Name | Version | Summary | date |
certora-cli-alpha-nast-mutation-test | 20230905.8.3.707745 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-09-05 08:04:05 |
certora-cli-alpha-naftali-CERT-3254-method-supports-all-methods-in-scene | 20230829.17.24.993199 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-08-29 17:24:41 |
certora-cli-alpha-cnandi-csv-nit | 20230817.18.13.256370 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-08-17 18:13:26 |
certora-cli-alpha-cnandi-gambit-path | 20230812.2.16.70975 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-08-12 02:16:55 |
certora-cli-alpha-reentrancy | 20230807.19.35.246204 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-08-07 19:35:25 |
certora-cli-alpha-uri-eradicate-certora-dir | 20230801.15.42.608313 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-08-01 15:42:48 |
certora-cli-alpha-samwise-add-mutation-features | 20230726.20.23.790285 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-26 20:24:11 |
certora-cli-alpha-martin-z3-lemmas-test | 20230721.13.33.288325 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-21 13:34:00 |
certora-cli-alpha-antti-z3-lemmas-test | 20230721.6.59.265485 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-21 07:00:07 |
certora-cli-alpha-oz-pinnedgambit | 20230713.8.2.496097 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-13 08:02:54 |
certora-cli-alpha-oz-gambitlinux | 20230710.11.11.234001 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-10 11:12:14 |
certora-cli-alpha-shelly-fixgambit | 20230709.19.53.753095 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-09 19:54:20 |
certora-cli-alpha-martin-lemmas-test | 20230707.14.24.752858 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-07 14:24:23 |
certora-cli-alpha-oz-cli-by-os | 20230704.12.14.654666 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-07-04 12:15:21 |
certora-cli-alpha-cnandi-morpho-equiv | 20230627.12.25.24093 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-06-27 12:25:20 |
certora-cli-alpha-cnandi-equiv | 20230616.14.55.454503 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-06-16 14:55:22 |
certora-cli-alpha-martin-z3-lemmas | 20230614.15.18.228622 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-06-14 15:18:36 |
certora-cli-alpha-eytan-inline-instrumentation | 20230611.12.54.380387 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-06-11 12:54:19 |
certora-cli-alpha-shelly-whenwillitbeoverinternalfunctions | 3.6.8.post4 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-06-07 18:12:27 |
certora-cli-alpha-shelly-proverArgsNotPopulatedWithDualArgsFix | 20230604.21.12.34299 | Runner for the Certora Prover | 2023-06-04 21:12:16 |
hour | day | week | total |
46 | 1572 | 7334 | 285045 |