PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

geoh5-interop 1.0.0rc5 A meta-package that groups together packages for interoperability between GEOH5 and other file formats. 2024-06-07 16:58:57
peak-finder-app 0.1.0rc2 Peak Finder App 2024-06-07 14:20:06
curve-apps 0.1.0rc3 Find edges on 2D grids or vertices. 2024-06-07 13:48:40
simpeg-drivers 0.1.0rc2 Application to run SimPEG inversions with geoh5 files from Geoscience Analyst. 2024-06-07 05:30:43
octree-creation-app 0.1.0rc3 Octree creation app. 2024-06-07 04:30:30
petro-lingo 0.1.0a1 Petro Lingo application 2024-04-23 15:56:21
targeting-workflow 0.1.0a1 Data-drvien workflow for targeting 2024-04-19 20:08:54
geoapps 0.11.0 Open-sourced Applications in Geoscience 2024-01-11 19:16:57
mira-omf 3.1.0 API Library for Open Mining Format 2024-01-10 23:51:01
param-sweeps 0.1.6 Parameter sweeper for ui.json powered applications 2024-01-10 23:48:29
geoh5py 0.8.0 Python API for geoh5, an open file format for geoscientific data 2024-01-09 22:17:51
geoapps-utils 0.2.0 Geoapps Utils 2024-01-02 18:42:48
las-geoh5 0.1.0 Las/Geoh5 conversion 2023-11-07 18:23:31
Mira Geoscience
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