be configured to emit logging that will give you better insight
into what it's doing. The `info` logging level is usually most appropriate for
production use, but `debug` is also available for more verbosity.

There are a few options for enabling it:

1. Set the environment variable `TELNYX_LOG` to the value `debug` or `info`

   $ export TELNYX_LOG=debug

2. Set `telnyx.log`:

   import telnyx
   telnyx.log = 'debug'

3. Enable it through Python's logging module:
   import logging

### Writing a Plugin

If you're writing a plugin that uses the library, we'd appreciate it if you
identified using `telnyx.set_app_info()`:

telnyx.set_app_info("MyAwesomePlugin", version="1.2.34", url="")

This information is passed along when the library makes calls to the Telnyx

## Development

The test suite depends on [telnyx-mock], so make sure to fetch and run it from a
background terminal ([telnyx-mock's README][telnyx-mock] also contains
instructions for installing via Homebrew and other methods):

    go get -u

Install [pipenv][pipenv], then install all dependencies for the project:

    pipenv install --dev

Run all tests on all supported Python versions:

    make test

Run all tests for a specific Python version (modify `-e` according to your Python target):

    pipenv run tox -e py38

Run all tests in a single file:

    pipenv run tox -e py38 -- tests/api_resources/abstract/

Run a single test suite:

    pipenv run tox -e py38 -- tests/api_resources/abstract/

Run a single test:

    pipenv run tox -e py38 -- tests/api_resources/abstract/

Run the linter with:

    make lint

The library uses [Black][black] for code formatting. Code must be formatted
with Black before PRs are submitted, otherwise CI will fail. Run the formatter

    make fmt

### Adding a new endpoint

1. Define a class for the object that the endpoint interacts with under
   `telnyx/api_resources/`. The path name singularized should typically match
   the record type of the object returned e.g. `/v2/available_phone_numbers`
   returns a list of objects with the record_type `available_phone_number`.
   Inherit from the classes that define the behavior available on the endpoint,one or more of `CreateableAPIResource`, `DeletableAPIResource`,
   `ListableAPIResource`, `UpdateableAPIResource`.

2. Import your class in `telnyx/api_resources/`.

3. Add your new class to the `OBJECT_CLASSES` block in `telnyx/`.

4. Add tests for your new class under `tests/api_resources/`.


## Releasing

1. Update version in
   - `` (in the `setup()` call, the `version` kwarg)
   - `telnyx/` (the `__version__` string)
2. Create new branch, add changes, commit, and push
3. Ensure commit passes tests in [Travis][travis-telnyx-python]
4. Tag that commit with `git tag -a v{VERSION} -m "Release v{VERSION}"`, and push the tag `git push --follow-tags`
5. Ensure checked out copy is entirely clean (best to create a new environment...)
6. `make dists`
7. _If you haven't done it before_, download the upload API keys from LastPass (search for "pypi") and put the contents between "PYPIRC FILE" tags into `~/.pypirc-telnyx`.
8. `make testupload`, check that it looks OK on PyPI and that it's installable via `pip`.
9. `make liveupload`, repeat checks for live version.
10. Ta-da.


## Acknowledgments

The contributors and maintainers of Telnyx Python would like to extend their
deep gratitude to the authors of [Stripe Python][stripe-python], upon which
this project is based. Thank you for developing such elegant, usable, and
extensible code and for sharing it with the community.


# vim: set tw=79:


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "telnyx",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "telnyx telephony sip networking callcontrol messaging sms mms",
    "author": "Telnyx",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Telnyx Python Library\n\n[![image](][pypi]\n[![image](][pypi]\n[![image](][pypi]\n[![Build Status](][Actions]\n[![Coverage Status](][coveralls]\n[![Join Slack](](\n\n[pypi]:\n[Actions]:\n[coveralls]:\n\nThe Telnyx Python library provides convenient access to the Telnyx API from\napplications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of\nclasses for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API\nresponses which makes it compatible with a wide range of versions of the Telnyx\nAPI.\n\n## Documentation\n\nSee the [API Reference]( and the [Setup Guides](\n\n## Installation\n\nYou don't need this source code unless you want to modify the package. If you just\nwant to use the package, just run:\n\n    pip install --upgrade telnyx\n\nInstall from source with:\n\n    python install\n\n### Non x86/x86_64 Processors\n\nThe `telnyx` package is distributed as a wheel (pre-compiled package) for easy\ninstallation. The wheel is built only for x86/x86_64 processors. When\ninstalling the package on a different architecture, like ARM, the `pip`\ninstaller will fall back to installing from source. As a result, you will\nneed to ensure you have the additional dependencies installed. This will\naffect you if you're using a Raspberry Pi, for example.\n\nFor ARM specifically, as an alternative to a source install, you could look\ninto using for ARM compiled wheels.\n\n### Requirements\n\n- Python 3.8+ (PyPy supported)\n\n#### Additional Requirements for Source Install\n\n- build-essentials (gcc, make)\n- python-dev\n- libffi-dev\n\n_These packages are listed as they are named on Ubuntu._\n\n## Usage\n\nThe library needs to be configured with your account's API Key which is\navailable in your [Telnyx Dashboard][api-keys]. Set `telnyx.api_key` to its\nvalue:\n\n```python\nimport telnyx\ntelnyx.api_key = \"KEY01234_yoursecretkey\"\n\n# Retrieve single Messaging Profile\ntelnyx.MessagingProfile.retrieve(\"123\")\n\n# List Messaging Profiles\nprofiles = telnyx.MessagingProfile.list()\n\n# Retrieve next page of list results\nprofiles.next_page()\n\n# Loop over all page results\nfor page in profiles.auto_paging_iter():\n    print(page)\n```\n\nYou can read more about our API Keys [here](\n\n### Per-Request Configuration\n\nFor apps that need to use multiple keys during the lifetime of a process,\nit's also possible to set a per-request key and/or account:\n\n```python\nimport telnyx\n\n# list messaging profiles\ntelnyx.MessagingProfile.list(\n    api_key=\"super-secret...\",\n)\n\n# retrieve single messaging profile\ntelnyx.MessagingProfile.retrieve(\n    \"123\",\n    api_key=\"other-secret...\",\n)\n```\n\n### Configuring an HTTP Client\n\nThe library can be configured to use `urlfetch`, `requests`, `pycurl`, or\n`urllib2` with `telnyx.default_http_client`:\n\n```python\nclient = telnyx.http_client.UrlFetchClient()\nclient = telnyx.http_client.RequestsClient()\nclient = telnyx.http_client.PycurlClient()\nclient = telnyx.http_client.Urllib2Client()\ntelnyx.default_http_client = client\n```\n\nWithout a configured client, by default the library will attempt to load\nlibraries in the order above (i.e. `urlfetch` is preferred with `urllib2` used\nas a last resort). We usually recommend that people use `requests`.\n\n### Configuring a Proxy\n\nA proxy can be configured with `telnyx.proxy`:\n\n```python\ntelnyx.proxy = \"\"\n```\n\n### Configuring Automatic Retries\n\nNumber of automatic retries on requests that fail due to an intermittent\nnetwork problem can be configured:\n\n```python\ntelnyx.max_network_retries = 2\n```\n\n### Reserved word keyword arguments\n\nThe Telnyx API includes `from` as an attribute that can be set on messages.\n`from` is also a reserved word in Python. If you would like to use keyword\narguments where an argument is a reserved word you can add the suffix `_` e.g.\n\n```\ntelnyx.Message.create(\n    to=\"+18665550001\",\n    from_=\"+18445550001\",\n    text=\"Foo\"\n)\n```\n\nThe argument will be automatically rewritten to `from` in the keyword arguments dict.\n\n> Pro Tip: You can alternatively unpack a dictionary like so:\n>\n> ```python\n> message = {\n>     \"from\": \"+18445550001\",\n>     \"to\": \"+18665550001\",\n>     \"text\": \"Foo\",\n> }\n> telnyx.Message.create(**message)\n> ```\n\n### Logging\n\nThe library can be configured to emit logging that will give you better insight\ninto what it's doing. The `info` logging level is usually most appropriate for\nproduction use, but `debug` is also available for more verbosity.\n\nThere are a few options for enabling it:\n\n1. Set the environment variable `TELNYX_LOG` to the value `debug` or `info`\n\n   ```\n   $ export TELNYX_LOG=debug\n   ```\n\n2. Set `telnyx.log`:\n\n   ```py\n   import telnyx\n   telnyx.log = 'debug'\n   ```\n\n3. Enable it through Python's logging module:\n   ```py\n   import logging\n   logging.basicConfig()\n   logging.getLogger('telnyx').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)\n   ```\n\n### Writing a Plugin\n\nIf you're writing a plugin that uses the library, we'd appreciate it if you\nidentified using `telnyx.set_app_info()`:\n\n```py\ntelnyx.set_app_info(\"MyAwesomePlugin\", version=\"1.2.34\", url=\"\")\n```\n\nThis information is passed along when the library makes calls to the Telnyx\nAPI.\n\n## Development\n\nThe test suite depends on [telnyx-mock], so make sure to fetch and run it from a\nbackground terminal ([telnyx-mock's README][telnyx-mock] also contains\ninstructions for installing via Homebrew and other methods):\n\n    go get -u\n    telnyx-mock\n\nInstall [pipenv][pipenv], then install all dependencies for the project:\n\n    pipenv install --dev\n\nRun all tests on all supported Python versions:\n\n    make test\n\nRun all tests for a specific Python version (modify `-e` according to your Python target):\n\n    pipenv run tox -e py38\n\nRun all tests in a single file:\n\n    pipenv run tox -e py38 -- tests/api_resources/abstract/\n\nRun a single test suite:\n\n    pipenv run tox -e py38 -- tests/api_resources/abstract/\n\nRun a single test:\n\n    pipenv run tox -e py38 -- tests/api_resources/abstract/\n\nRun the linter with:\n\n    make lint\n\nThe library uses [Black][black] for code formatting. Code must be formatted\nwith Black before PRs are submitted, otherwise CI will fail. Run the formatter\nwith:\n\n    make fmt\n\n### Adding a new endpoint\n\n1. Define a class for the object that the endpoint interacts with under\n   `telnyx/api_resources/`. The path name singularized should typically match\n   the record type of the object returned e.g. `/v2/available_phone_numbers`\n   returns a list of objects with the record_type `available_phone_number`.\n   Inherit from the classes that define the behavior available on the endpoint,one or more of `CreateableAPIResource`, `DeletableAPIResource`,\n   `ListableAPIResource`, `UpdateableAPIResource`.\n\n2. Import your class in `telnyx/api_resources/`.\n\n3. Add your new class to the `OBJECT_CLASSES` block in `telnyx/`.\n\n4. Add tests for your new class under `tests/api_resources/`.\n\n[api-keys]:\n[black]:\n[pipenv]:\n[telnyx-mock]:\n\n## Releasing\n\n1. Update version in\n   - `` (in the `setup()` call, the `version` kwarg)\n   - `telnyx/` (the `__version__` string)\n2. Create new branch, add changes, commit, and push\n3. Ensure commit passes tests in [Travis][travis-telnyx-python]\n4. Tag that commit with `git tag -a v{VERSION} -m \"Release v{VERSION}\"`, and push the tag `git push --follow-tags`\n5. Ensure checked out copy is entirely clean (best to create a new environment...)\n6. `make dists`\n7. _If you haven't done it before_, download the upload API keys from LastPass (search for \"pypi\") and put the contents between \"PYPIRC FILE\" tags into `~/.pypirc-telnyx`.\n8. `make testupload`, check that it looks OK on PyPI and that it's installable via `pip`.\n9. `make liveupload`, repeat checks for live version.\n10. Ta-da.\n\n[travis-telnyx-python]:\n\n## Acknowledgments\n\nThe contributors and maintainers of Telnyx Python would like to extend their\ndeep gratitude to the authors of [Stripe Python][stripe-python], upon which\nthis project is based. Thank you for developing such elegant, usable, and\nextensible code and for sharing it with the community.\n\n[stripe-python]:\n\n<!--\n# vim: set tw=79:\n-->\n",
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