PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pdfminify 0.2.2 PDF minification tool 2024-09-14 08:45:37
ewia 0.0.2 A library to calculate astrophysical object positions 2024-08-07 11:37:20
odsexport 0.0.1 Python-native ODS writer library 2024-06-27 21:44:29
pyexamgrading 0.0.1 Manage grade computation of university exams 2024-06-25 18:25:46
rebade 0.0.1 Restic backup daemon: a friendly frontend for restic 2024-04-23 19:36:35
makomailer 0.0.2 Versatile CLI-based tool to send mails rendered from Mako templates, supporting SMTP and IMAP 2024-01-21 10:30:38
pysuchsel 0.0.1 Native Python library to create and edit SVG documents 2023-07-04 22:37:09
pysvgedit 0.0.4 Native Python library to create and edit SVG documents 2023-07-04 22:28:53
pyradium 0.0.16 Creating HTML presentations with LaTeX-ish features from XML source 2023-06-21 20:58:17
toyecc 0.0.8 Elliptic Curve Cryptography playground/toolkit written in pure Python 2022-12-05 08:21:23
Johannes Bauer
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