PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

spacy-stanza 1.0.4 Use the latest Stanza (StanfordNLP) research models directly in spaCy 2023-10-09 07:10:26
spacy-alignments 0.9.1 A spaCy package for the Rust tokenizations library 2023-09-25 08:48:02
catalogue 2.0.10 Super lightweight function registries for your library 2023-09-25 06:29:24
srsly 2.4.8 Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python 2023-09-22 06:16:54
preshed 3.0.9 Cython hash table that trusts the keys are pre-hashed 2023-09-15 15:44:32
murmurhash 1.0.10 Cython bindings for MurmurHash 2023-09-15 15:13:58
spacy-loggers 1.0.5 Logging utilities for SpaCy 2023-09-11 12:26:52
spacy-lookups-data 1.0.5 Additional lookup tables and data resources for spaCy 2023-07-28 12:01:14
spacy-huggingface-pipelines 0.0.4 spaCy wrapper for Hugging Face Transformers pipelines 2023-06-02 18:18:03
radicli 0.0.25 Radically lightweight command-line interfaces 2023-06-02 16:54:12
cutlery 0.0.5 Lightweight piece tokenization library 2023-05-19 15:32:38
spacymoji 3.1.0 spaCy pipeline component for adding emoji metadata to Doc, Token and Span objects 2023-05-10 14:44:34
spacy-streamlit 1.0.6 Visualize spaCy with streamlit 2023-04-25 09:42:48
spacy-legacy 3.0.12 Legacy registered functions for spaCy backwards compatibility 2023-01-23 09:04:15
sense2vec 2.0.1 Contextually-keyed word vectors 2022-12-08 12:20:21
es-core-news-sm 3.1.0 Spanish pipeline optimized for CPU. Components: tok2vec, morphologizer, parser, senter, ner, attribute_ruler, lemmatizer. 2021-10-27 23:43:09
ml-datasets 0.2.0 Machine Learning dataset loaders 2021-01-31 02:36:39
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