
Nameautopilotml JSON
Version 1.0.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA package for automating machine learning tasks
upload_time2023-11-23 20:20:08
authorShyam Prasath
requires_python>=3.8, <3.12
keywords autopilotml machine learning data science automated machine learning regressor regressors regression classification classifiers classifier estimators predictors xgboost random forest sklearn scikit-learn analytics analysts coefficients feature importancesanalytics artificial intelligence subpredictors ensembling stacking blending feature engineering feature extraction feature selection production pandas dataframes machinejs deep learning tensorflow deeplearning lightgbm gradient boosting gbm keras production ready test coverage
requirements alembic anyio appnope argon2-cffi argon2-cffi-bindings arrow asttokens async-lru attrs Babel beautifulsoup4 bleach blinker certifi cffi charset-normalizer click cloudpickle colorlog comm contourpy cycler databricks-cli debugpy decorator defusedxml dnspython docker entrypoints exceptiongroup executing fastjsonschema Flask fonttools fqdn gitdb GitPython greenlet gunicorn idna importlib-metadata ipykernel ipython ipython-genutils ipywidgets isoduration itsdangerous jedi Jinja2 joblib json5 jsonpointer jsonschema jsonschema-specifications jupyter jupyter-console jupyter-events jupyter-lsp jupyter_client jupyter_core jupyter_server jupyter_server_terminals jupyterlab jupyterlab-pygments jupyterlab-widgets jupyterlab_server kiwisolver Mako Markdown MarkupSafe matplotlib matplotlib-inline mistune mlflow mysql-connector-python nbclient nbconvert nbformat nest-asyncio notebook notebook_shim numpy oauthlib optuna overrides packaging pandas pandocfilters parso pexpect Pillow platformdirs prometheus-client prompt-toolkit protobuf psutil psycopg2-binary ptyprocess pure-eval pyarrow pycparser Pygments PyJWT pymongo pyparsing python-dateutil python-json-logger pytz PyYAML pyzmq qtconsole QtPy querystring-parser referencing requests rfc3339-validator rfc3986-validator rpds-py scikit-learn scipy Send2Trash six smmap sniffio soupsieve SQLAlchemy sqlparse stack-data tabulate terminado threadpoolctl tinycss2 tomli tornado tqdm traitlets types-python-dateutil typing_extensions tzdata uri-template urllib3 wcwidth webcolors webencodings websocket-client Werkzeug widgetsnbextension xgboost zipp
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
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# Autopilotml
> Automated machine learning library for analytics

## Installation

- `pip install autopilotml`

## Usage

### Load data

from autopilotml import load_data, load_database

# For csv files
df = load_data(path = "dataset/titanic_train.csv", csv=True, **kwargs)

# For excel notebook
df = load_data(path = "dataset/titanic_train.xlsx", excel=True, **kwargs)

# To Load data from Database

# This framework supports sqlite, 'mysql', 'postgres', 'MongoDB'
df = load_database(database_type='sqlite', sqlite_db_path = 'database.db', query='select * from employee_table')

### Data Preprocessing

from autopilotml import preprocessing

# If changing any values in the dictionary, whole dictionary has to be provided.

df = preprocessing(dataframe=df, label_column='Survived',
                                    'drop_columns': False, 
                                    'threshold': 0.25, 
                                    'strategy_numerical': 'knn',
                                    'strategy_categorical': 'most_frequent',
                                    'fill_value': None},
                                    'method': 'None',
                                    'zscore_threshold': 3,
                                    'iqr_threshold': 1.5,
                                    'Lc': 0.05, 
                                    'Uc': 0.95,
                                    'cap': False})

### Data Transformation

from autopilotml import transformation

# If the target_transform is true, then the function  return 3 objects, (e.g) dataframe, feature encoder and target encoder
# else it will return 2 objects dataframe and feature encoder
df, encoder = transformation(dataframe=df,
                                type = 'ordinal',
                                target_transform = False, 
                                cardinality = True, 
                                Cardinality_threshold = 0.3)

### Scaling

# Here if target_scaling = True only applicable for regression then it will return 3 objects dataframe, feature scaler and target scaler

from autopilotml import scaling

df, scaler = scaling(df, label_column= 'Survived', type = 'standard', target_scaling = False)

### Feature Selecction

from autopilotml import feature_selection

df, selector = feature_selection(dataframe=df, label_column='Survived', 
                                type='rfe', max_features=10, 
                                min_features=2, scoring= 'accuracy', 

### Model Training

from autopilotml import training

model = training(dataframe=df, label_column='Survived', model_name='SVC', problem_type='Classification', 
                target_scaler=None, test_split =0.15, hypertune=True, n_epochs=100)

### MLFlow - Track the Model Training and model Parameters

!mlflow ui


Raw data

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    "home_page": "",
    "name": "autopilotml",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8, <3.12",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "autopilotml,machine learning,data science,automated machine learning,regressor,regressors,regression,classification,classifiers,classifier,estimators,predictors,XGBoost,Random Forest,sklearn,scikit-learn,analytics,analysts,coefficients,feature importancesanalytics,artificial intelligence,subpredictors,ensembling,stacking,blending,feature engineering,feature extraction,feature selection,production,pandas,dataframes,machinejs,deep learning,tensorflow,deeplearning,lightgbm,gradient boosting,gbm,keras,production ready,test coverage",
    "author": "Shyam Prasath",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<div align=\"center\">\n  <p>\n    <a align=\"center\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n      <img\n        width=\"1280\"\n        src=\"\"\n    </a>\n  </p>\n\n\n[![version](](\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"total autopilotml downloads\"></a>\n[![license](](LICENSE)\n[![Colab](](\n\n\n</div>\n\n\n# Autopilotml\n> Automated machine learning library for analytics\n\n## Installation\n\n- `pip install autopilotml`\n\n## Usage\n\n### Load data\n\n```python\nfrom autopilotml import load_data, load_database\n\n# For csv files\ndf = load_data(path = \"dataset/titanic_train.csv\", csv=True, **kwargs)\n\n# For excel notebook\ndf = load_data(path = \"dataset/titanic_train.xlsx\", excel=True, **kwargs)\n\n# To Load data from Database\n\n# This framework supports sqlite, 'mysql', 'postgres', 'MongoDB'\ndf = load_database(database_type='sqlite', sqlite_db_path = 'database.db', query='select * from employee_table')\n```\n\n### Data Preprocessing\n\n```python\nfrom autopilotml import preprocessing\n\n# If changing any values in the dictionary, whole dictionary has to be provided.\n\ndf = preprocessing(dataframe=df, label_column='Survived',\n                                missing={\n                                    'type':'impute',\n                                    'drop_columns': False, \n                                    'threshold': 0.25, \n                                    'strategy_numerical': 'knn',\n                                    'strategy_categorical': 'most_frequent',\n                                    'fill_value': None},\n                                outlier={\n                                    'method': 'None',\n                                    'zscore_threshold': 3,\n                                    'iqr_threshold': 1.5,\n                                    'Lc': 0.05, \n                                    'Uc': 0.95,\n                                    'cap': False})\n```\n\n### Data Transformation\n\n```python\nfrom autopilotml import transformation\n\n# If the target_transform is true, then the function  return 3 objects, (e.g) dataframe, feature encoder and target encoder\n# else it will return 2 objects dataframe and feature encoder\ndf, encoder = transformation(dataframe=df,\n                                label_column='Survived', \n                                type = 'ordinal',\n                                target_transform = False, \n                                cardinality = True, \n                                Cardinality_threshold = 0.3)\n```\n\n### Scaling\n\n```python\n# Here if target_scaling = True only applicable for regression then it will return 3 objects dataframe, feature scaler and target scaler\n\nfrom autopilotml import scaling\n\ndf, scaler = scaling(df, label_column= 'Survived', type = 'standard', target_scaling = False)\n```\n\n### Feature Selecction\n\n```python\nfrom autopilotml import feature_selection\n\ndf, selector = feature_selection(dataframe=df, label_column='Survived', \n                                estimator='RandomForestClassifier',           \n                                type='rfe', max_features=10, \n                                min_features=2, scoring= 'accuracy', \n                                cv=5)\n```\n\n### Model Training\n\n```python\nfrom autopilotml import training\n\nmodel = training(dataframe=df, label_column='Survived', model_name='SVC', problem_type='Classification', \n                target_scaler=None, test_split =0.15, hypertune=True, n_epochs=100)\n```\n\n### MLFlow - Track the Model Training and model Parameters\n\n```python\n!mlflow ui\n```\n",
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Elapsed time: 0.14504s