PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

zope.error 5.0 An error reporting utility for Zope3 2023-07-06 06:13:09
zope.dublincore 5.0 Zope Dublin Core implementation 2023-07-05 07:16:19
zope.size 5.0 Interfaces and simple adapter that give the size of an object 2023-06-30 06:24:34
zope.principalannotation 5.0 Annotations for Zope Principals 2023-06-29 06:21:38
zope.deferredimport 5.0 zope.deferredimport allows you to perform imports names that will only be resolved when used in the code. 2023-06-29 06:19:32
zExceptions 5.0 zExceptions contains common exceptions used in Zope. 2023-06-28 06:04:52
zope.event 5.0 Very basic event publishing system 2023-06-23 06:28:35
Missing 5.0 Special Missing objects used in Zope. 2023-06-21 06:19:55
z3c.checkversions 2.1 Find newer package versions on PyPI 2023-06-02 14:32:14
zope.location 5.0 Zope Location 2023-05-25 06:29:03
ZopeUndo 6.0 ZODB undo support for Zope. 2023-05-17 06:49:37
zope.structuredtext 5.0 StructuredText parser 2023-05-09 06:13:24
z3c.jbot 2.0 Drop-in template overrides. 2023-05-04 14:37:56
zope.keyreference 6.0 Key References 2023-04-25 07:23:37
zope.datetime 5.0.0 Zope datetime 2023-04-25 06:14:12
zope.contentprovider 5.0 Content Provider Framework for Zope Templates 2023-04-14 06:28:21
zope.component 6.0 Zope Component Architecture 2023-04-14 06:04:48
zope.ramcache 3.0 Zope RAM Cache 2023-04-06 06:30:30
zope.viewlet 5.0 Zope Viewlets 2023-03-27 11:46:20
zope.traversing 5.0 Resolving paths in the object hierarchy 2023-03-27 11:43:16
Zope Foundation and Contributors
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