PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

python-ffmpeg 2.0.12 A python binding for FFmpeg which provides sync and async APIs 2024-04-15 10:15:31
python-mecab-ko 1.3.5 A python binding for mecab-ko 2024-04-11 04:06:38
joblib-progress 1.0.5 A contextmanager to track progress of joblib execution 2024-02-18 07:42:27
python-chzzk 0.0.2 An unofficial Python library for CHZZK 2023-12-21 07:36:31
python-switchbot 2.3.1 A Python library to control SwitchBot devices connected to SwitchBot Hub 2023-04-09 05:37:17
gpugpu 1.0.2 gpugpu shows current statistics of GPUs and memory usage by running containers 2023-01-11 08:19:03
python-parsekit 1.2.2 A parser combinator for Python 2023-01-02 15:48:32
fastapi-query-conditions 1.0.2 FastAPI-Query-Conditions is a dependency that parses a query string into conditions using operators enclosed in square brackets 2022-12-18 05:32:12
python-mecab-ko-dic 2.1.1.post2 mecab-ko-dic packaged for Python 2022-12-14 08:41:53
Jonghwan Hyeon
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