PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

permetrics 2.0.0 PerMetrics: A Framework of Performance Metrics for Machine Learning Models 2024-02-24 07:58:00
graforvfl 1.0.0 GrafoRVFL: A Python Library for Maximizing Performance of Random Vector Functional Link Network with Gradient-Free Optimization 2023-12-05 02:16:19
metaperceptron 1.1.0 MetaPerceptron: Unleashing the Power of Metaheuristic-optimized Multi-Layer Perceptron - A Python Library 2023-12-03 03:15:51
reflame 1.0.1 Revolutionizing Functional Link Neural Network by Metaheuristic Algorithms: reflame - A Python Library 2023-11-26 04:21:07
metacluster 1.2.0 MetaCluster: An Open-Source Python Library for Metaheuristic-based Clustering Problems 2023-11-10 16:20:09
mafese 0.1.9 MAFESE: Metaheuristic Algorithm for Feature Selection - An Open Source Python Library 2023-08-07 11:14:05
nlptest 1.5.0 John Snow Labs provides a library for delivering safe & effective NLP models. 2023-06-16 12:53:33
modelreport 0.2 A lightweight library to get the all classification metric scores. 2023-04-19 12:07:29
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