PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

wykop 1.0.4 Python client for interacting with the Wykop API v3. 2024-04-16 18:36:47
chess-insight 0.3.4 Modern package for analyzing chess games. 2023-12-09 11:47:29
py-draughts 1.3.1 A draughts library with advenced (customizable) WEB UI move generation and validation, PDN parsing and writing. Supports multiple variants of game. 2023-10-02 14:46:45
fast-checkers 0.3.1 A checkers library for Python, with move generation and validation, PDN parsing and writing. Supprots multiple variants of game. 2023-07-11 09:46:45
easy-logs 1.1.2 package for easy colored logs with predefined configurations. 2023-06-08 07:18:25
miskibin 1.2.4 My personal package for colored logs. Highly customizable. 2023-06-06 12:40:06
Michał Skibiński
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