
Namewireviz JSON
Version 0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryEasily document cables and wiring harnesses
upload_time2024-05-12 11:48:35
authorDaniel Rojas
keywords cable connector hardware harness wiring wiring-diagram wiring-harness
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # WireViz

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## Summary

WireViz is a tool for easily documenting cables, wiring harnesses and connector pinouts. It takes plain text, YAML-formatted files as input and produces beautiful graphical output (SVG, PNG, ...) thanks to [GraphViz](https://www.graphviz.org/). It handles automatic BOM (Bill of Materials) creation and has a lot of extra features.

## Features

* WireViz input files are fully text based
  * No special editor required
  * Human readable
  * Easy version control
  * YAML syntax
  * UTF-8 input and output files for special character support
* Understands and uses color abbreviations as per [IEC 60757](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code#Color_band_system) (black=BK, red=RD, ...)
  <!-- * Optionally outputs colors as abbreviation (e.g. 'YE'), full name (e.g. 'yellow') or hex value (e.g. '#ffff00'), with choice of UPPER or lower case (#158) -->
* Auto-generates standard wire color schemes and allows custom ones if needed
  * [DIN 47100](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_47100) (WT/BN/GN/YE/GY/PK/BU/RD/BK/VT/...)
  * [IEC 60757](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code#Color_band_system)   (BN/RD/OR/YE/GN/BU/VT/GY/WT/BK/...)
  * [25 Pair Color Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/25-pair_color_code#Color_coding) (BUWH/WHBU/OGWH/WHOG/GNWH/WHGN/BNWH/...)
  * [TIA/EIA 568 A/B](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TIA/EIA-568#Wiring)  (Subset of 25-Pair, used in CAT-5/6/...)
* Understands wire gauge in mm² or AWG
  * Optionally auto-calculates equivalent gauge between mm² and AWG
* Is suitable for both very simple cables, and more complex harnesses.
* Allows for easy-autorouting for 1-to-1 wiring
* Generates BOM (Bill of Materials)

_Note_: WireViz is not designed to represent the complete wiring of a system. Its main aim is to document the construction of individual wires and harnesses.

## Examples

### Demo 01

[WireViz input file](../examples/demo01.yml):

    type: D-Sub
    subtype: female
    pinlabels: [DCD, RX, TX, DTR, GND, DSR, RTS, CTS, RI]
    type: Molex KK 254
    subtype: female
    pinlabels: [GND, RX, TX]

    gauge: 0.25 mm2
    length: 0.2
    color_code: DIN
    wirecount: 3
    shield: true

    - X1: [5,2,3]
    - W1: [1,2,3]
    - X2: [1,3,2]
    - X1: 5
    - W1: s

Output file:

![Sample output diagram](../examples/demo01.png)

[Bill of Materials](../examples/demo01.bom.tsv) (auto-generated)

### Demo 02


[Source](../examples/demo02.yml) - [Bill of Materials](../examples/demo02.bom.tsv)

### Syntax, tutorial and example gallery

Read the [syntax description](syntax.md) to learn about WireViz' features and how to use them.

See the [tutorial page](../tutorial/readme.md) for sample code, as well as the [example gallery](../examples/readme.md) to see more of what WireViz can do.

## Usage

### Installation

#### Requirements

WireViz requires Python 3.7 or later.

WireWiz requires GraphViz to be installed in order to work. See the [GraphViz download page](https://graphviz.org/download/) for OS-specific instructions.

_Note_: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS users in particular may need to separately install Python 3.7 or above, as that comes with Python 3.6 as the included system Python install.

#### Installing the latest release

The latest WireViz release can be downloaded from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/wireviz/) with the following command:
pip3 install wireviz

#### Installing the development version

Access to the current state of the development branch can be gained by cloning the repo and installing manually:

git clone <repo url>
cd <working copy>
git checkout dev
pip3 install -e .

If you would like to contribute to this project, make sure you read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)!

### How to run

$ wireviz ~/path/to/file/mywire.yml

Depending on the options specified, this will output some or all of the following files:

mywire.gv         GraphViz output
mywire.svg        Wiring diagram as vector image
mywire.png        Wiring diagram as raster image
mywire.bom.tsv    BOM (bill of materials) as tab-separated text file
mywire.html       HTML page with wiring diagram and BOM embedded

Wildcards in the file path are also supported to process multiple files at once, e.g.:
$ wireviz ~/path/to/files/*.yml

To see how to specify the output formats, as well as additional options, run:

$ wireviz --help

### (Re-)Building the example projects

Please see the [documentation](buildscript.md) of the `build_examples.py` script for info on building the demos, examples and tutorial.

## Changelog


## Status

This is very much a work in progress. Source code, API, syntax and functionality may change wildly at any time.

## License



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/formatc1702/WireViz",
    "name": "wireviz",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "cable connector hardware harness wiring wiring-diagram wiring-harness",
    "author": "Daniel Rojas",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d5/c9/6273dbf96dcad5e58fbccf69e6afe2854a286b66902ceeb52ecf64f5ec9f/wireviz-0.4.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# WireViz\n\n\n[![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/wireviz.svg?colorB=blue)](https://pypi.org/project/wireviz/)\n[![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/wireviz.svg?)](https://pypi.org/project/wireviz/)\n[![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/wireviz)](https://pypi.org/project/wireviz/)\n[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)\n\n## Summary\n\nWireViz is a tool for easily documenting cables, wiring harnesses and connector pinouts. It takes plain text, YAML-formatted files as input and produces beautiful graphical output (SVG, PNG, ...) thanks to [GraphViz](https://www.graphviz.org/). It handles automatic BOM (Bill of Materials) creation and has a lot of extra features.\n\n\n## Features\n\n* WireViz input files are fully text based\n  * No special editor required\n  * Human readable\n  * Easy version control\n  * YAML syntax\n  * UTF-8 input and output files for special character support\n* Understands and uses color abbreviations as per [IEC 60757](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code#Color_band_system) (black=BK, red=RD, ...)\n  <!-- * Optionally outputs colors as abbreviation (e.g. 'YE'), full name (e.g. 'yellow') or hex value (e.g. '#ffff00'), with choice of UPPER or lower case (#158) -->\n* Auto-generates standard wire color schemes and allows custom ones if needed\n  * [DIN 47100](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_47100) (WT/BN/GN/YE/GY/PK/BU/RD/BK/VT/...)\n  * [IEC 60757](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code#Color_band_system)   (BN/RD/OR/YE/GN/BU/VT/GY/WT/BK/...)\n  * [25 Pair Color Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/25-pair_color_code#Color_coding) (BUWH/WHBU/OGWH/WHOG/GNWH/WHGN/BNWH/...)\n  * [TIA/EIA 568 A/B](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TIA/EIA-568#Wiring)  (Subset of 25-Pair, used in CAT-5/6/...)\n* Understands wire gauge in mm\u00b2 or AWG\n  * Optionally auto-calculates equivalent gauge between mm\u00b2 and AWG\n* Is suitable for both very simple cables, and more complex harnesses.\n* Allows for easy-autorouting for 1-to-1 wiring\n* Generates BOM (Bill of Materials)\n\n_Note_: WireViz is not designed to represent the complete wiring of a system. Its main aim is to document the construction of individual wires and harnesses.\n\n\n## Examples\n\n### Demo 01\n\n[WireViz input file](../examples/demo01.yml):\n\n```yaml\nconnectors:\n  X1:\n    type: D-Sub\n    subtype: female\n    pinlabels: [DCD, RX, TX, DTR, GND, DSR, RTS, CTS, RI]\n  X2:\n    type: Molex KK 254\n    subtype: female\n    pinlabels: [GND, RX, TX]\n\ncables:\n  W1:\n    gauge: 0.25 mm2\n    length: 0.2\n    color_code: DIN\n    wirecount: 3\n    shield: true\n\nconnections:\n  -\n    - X1: [5,2,3]\n    - W1: [1,2,3]\n    - X2: [1,3,2]\n  -\n    - X1: 5\n    - W1: s\n```\n\nOutput file:\n\n![Sample output diagram](../examples/demo01.png)\n\n[Bill of Materials](../examples/demo01.bom.tsv) (auto-generated)\n\n### Demo 02\n\n![](../examples/demo02.png)\n\n[Source](../examples/demo02.yml) - [Bill of Materials](../examples/demo02.bom.tsv)\n\n### Syntax, tutorial and example gallery\n\nRead the [syntax description](syntax.md) to learn about WireViz' features and how to use them.\n\nSee the [tutorial page](../tutorial/readme.md) for sample code, as well as the [example gallery](../examples/readme.md) to see more of what WireViz can do.\n\n\n## Usage\n\n### Installation\n\n#### Requirements\n\nWireViz requires Python 3.7 or later.\n\nWireWiz requires GraphViz to be installed in order to work. See the [GraphViz download page](https://graphviz.org/download/) for OS-specific instructions.\n\n_Note_: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS users in particular may need to separately install Python 3.7 or above, as that comes with Python 3.6 as the included system Python install.\n\n#### Installing the latest release\n\nThe latest WireViz release can be downloaded from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/wireviz/) with the following command:\n```\npip3 install wireviz\n```\n\n#### Installing the development version\n\nAccess to the current state of the development branch can be gained by cloning the repo and installing manually:\n\n```\ngit clone <repo url>\ncd <working copy>\ngit checkout dev\npip3 install -e .\n```\n\nIf you would like to contribute to this project, make sure you read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)!\n\n### How to run\n\n```\n$ wireviz ~/path/to/file/mywire.yml\n```\n\nDepending on the options specified, this will output some or all of the following files:\n\n```\nmywire.gv         GraphViz output\nmywire.svg        Wiring diagram as vector image\nmywire.png        Wiring diagram as raster image\nmywire.bom.tsv    BOM (bill of materials) as tab-separated text file\nmywire.html       HTML page with wiring diagram and BOM embedded\n```\n\nWildcards in the file path are also supported to process multiple files at once, e.g.:\n```\n$ wireviz ~/path/to/files/*.yml\n```\n\nTo see how to specify the output formats, as well as additional options, run:\n\n```\n$ wireviz --help\n```\n\n\n### (Re-)Building the example projects\n\nPlease see the [documentation](buildscript.md) of the `build_examples.py` script for info on building the demos, examples and tutorial.\n\n## Changelog\n\nSee [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md)\n\n\n## Status\n\nThis is very much a work in progress. Source code, API, syntax and functionality may change wildly at any time.\n\n\n## License\n\n[GPL-3.0](../LICENSE)\n",
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