
NamePyContracts3 JSON
Version 3.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPyContracts is a Python package that allows to declare constraints on function parameters and return values. Contracts can be specified using Python3 annotations, in a decorator, or inside a docstring :type: and :rtype: tags. PyContracts supports a basic type system, variables binding, arithmetic constraints, and has several specialized contracts (notably for Numpy arrays), as well as an extension API.
upload_time2020-07-13 07:49:38
authorAndrea Censi
keywords type checking value checking contracts
requirements pyparsing decorator six future numpy
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            .. image::

PyContracts is a Python package that allows to declare constraints on function parameters and
return values. It supports a basic type system, variables binding, arithmetic constraints, and
has several specialized contracts (notably for Numpy arrays). 

As a quick intro, please see `this presentation about PyContracts`_.

.. _`this presentation about PyContracts`: 

.. image::
   :height: 100px
   :alt: A presentation about PyContracts

.. container:: brief_summary
    A brief summary follows. See the full documentation at: <>

**Why**: The purpose of PyContracts is **not** to turn Python into a statically-typed language
(albeit you can be as strict as you wish), but, rather, to avoid the time-consuming and
obfuscating checking of various preconditions. In fact, more than the type constraints, I found
useful the ability to impose value and size constraints. For example, "I need a list of at least
3 positive numbers" can be expressed as ``list[>=3](number, >0))``. If you find that
PyContracts is overkill for you, you might want to try a simpler alternative, such as
typecheck_. If you find that PyContracts is not *enough* for you, you probably want to be
using Haskell_ instead of Python.

**Specifying contracts**: Contracts can be specified in three ways:

1. **Using the ``@contract`` decorator**: ::
      @contract(a='int,>0', b='list[N],N>0', returns='list[N]')
      def my_function(a, b):

2. **Using annotations** (for Python 3): :: 
      def my_function(a : 'int,>0', b : 'list[N],N>0') -> 'list[N]': 
           # Requires b to be a nonempty list, and the return 
           # value to have the same length.
3. **Using docstrings**, with the ``:type:`` and ``:rtype:`` tags: ::
      def my_function(a, b): 
          """ Function description.
              :type a: int,>0
              :type b: list[N],N>0
              :rtype: list[N]
   In any case, PyContracts will include the spec in the ``__doc__`` attribute.

**Deployment**: In production, all checks can be disabled using the function ``contracts.disable_all()``, so the performance hit is 0.

**Extensions:** You can extend PyContracts with new contracts types: ::

    new_contract('valid_name', lambda s: isinstance(s, str) and len(s)>0)
    @contract(names='dict(int: (valid_name, int))')
    def process_accounting(records):

Any Python type is a contract: ::

    @contract(a=int, # simple contract
              b='int,>0' # more complicated
    def f(a, b):

**Enforcing interfaces**:  ``ContractsMeta`` is a metaclass,
like ABCMeta, which propagates contracts to the subclasses: ::

    from contracts import contract, ContractsMeta, with_metaclass
    class Base(with_metaclass(ContractsMeta, object)):

        def sample(self, probability):

    class Derived(Base):
        # The contract above is automatically enforced, 
        # without this class having to know about PyContracts at all!
        def sample(self, probability):

**Numpy**: There is special support for Numpy: ::

    def recolor(image):

**Status:** The syntax is stable and it won't be changed. PyContracts is very well tested on Python 2.x. 

**Status on Python 3.x:** We reached feature parity! Everything works on Python 3 now.


- `Chris Beaumont`_ (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): ``$var`` syntax; kwargs/args for extensions.
- `Brett Graham`_ (Rowland Institute at Harvard University):  ``attr(name:type)`` syntax for checking types of attributes.
- `William Furr`_: bug reports and performance improvements
- `Karol Kuczmarski`_ (Google Zurich):  implementation of "string" and "unicode" contracts
- `Maarten Derickx`_ (Leiden U.):  documentation fixes
- `Calen Pennington`_ (EdX):  disabling checks inside check() function.
- `Adam Palay`_ (EdX): implementation of environment variable enabling/disabling override.
- `Ryan Heimbuch`_:  bug reports 
- Bernhard Biskup:  bug reports
- `asharp`_: bug fixes
- `Dennis Kempin`_ (Google mothership): Sphinx-style constraints specs
- `Andy Hayden`_: Python 3 support, more efficient Numpy checks
- `Jonathan Sharpe`_: contracts for file-like objects, not operator

(Please let me know if I forgot anybody.)

.. _`Jonathan Sharpe`:

.. _`Chris Beaumont`:
.. _`asharp`:
.. _`Maarten Derickx`:
.. _`Ryan Heimbuch`:
.. _`Calen Pennington`:
.. _`Adam Palay`:
.. _`William Furr`:
.. _`Karol Kuczmarski`:
.. _`Brett Graham`:
.. _`Dennis Kempin`:
.. _`Andy Hayden`:

.. _typecheck:
.. _Haskell:

Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "PyContracts3",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "type checking,value checking,contracts",
    "author": "Andrea Censi",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "",
    "description": ".. image::\n    :target:\n\nPyContracts is a Python package that allows to declare constraints on function parameters and\nreturn values. It supports a basic type system, variables binding, arithmetic constraints, and\nhas several specialized contracts (notably for Numpy arrays). \n\n\nAs a quick intro, please see `this presentation about PyContracts`_.\n\n.. _`this presentation about PyContracts`: \n\n.. image::\n   :height: 100px\n   :target: \n   :alt: A presentation about PyContracts\n\n\n\n.. container:: brief_summary\n  \n    A brief summary follows. See the full documentation at: <>\n\n\n**Why**: The purpose of PyContracts is **not** to turn Python into a statically-typed language\n(albeit you can be as strict as you wish), but, rather, to avoid the time-consuming and\nobfuscating checking of various preconditions. In fact, more than the type constraints, I found\nuseful the ability to impose value and size constraints. For example, \"I need a list of at least\n3 positive numbers\" can be expressed as ``list[>=3](number, >0))``. If you find that\nPyContracts is overkill for you, you might want to try a simpler alternative, such as\ntypecheck_. If you find that PyContracts is not *enough* for you, you probably want to be\nusing Haskell_ instead of Python.\n\n**Specifying contracts**: Contracts can be specified in three ways:\n\n1. **Using the ``@contract`` decorator**: ::\n   \n      @contract(a='int,>0', b='list[N],N>0', returns='list[N]')\n      def my_function(a, b):\n          ...\n\n2. **Using annotations** (for Python 3): :: \n  \n      @contract\n      def my_function(a : 'int,>0', b : 'list[N],N>0') -> 'list[N]': \n           # Requires b to be a nonempty list, and the return \n           # value to have the same length.\n           ...\n      \n3. **Using docstrings**, with the ``:type:`` and ``:rtype:`` tags: ::\n   \n      @contract\n      def my_function(a, b): \n          \"\"\" Function description.\n              :type a: int,>0\n              :type b: list[N],N>0\n              :rtype: list[N]\n          \"\"\"\n          ...\n          \n..\n   In any case, PyContracts will include the spec in the ``__doc__`` attribute.\n\n**Deployment**: In production, all checks can be disabled using the function ``contracts.disable_all()``, so the performance hit is 0.\n\n**Extensions:** You can extend PyContracts with new contracts types: ::\n\n    new_contract('valid_name', lambda s: isinstance(s, str) and len(s)>0)\n    @contract(names='dict(int: (valid_name, int))')\n    def process_accounting(records):\n        ...\n\nAny Python type is a contract: ::\n\n    @contract(a=int, # simple contract\n              b='int,>0' # more complicated\n              )\n    def f(a, b):\n        ...\n\n**Enforcing interfaces**:  ``ContractsMeta`` is a metaclass,\nlike ABCMeta, which propagates contracts to the subclasses: ::\n\n    from contracts import contract, ContractsMeta, with_metaclass\n    \n    class Base(with_metaclass(ContractsMeta, object)):\n\n        @abstractmethod\n        @contract(probability='float,>=0,<=1')\n        def sample(self, probability):\n            pass\n\n    class Derived(Base):\n        # The contract above is automatically enforced, \n        # without this class having to know about PyContracts at all!\n        def sample(self, probability):\n            ....\n\n**Numpy**: There is special support for Numpy: ::\n\n    @contract(image='array[HxWx3](uint8),H>10,W>10')\n    def recolor(image):\n        ...\n\n**Status:** The syntax is stable and it won't be changed. PyContracts is very well tested on Python 2.x. \n\n**Status on Python 3.x:** We reached feature parity! Everything works on Python 3 now.\n\n**Contributors**:\n\n- `Chris Beaumont`_ (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): ``$var`` syntax; kwargs/args for extensions.\n- `Brett Graham`_ (Rowland Institute at Harvard University):  ``attr(name:type)`` syntax for checking types of attributes.\n- `William Furr`_: bug reports and performance improvements\n- `Karol Kuczmarski`_ (Google Zurich):  implementation of \"string\" and \"unicode\" contracts\n- `Maarten Derickx`_ (Leiden U.):  documentation fixes\n- `Calen Pennington`_ (EdX):  disabling checks inside check() function.\n- `Adam Palay`_ (EdX): implementation of environment variable enabling/disabling override.\n- `Ryan Heimbuch`_:  bug reports \n- Bernhard Biskup:  bug reports\n- `asharp`_: bug fixes\n- `Dennis Kempin`_ (Google mothership): Sphinx-style constraints specs\n- `Andy Hayden`_: Python 3 support, more efficient Numpy checks\n- `Jonathan Sharpe`_: contracts for file-like objects, not operator\n\n(Please let me know if I forgot anybody.)\n\n.. _`Jonathan Sharpe`:\n\n.. _`Chris Beaumont`:\n.. _`asharp`:\n.. _`Maarten Derickx`:\n.. _`Ryan Heimbuch`:\n.. _`Calen Pennington`:\n.. _`Adam Palay`:\n.. _`William Furr`:\n.. _`Karol Kuczmarski`:\n.. _`Brett Graham`:\n.. _`Dennis Kempin`:\n.. _`Andy Hayden`:\n\n.. _typecheck:\n.. _Haskell:",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "LGPL",
    "summary": "PyContracts is a Python package that allows to declare constraints on function parameters and return values. Contracts can be specified using Python3 annotations, in a decorator, or inside a docstring :type: and :rtype: tags. PyContracts supports a basic type system, variables binding, arithmetic constraints, and has several specialized contracts (notably for Numpy arrays), as well as an extension API.",
    "version": "3.0.2",
    "project_urls": {
        "Download": "",
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        "type checking",
        "value checking",
    "urls": [
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            "packagetype": "sdist",
            "python_version": "source",
            "requires_python": null,
            "size": 63931,
            "upload_time": "2020-07-13T07:49:38",
            "upload_time_iso_8601": "2020-07-13T07:49:38.416275Z",
            "url": "",
            "yanked": false,
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    "upload_time": "2020-07-13 07:49:38",
    "github": true,
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    "codeberg": false,
    "github_user": "AndreaCensi",
    "github_project": "contracts",
    "travis_ci": true,
    "coveralls": false,
    "github_actions": false,
    "circle": true,
    "requirements": [
            "name": "pyparsing",
            "specs": [
            "name": "decorator",
            "specs": [
            "name": "six",
            "specs": [
            "name": "future",
            "specs": []
            "name": "numpy",
            "specs": [
    "lcname": "pycontracts3"
Elapsed time: 0.17163s