
Nameforcealign JSON
Version 1.1.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Python library for forced alignment of English text to English audio.
upload_time2024-04-07 04:20:11
authorLuke Kerbs
keywords force align forced alignment audio segmentation audio forced alignment python forced alignment phoneme generate subtitles
requirements annotated-types anyio appnope argon2-cffi argon2-cffi-bindings arrow asttokens async-lru attrs Babel beautifulsoup4 bibtexparser bleach certifi cffi charset-normalizer click clldutils colorama colorlog comm contourpy csvw cycler debugpy decorator defusedxml Distance dlinfo editdistance executing fastjsonschema filelock fonttools fqdn fsspec g2p-en h11 httpcore httpx idna inflect ipykernel isodate isoduration jamo jedi Jinja2 joblib JPype1 json5 jsonpointer jsonschema jsonschema-specifications jupyter-events jupyter-lsp jupyter_client jupyter_core jupyter_server jupyter_server_terminals jupyterlab_pygments jupyterlab_server kiwisolver konlpy language-tags lxml marisa-trie Markdown MarkupSafe matplotlib matplotlib-inline mistune mpmath munkres nbclient nbconvert nbformat nest-asyncio networkx nltk notebook_shim numpy overrides packaging pandocfilters panphon parso pexpect pillow platformdirs prometheus_client prompt-toolkit psutil ptyprocess pure-eval pycparser pydantic pydantic_core pydub Pygments pylatexenc pyparsing pyphen python-dateutil python-json-logger python-mecab-ko python-mecab-ko-dic PyYAML pyzmq rdflib referencing regex requests rfc3339-validator rfc3986 rfc3986-validator rpds-py segments Send2Trash setuptools six sniffio soupsieve stack-data sympy tabulate terminado tinycss2 torch torchaudio torchvision tornado tqdm traitlets types-python-dateutil typing_extensions unicodecsv uri-template uritemplate urllib3 wcwidth webcolors webencodings websocket-client
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # ForceAlign 
ForceAlign is a Python library for forced alignment of English text to English Audio. You can use this library to get word or [phoneme]( text alignments to English audio. In short, forced alignment is the process of identifying the specific time a word (or words) was spoken within an audio recording. ForceAlign supports forced alignment for .mp3 and .wav audio file formats.

For phoneme level text alignments, ForceAlign currently only supports the [ARPABET]( phonetic transcription encoding. 

ForceAlign uses Pytorch's WAV2VEC2 pretrained model for acoustic feature extraction and can be ran on both CPU and CUDA GPU devices.

## Features
- Fast and accurate word and phoneme level forced alignment of text to audio.
- Is optimized for both CPU and GPU.
- OS independent! Use ForceAlign on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

## Installation and Dependencies
1. Pip Install ForceAlign
	- `pip3 install forcealign`
2. Install ffmpeg
	- Mac: `brew install ffmpeg`
	- Linux: `sudo apt install ffmpeg`
	- Windows: Install from [](

## Usage Examples
To use ForceAlign, instantiate a ForceAlign object instance with your specified audio file and corresponding text transcript. 

**Example 1: Getting Word-Level Text Alignments**
from forcealign import ForceAlign

# Provide path to audio_file and corresponding transcript
align = ForceAlign(audio_file='./speech.mp3', transcript=transcript)

# Runs prediction and returns alignment results
words = align.inference()

# Show predicted word-level alignments
for word in words:
	print(word.word) # The word spoken in audio at associated time
	print(word.time_start) # Time (seconds) the word starts in speech.mp3
	print(word.time_end) # Time (seconds) the word ends in speech.mp3w


**Example 2: Getting Phoneme-Level Text Alignments**
from forcealign import ForceAlign

# Provide path to audio_file and corresponding transcript
align = ForceAlign(audio_file='./speech.mp3', transcript=transcript)

# Runs prediction and returns alignment results
words = align.inference() 

# Accessing predicted phenome-level alignments
for word in words:
	for phoneme in word.phonemes:
		print(phoneme.phoneme) # ARPABET phonome spoken in audio at associated time
		print(phoneme.time_start) # Time (seconds) the phoneme starts in speech.mp3
		print(phoneme.time_end) # Time (seconds) the phoneme ends in speech.mp3


**Example 3: Reviewing Word Level-Alignments**

You can use the review_alignment() method to check the quality of your alignment in real-time. The review_alignment() method will play the audio file and print the individual words at their predicted times. This is useful for heuristically checking the accuracy of the word-level alignment predictions.
from forcealign import ForceAlign

# Provide path to audio_file and corresponding transcript
align = ForceAlign(audio_file='./speech.mp3', transcript=transcript)

# Runs prediction and returns alignment results
words = align.inference() 

# Plays audio and prints each word in real-time at predicted alignment time.


## Use Cases
Forced alignment can be useful for generating subtitles for video, and for generating automated lip-syncing of animated characters with phoneme-level forced alignments. 

## FAQ
**1. Does ForceAlign have speech-to-text capabilities?**
No. This is a feature that I plan on adding soon when I have time.

**2. Can ForceAlign be used with both CPU and GPU?**
Yes. Running with CPU is surprisingly fast, and it will be even faster with GPU. 

## Acknowledgements
This project is heavily based upon a demo from Pytorch by Moto Hira: [FORCED ALIGNMENT WITH WAV2VEC2](


Raw data

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    "name": "forcealign",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "force align, forced alignment, audio segmentation, audio forced alignment, python forced alignment, phoneme, generate subtitles",
    "author": "Luke Kerbs",
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# ForceAlign \nForceAlign is a Python library for forced alignment of English text to English Audio. You can use this library to get word or [phoneme]( text alignments to English audio. In short, forced alignment is the process of identifying the specific time a word (or words) was spoken within an audio recording. ForceAlign supports forced alignment for .mp3 and .wav audio file formats.\n\nFor phoneme level text alignments, ForceAlign currently only supports the [ARPABET]( phonetic transcription encoding. \n\nForceAlign uses Pytorch's WAV2VEC2 pretrained model for acoustic feature extraction and can be ran on both CPU and CUDA GPU devices.\n\n## Features\n- Fast and accurate word and phoneme level forced alignment of text to audio.\n- Is optimized for both CPU and GPU.\n- OS independent! Use ForceAlign on Mac, Windows, and Linux.\n\n## Installation and Dependencies\n1. Pip Install ForceAlign\n\t- `pip3 install forcealign`\n2. Install ffmpeg\n\t- Mac: `brew install ffmpeg`\n\t- Linux: `sudo apt install ffmpeg`\n\t- Windows: Install from [](\n\n## Usage Examples\nTo use ForceAlign, instantiate a ForceAlign object instance with your specified audio file and corresponding text transcript. \n\n**Example 1: Getting Word-Level Text Alignments**\n```\nfrom forcealign import ForceAlign\n\n# Provide path to audio_file and corresponding transcript\nalign = ForceAlign(audio_file='./speech.mp3', transcript=transcript)\n\n# Runs prediction and returns alignment results\nwords = align.inference()\n\n# Show predicted word-level alignments\nfor word in words:\n\tprint(word.word) # The word spoken in audio at associated time\n\tprint(word.time_start) # Time (seconds) the word starts in speech.mp3\n\tprint(word.time_end) # Time (seconds) the word ends in speech.mp3w\n\n```\n\n**Example 2: Getting Phoneme-Level Text Alignments**\n```\nfrom forcealign import ForceAlign\n\n# Provide path to audio_file and corresponding transcript\nalign = ForceAlign(audio_file='./speech.mp3', transcript=transcript)\n\n# Runs prediction and returns alignment results\nwords = align.inference() \n\n# Accessing predicted phenome-level alignments\nfor word in words:\n\tprint(word.word)\n\tfor phoneme in word.phonemes:\n\t\tprint(phoneme.phoneme) # ARPABET phonome spoken in audio at associated time\n\t\tprint(phoneme.time_start) # Time (seconds) the phoneme starts in speech.mp3\n\t\tprint(phoneme.time_end) # Time (seconds) the phoneme ends in speech.mp3\n\n```\n\n**Example 3: Reviewing Word Level-Alignments**\n\nYou can use the review_alignment() method to check the quality of your alignment in real-time. The review_alignment() method will play the audio file and print the individual words at their predicted times. This is useful for heuristically checking the accuracy of the word-level alignment predictions.\n```\nfrom forcealign import ForceAlign\n\n# Provide path to audio_file and corresponding transcript\nalign = ForceAlign(audio_file='./speech.mp3', transcript=transcript)\n\n# Runs prediction and returns alignment results\nwords = align.inference() \n\n# Plays audio and prints each word in real-time at predicted alignment time.\nalign.review_alignment()\n\n```\n\n## Use Cases\nForced alignment can be useful for generating subtitles for video, and for generating automated lip-syncing of animated characters with phoneme-level forced alignments. \n\n## FAQ\n**1. Does ForceAlign have speech-to-text capabilities?**\nNo. This is a feature that I plan on adding soon when I have time.\n\n**2. Can ForceAlign be used with both CPU and GPU?**\nYes. Running with CPU is surprisingly fast, and it will be even faster with GPU. \n\n## Acknowledgements\nThis project is heavily based upon a demo from Pytorch by Moto Hira: [FORCED ALIGNMENT WITH WAV2VEC2](\n",
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