PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

live-plotter 4.1.0 Plot live data that updates in real time using matplotlib backend 2024-09-21 17:08:13
du-v2 0.1.0 More useful version of du 2024-07-13 09:00:43
clean-loop-timer 0.2.0 Easy-to-use timer for profiling complex loops in dataset generation and neural network training 2024-05-07 20:31:08
video-montage 0.1.0 Easily create a video montage (either a sequence or a grid of videos) 2024-04-09 04:22:27
plot-and-log-memory-usage 0.0.1 Scripts for logging CPU and GPU memory usage and subsequently plotting for analysis and debugging 2024-01-13 10:52:47
split-screen-recording-by-monitor 0.0.1 Split a screen recording video file into N video files, one per monitor 2023-12-15 05:09:43
plot-memory-usage 0.0.1 Create a live plot of the CPU or GPU memory usage of your system over time 2023-11-24 02:36:37
clean-ffmpeg-python-utils 0.0.2 Easy-to-use ffmpeg python utils with simpler arguments 2023-10-08 04:03:40
cached-property-with-invalidation 0.0.2 Decorator to create cached_property that can be invalidated when invalidation variable is updated 2023-10-07 23:51:04
no-global-nonlocal-vars 0.0.2 Function decorator that ensures that no global and no nonlocal variables are used, making Jupyter notebooks much safer 2023-10-07 23:50:02
Tyler Lum
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