PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pywebexec 1.6.11 Simple Python HTTP Exec Server 2025-02-03 22:24:34
tir 0.7.2 Static site generator for the minimalist 2025-01-28 20:53:56
open-web-calendar 1.45 Embed a highly customizable web calendar into your website using ICal source links 2025-01-24 23:32:15
hoardy-web 0.22.0 Inspect, search, organize, programmatically extract values and generate static website mirrors from, archive, view, and replay `HTTP` archives/dumps in `WRR` ("Web Request+Response", produced by the `Hoardy-Web` Web Extension browser add-on) and `mitmproxy` (`mitmdump`) file formats. 2025-01-17 16:42:32
llama-index-readers-web 0.3.4 llama-index readers web integration 2025-01-17 01:26:34
recipe2txt 0.5.3 Scrapes recipes and converts them to txt or markdown 2025-01-11 15:59:05
hoardy-web-sas 1.8.0 Simple archiving server for the `Hoardy-Web` Web Extension browser add-on. 2024-12-16 11:09:23
domonic 0.9.13 Generate html with python 3. DOM API, Javascript API and more... 2024-12-08 01:03:37
logya 5.2.2 Logya: easy to use and flexible static site generator. 2024-11-30 01:05:57
anchovy 1.0.1 A minimal, unopinionated file processing engine intended for static website generation. 2024-10-23 12:47:39
WebAppify 0.5.1 Create desktop apps of your favourite websites 2024-09-27 16:27:30
staticjinjaplus 3.0.0 A sweet spot between staticjinja and a full-blown static site generator. 2024-09-09 21:28:20
django-distill 3.2.7 Static site renderer and publisher for Django. 2024-08-30 14:07:07
pywebinfo 1.0.2 A Python module to simply extract metadata (title, description, image, favicon) of a webpage 2024-08-26 16:33:03
stellapy 0.4.0 Streamline your web dev experience with stella - reload for the terminal as well as browser. 2024-07-15 15:11:49
gedhtml 0.0.3 Converting GED files to static web pages. 2024-05-16 07:05:12
geniusbot 3.29.6 The Ever-learning and ever-improving tool! 2024-05-09 03:52:09
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