PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

smarttextdecorator 0.1.1 A cross-platform library for decorating strings and displaying them beautifully in the console. Generates and displays lines to the full width of the console with the specified text and a placeholder character. Generates and displays a line with the specified text, decorated at the top and bottom with filler characters along the length of the line. Use for beautiful design of console applications. 2024-06-30 08:45:41
commandex 0.2.3 A cross-platform library for creation, storage, management of commands and command packages. Execution of commands, parsing of files with command packages. 2024-06-16 09:18:46
smartcliapp 0.4.1 'Cross-platform library of tools for creating console applications, based on the click library.' 2024-06-16 09:15:02
smartprinter 0.2.1 'Cross-platform smart printer for console applications.' 2024-06-16 09:07:14
smartauthen 0.2.2 Smart, simple, lightweight, secure cross-platform authentication for any application. 2024-06-16 08:53:50
github-ssh-key 0.4.1 GitHub ssh key manager. Console utility for creating, getting, testing, using public ssh keys for GitHub. 2024-06-16 08:41:59
climan 0.2.1 Cross-platform config and manager for click console utilities. 2024-06-16 08:35:18
smart-redis-storage 0.1.1 Convenient work with Redis. 2024-06-16 08:29:39
clipassgen 0.5.1 Cross-platform console utility for generating cryptographically strong, recoverable, smart passwords. 2024-06-16 08:23:44
clipassman 0.6.4 Cross-platform console smart password generator and manager. 2024-06-16 08:08:50
smartexecutorlib 0.0.2 Smart executors. 2024-06-16 08:02:47
smartpathlibrary 0.1.2 Library for working with paths to files and folders. 2024-06-16 07:56:05
sysinfolib 0.0.1 Library for obtaining system information and user information.. 2024-06-16 07:47:17
commandman 0.5.1 Console utility for working with command packages. Storage, execution, autorun. 2024-06-15 04:31:15
getuserinformation 0.0.1 'Get USer Information - A library for get user information.' 2024-05-24 16:43:25
smartpasslib 0.4.2 'Cross-platform library for generating smart passwords.' 2024-05-24 03:24:03
smartrandom 0.1.2 Random Data Generators. 2024-05-24 03:10:41
outputdecorator 0.0.2 'Output Decorator - Library for decorating strings in CLI apps/' 2024-05-22 13:40:42
A.A. Suvorov
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