PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

igwn-monitor 1.2.1 Nagios (Icinga) monitoring plugins for IGWN 2024-02-07 20:29:09
igwn-archive 0.1.1 Utilities for interacting with the IGWN Software Archive 2024-02-06 16:15:13
pyomicron 2.0.11 Python utilities and wrappers for GW Omicron 2024-01-02 19:30:41
gwdatafind 1.2.0 The GWDataFind data discovery client 2023-12-18 09:19:43
igwn-auth-utils 1.1.0 Authorisation utilities for IGWN 2023-10-18 14:49:51
dqsegdb2 1.2.1 Simplified python interface to DQSEGDB 2023-08-25 09:07:44
ciecplib 0.8.0 A python client for SAML/ECP authentication 2023-08-03 17:50:57
gwosc 0.7.1 A python interface to the GW Open Science data archive 2023-04-20 11:19:43
gwtrigfind 0.8.0 Utility to find files archived by GW event trigger generators 2019-03-04 15:57:13
Duncan Macleod
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