PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

zebrazoom 1.34.60 Track and analyze zebrafish and animal behavior 2024-09-27 07:34:17
zzdeeprollover 0.0.9 Detect rollovers in zebrafish larvae 2023-10-10 13:16:06
tvb-framework 2.8.2 A package for performing whole brain simulations 2023-09-19 08:26:52
IUCN-API 0.1.6 A Python client for the IUCN Red List API 2023-08-22 16:10:07
tvb-rest-client 2.8.1 A helper package for preparing and sending requests towards the TVB REST API 2023-05-23 18:41:28
tvb-library 2.8.1 A package for performing whole brain simulations 2023-05-23 18:41:23
tvb-bids-monitor 2.8.1 A helper package containing BIDS directory monitor module 2023-05-23 18:40:36
tvb 2.0.0 This namespace is only redirecting to tvb-library 2023-03-10 10:12:56
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