PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

hatch-argparse-manpage 1.0.0 Hatch build hook plugin to generate manual pages 2024-04-24 21:08:18
hatch-gettext 1.1.0 Hatch build hook plugin for GNU gettext 2024-04-24 03:25:29
sopel-ipython 0.1.0 IPython console plugin for Sopel IRC bots 2024-04-19 21:52:12
pelican-markdown-include 1.0.4 Pelican plugin for using the Markdown-Include extension 2024-04-14 11:32:00
pelican-linkclass 2.1.4 Pelican plugin to set anchor tag's class attribute to differentiate between internal and external links 2024-04-14 10:01:21
snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm-jobstep 0.2.0 A Snakemake executor plugin for running srun jobs inside of SLURM jobs (meant for internal use by snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm) 2024-04-11 14:21:52
repl-python-wakatime 0.0.11 Python REPL plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity 2024-04-08 17:50:33 1.1.0 Fancy Tasklists, for Markdown-IT-py 2024-04-08 00:51:47
spyder-modelx 0.13.6 Spyder plugin for modelx 2024-04-06 10:02:02
pytest-plus 0.7.0 PyTest Plus Plugin :: extends pytest functionality 2024-03-26 17:00:28
hexabyte-entropy 0.1.4 An entropy plugin for the hexabyte hex editor. 2024-03-24 20:41:39
cmem-plugin-mattermost 2.2.0 Send messages to Mattermost channels and users. 2024-03-24 14:02:01
hexabyte-extended-info 0.1.3 An extended info plugin for the hexabyte hex editor. 2024-03-23 22:32:09
pyrostep 2.11.22 A Python library to handle steps in pyrogram framework. 2024-03-23 09:13:33
dynacir 0.1.4 A Qiskit transpilation plugin for `dyna`mic `cir`cuits. 2024-03-22 18:44:21
mkdocs-asyncapi-html-plugin 0.3.4 mkdocs plugin to generate pages from asyncapi spec files 2024-03-22 17:42:26
flake8-picky-parentheses 0.5.5 flake8 plugin to nitpick about parenthesis, brackets, and braces 2024-03-22 14:11:51
textual-universal-directorytree 1.5.0 A Textual Directory Tree for all File Systems 2024-03-20 17:46:42
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